ok first thing i see that attracts my eye is the color.purple-orange gradient map?if so lower the opacity a bit down.its a perfect fradient as i use it alot in my tags but when its set at 100% it doesnt look that well.the 3 whites square dots on the top right corner seem out of place to me.the little pinkish brush next to sora seems a bit bright.i like the effects you did though.and the stroke on the stuff next to sora is good touch.text,is too small for me to read and no idea what it says.thats prob how ya wanted it though.maybe a orange color for the text would have suited the tag perfectly.you should have erased some of the sharpen,especially in his eyes.other than that its a nice tag bro.
its good but a little too edgy for me. But the contrast is awesome, its almost to the point of it being the same color yet you can tell the difference between skin and air perfectly 9.5/10
The pic was b&w, so I wanted to give it alot of color, and make it not look faded. Thanks alot, Eclipse.
I love the dark colors,it goes good with sora.And the little little orb goes really good with all the dark.Great job,I like it.
I'm okay with most of it. The text could have been better blended with the sig. Perhaps on Overlay? I can't figure out what else I wanted to say since I'm too sleepy. Will edit post when more awake.