Cold Heart

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aura, Nov 17, 2009.

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  1. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    Inspiration: The book Brave New World
    NOTE: If you find a few things unclear, it’s fine. Kind of did that on purpose. If you don’t understand something, go head and ask me, and I’ll try explaining it as best as I can.
    Credit goes to Squishy-face for the title. 8D Yes, I just called you that and you know who you are. B|

    A society where everyone can be accepted and not be treated as trash, where everyone was perfect and had absolutely no flaws, isn’t that what society wants? Perfection. Somehow, a small group of people have been able to achieve the perfection they craved. They gave themselves the name Iota and among the people they rule, one of them is considered a God. When human kind was practically annihilated and they were the only ones left, this one person had the ability to create these new human beings, making them all the same. This one person basically rules the world and decides whether or not more should be made, who should die, who should live, and even when they should die. Old age does not exist, natural death does not exist and neither do the emotions humans once had. The only ones with emotions are the Iota. If anyone below them shows any sign of emotion, they are quickly annihilated. There are five separate groups that determine who are superior and who are “lower class.†The only thing the Iota fear is that once one begins to rebel, everyone else will follow.

    Out of all of the new humans, those who are Omegas are considered superior and those who serve under the direct orders of the Iota. They’re the most advanced and intelligent out of all the other groups. They’re supposedly spoiled and they’re usually the ones that have to annihilate those that show any sign of emotions. Either them, or one of the Iotas, depending how “critical†the situation may be. They travel wherever they want and have absolutely no boundaries.

    The group that’s just below the Omega. Although they’re the second higher ups, they don’t really do much. If someone from Iota wants one of them to do a certain job, they are contacted by the Omega. They are like the lieutenants.

    The Kappa are considered the subordinates. They follow the orders of both the Omega and the Alpha. Although, they are contacted more by the Alpha. They are the ones who “watch over†the new society.

    “Citizensâ€. The Beta are free to roam around as they wish. Since they are considered “citizensâ€, they do have certain rules they must follow. The Omega, Alpha and Kappa watch everyone in Beta and anyone else below them.

    The most “poorest†of all the other groups. They are looked down on the most and even some of the others believe those in Zeta are useless. Although, there have been some that have been able to “prove†themselves, causing them to be moved up to either the Beta or the Kappa. Never the Omega or Alpha, rarely does that happen.

    They are rarely seen, but are spoken about a bit frequently. Even though they are not seen out in public, they do watch over everyone and everything.

    1. No god-modding/powerplaying.
    2. Good grammar and spelling, please. And, no constant one-liners. A few times is alright but not post after post after post.
    3. Keep everything PG-15...ish.
    4. No controlling or killing other’s characters without their permission.
    5. Three characters max. If one dies and you already had the limit, I won’t count it against you.
    6. Fill everything out in the OC form. Even if you have to put “N/Aâ€.
    7. Try not to post so many pages while I’m gone.
    8. No, you may not be an Iota. I control them.
    9. For the appearance, if you’re going to use a picture, please use a link.
    10. Please do have fun.
    11. If you have any questions, you may VM or PM me. Which ever is fine.
    12. If I add anymore rules, I’ll let you guys know.

    (Only three because I have a feeling everyone will want to be an Omega.)
    1. Lia Leon



    1. Belle Price
    2. Isabelle (Izzy) Grey


    OC Form
    Group(Omega, Alpha, etc.) :
    Weapon (Optional) :

    Username: Aura
    Name: Lia Leon
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Group: Omega
    Personality: Extremely independent and a bit serious. Due to being an Omega, she takes things a bit seriously, but knows when to slack off every once in a while; she just doesn’t do it very often like others may do. Other than that, she’s strong willed and caring.
    Bio: When Lia was first born, she was put under the group of Zeta. Due to that group being treated differently than the rest, Lia had ignored any kind of insults or stupid remarks and told herself she was proud to be a Zeta. But for some odd reason, when she reached the age of thirteen, the Iota had moved her up to be an Omega. She didn’t understand why they had done that, but she figured she might as well accept it and do what is needed to do. While being an Omega, she noticed the things that happened around that she had never paid attention to while she was a Zeta. Eventually, she began to have a feeling as if something was just waiting to come out.
    Weapon: A rapier and a chain that she carries around her waist.
    Other: N/A

    Username: Aura
    Name: Belle Price
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Group: Beta
    Personality: Gentle, kind, caring, and warm-hearted. Some even look at as if she were a saint, but she knows she isn’t. She likes helping others in any way she could and even takes care of younger children who are Beta and Zeta. And due to her gentle nature, she comes off as a pacifist.
    Bio: Belle was born as an Omega but refused to do any work that would involve killing anyone or fighting against her own kind. Because of it, she was lowered as a Beta but she did not care and was much happier as a Beta. She tends to be treated a bit unfair or is harassed since she has the blood of an Omega, but she ignores it and lives on with her life. Ever since she was lowered as a Beta, something had told her that the society she lives in was not perfect, no matter how much they were told it was. She had never told anyone of that feeling, except for someone she had fallen in love with who was an Alpha. Secretly, they met whenever they could and had the dream of leaving together to get married. But, the Iota had found out about the Alpha and killed him immediately. Somehow, Belle wasn’t discovered of having emotions they weren’t supposed to have and survived from being slaughtered. The only person that knew of what she felt towards the society she lives in was her dead lover who agreed with her.
    Weapon: N/A
    Other: N/A

    Username: Spunk Ransom (:
    Name: Isabelle (Izzy) Grey
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Group: Beta
    Personality: A good person at heart. She is very open with people and comes off a little strong when she first meets someone. She cares deeply for the people that she trusts and hates it when they are hurt.
    Bio: As Izzy grew up, she was a rather shy child. She tended to keep to herself and never associate with anyone other than her parents. She very seldom talked, and when she did it was very few words. Now that she is older she has learned to become more open, and has lost almost all of the shyness she had as a child. Although sometimes she can be a bit too open now.
    Weapon: N/A
    Other: Blinds (:​
  2. Spunk Ransom you're already perfect

    Oct 29, 2006
    Username: Spunk Ransom (:
    Name: Isabelle (Izzy) Grey
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Group: Beta
    Personality: A good person at heart. She is very open with people and comes off a little strong when she first meets someone. She cares deeply for the people that she trusts and hates it when they are hurt.
    Bio: As Izzy grew up, she was a rather shy child. She tended to keep to herself and never associate with anyone other than her parents. She very seldom talked, and when she did it was very few words. Now that she is older she has learned to become more open, and has lost almost all of the shyness she had as a child. Although sometimes she can be a bit too open now.
    Weapon: N/A
    Other: Blinds (:
  3. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    I laughed. XDDD You're in. 8D We'll probably wait for two more people and then we'll start.
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