Good luck Amaury! Don't get nervous and all tense, make sure to socialize and make new friends! You can do it! <3
Orientation for college ? Wazzat ? Oh no, wait, I think I saw that in Buffy once. You fill a bunch of personality tests and the results tell you what kind of job would suit you best, am I close ?
Cool, hope it is/was nice! Speaking from experience, don't worry if you don't like orientation much; I really did not have a good time at mine (not to scare you -- yours might be good haha) but when college proper began I really liked it.
Orientation was fine, and I'm fine now, but what made me more nervous was thinking about that I'm going to have to pay back my loan... and if I can't find a job...
I mean... Starting a career is essentially what college is for. I don't know what you're thinking of studying, but maybe talk to an advisor about job prospects/ways to get ahead in securing a job in the field(s) you're interested in? You may have to be proactive about it, go to job fairs etc. And get scholarships/grants if possible! As for getting a job before then, you just need to be persistent, I think... Colleges tend to have lots of student/campus jobs available, so be on the lookout (maybe check the school's website?).