Well, I'm filling out the Common App right now and it makes me want to punch a baby, and I was curious: For those of you applying for college next fall, how far are you in the application process? What kinds of activities and stuff have you done that you're putting down, where are you getting your recommendations, what did/are you writing your essay about, etc. And for those in college or even already graduated, what did you do for your applications?
The thing about my applications was that it was all on the internet. we had to just fill out requirements like your birthday, mailing address. If you had to do anything extra the school would tell you, such as portfolios and interviews. some people had to do an essay. My best friend made up so lame ass essay about how she like worships buddah to get into a university. she is like not even religious but it was pretty funny
I got into college by going to high school while homeschooled. Seriously, I didn't sign any application. I just filled out some paperwork like a Statewide Agreement thing and other stuff, and I take classes and get it done. Lucky for me, I didn't have to do anything like an application or essay. Although, I'm not sure what you would even need to do for an essay
They give you five questions I believe, the last one usually letting you choose a topic of your choice. It's basically just a way for them to get a broader scope of your personality instead of just having you app to look at, and it'll let them see how you'd interact and stuff when you do go to college. Anyway, I am about halfway done with the Common App. I'm looking to major in Psychology, and am applying to two schools in my city, University of Buffalo, Alfred University, Penn State (Beherend and University Park), University of Maryland and Harvard (lololol). I'm not actually sure on what I'm going to write my essay on, but I am pretty sure there is a chance it will end up being about KHV. >_>
right now I'm just working on my Associates Degree, but I'm hoping to get into 3D Animation. Not entirely sure what I should do for a minor. My mom always says I should do music, but I only play piano as a hobby. I wish I could do Literature, but I haven't even finished my story, let alone gotten through any good portion of it. I'm probably only like 2% through my book, if that
I'm only planning to go to community college for the first two years, then I'll transfer somewhere else. Because of this, the application process isn't as stressful as it would be for more serious colleges... to be quite honest I've not even started yet. <_< In English we are doing a segment on college essays, so if the application requires one I'll just submit what I wrote for that assignment. It was about feelings and Animal Collective. :v For activities, I'm not exactly the extra-curricular buff, but I was in Anime Club for two years (would have been the third & fourth year but we disbanded :l), Book Club for one, and I'm in National Honor Society. I'm... not too concerned about not getting in, haha.
You wanna know what's really interesting? My American Government teacher actually has a class on Anime. I don't know what you could do with that, but I want to take that class, if not just to get credits
Oh sweet Jesus I gotta think way back now...I've been a college grad for a year now. I remember applying to five state colleges, and each one sent me this little packet about 4 pages long like a job application. They wanted to know what my GPA was, extracurricular stuff (at the time, just newspaper club and National Art Honors Society), all kinds of junk. Then the essay question was usually something kind of random, like "If you could have dinner with any three people, living or dead, that made a difference in some manner, who would you choose and why?". I remember getting three or four of those kind of questions per app. I don't think they were any more complicated than that, I didn't dare apply to any Ivy League schools like Yale or Harvard (didn't have the money). Since I didn't do much in school that they would have looked at, I put down a lot of stuff I did outside of school. Like I was a girl scout for 10+ years (HUSH YEW, I loved every moment of it), did volunteer work at my church, and listed other skills I had. I remember the fees the most, though. At $25 a pop, they bled little ol' minimum wage me dry. But I really only focused on schools that had a good education program so I could get my Elementary Education degree. The one I went to in the end did it the best and offers me 5 years to go back for my Master's (I graduated with a Bachelor's). I ended up getting two degrees, one in Education and the other in Spanish.
$25 for a soda? Highway robbery right there. I just go over to the gas station and buy a liter soda along with a candy or something. And if I were asked my Highschool GPA, I couldn't give it, since I don't know what it is. And I don't even know how you tell what a homeschooled highschooler's GPA is. And that whole having dinner with 3 people? That's kinda stupid. But whatever, every college is different
$25 per application, I should have said. I forget that pop means soda or coke elsewhere. Spoiler Unless you're yanking my chain or something, cause now I feel like an idiot.