Original - I think it's better, because it looks more... I don't know what the word to describe it really is, but it looks better to me, because I just like hand-drawn pictures, but I also enjoy photoshopped pictures, but out of the two, this has to be my favourite. Coloured - Still good, I like the way it looks really professional, and in some ways it's better than the original, because it's nice to see some form of colour in a picture. But, to me, I prefer hand-drawn pictures, but this one is still good. *Is jealous of your drawings skills*
The colored one looks like a character off from TWEWY. That is good. ^^ *purrs* Once you grow up, go and join Square-Enix! XD You should be accepted definitely!
Not perfect, but pretty good. I have no advice at this point because it's clear you're far better than me and know what you're doing already. Well, keep up the good work.
I agree ;] Thank You :3 Yes he is from TWEWY It's Sho Yeah .. maybe I should go and join xD Thank You :3 Thank you and I will keep it up :3 I agree xD I but more effort in Edward Thank You :3