Codebreaker DAY1 Codes

Discussion in 'Code Vault' started by thealphamale, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. thealphamale Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 23, 2008
    Hey there all you great Kh-Vids people out there in the wide wonderful world.

    I am looking for DAY1 files for the codebreaker cheat device (V8.0+) and i wanted to ask for some requests off of people who may have made their own DAY1 files for ps2 games. I have a PAL system but i do have NTSC games so if you would gladly contact me on my MSN account that would be awesome

    cheers guys
  2. DjC Chaser

    i should start making day1 files and upload them, well i guess i could make a pal one, wat codes do u want anyway?
  3. Soraoscuro Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 27, 2007
    Spain, Ibiza
    Sorry for being a little noob about this, but what's the Day 1? I always saw it on my codebreaker but i never known what was it.
  4. DjC Chaser

    day1 is a file for ur cb that contains the codes from day 1 of the realese of the codes, basically u can download a day1 file, and not have to manually put in ur codes, so ur downloading codes for ur cb
  5. thealphamale Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 23, 2008
    Well of course i would be seeking the KH 1 and 2 codes as this forum is what it's all about. ummm well can i ask for:

    -> Champions: Return to arms (PAL)
    ->Final Fantasy X (PAL)
    -> Final Fantasy XII (NTSC)
    ->Need For Speed Pro Street (PAL)
    ->Warriors Orochi (PAL and NTSC)

    I know that you're only able to make PAL but anyone else with teh codelists for NTSC that you have made yourself I would greatly appreciate it.

    PM me about it please.

    Thanks guys
  6. antisora999 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 11, 2008
    how do you make day 1 files?
  7. thealphamale Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 23, 2008
    I think we will let DJC answer that one for us. I do not know how i have looked over the net how to but i can not find anything so DJC if you will.............. :)
  8. computernorman12 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 20, 2008
    Make Your Own Codelist

    Check Out This Program I Found When I Was Searching On websites for somthing that would let me or anybody else make up their own codelist for codebreaker and for this to work you can either type the codes in or copy and paste and if you need help read the readme file i highly recremend looking at the readme file before starting.
    when your done drag your codelist file and the upgrade.bin file into your usb root folder then you stick the usb in with the files before you stick in the codebreaker disk the upgrade.bin is for if you have a codebreaker version higher than 7.

    Attached Files:

  9. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    don't bump a topic just to add in such a useless comment like that.
  10. codebreakeronly1234 Traverse Town Homebody

    Ok On the codetwink website there is a program that makes it. WINDOWS ONLY, i tried to run it on my mac with darwine.. its just not compatible.

    Here is the link(you have to register though)

    Ummm what else...

    You have to have a codebreaker v7 and up. not v10 it WONT WORK. and not v9.2, unless its the anti-modchip HDloader patched version.

    A sample code.

    "My Game Name" <--- put you game name in the quotes eg "Kh2"
    Enable Code <------ The name of your code
    $901516F8 00832021 <----------put a $sign in front of each line.
    Infinite Money <------code name
    $6026BA30 00001027 <-----See?
    $00010001 0001F44A <------ and again here because it is multilined
    !Character 1 Codes <------ The ! makes the line green like a divider
    Max/Infinite HP <------ same as normal
    $2026BA30 00000098
    Max/Infinite MP
    $2026BA34 00000063
    // 1 Total Games <------ Im not sure if this is neccesary or it is made when you build the file.

    If you have anything bigger than v7 place the upgrade in the usb, it wont show up, but it will load automatically.

    Oh! and a SLIM ps2 wont work because it uses a USB program that the CODEBREAKER wont recognise....

    if you use this make sure to include all of the codes you ALREADY have on your codebreaker, beacuse it will delete them and use only the ones on the USB. and if you upgrade again, place all the cheats you want to keep AND the new ones on teh USB, any cheats not included in teh file will be deleted
  11. Kima Moogle Assistant

    May 22, 2009
    Thanks heaps for that link codebreakeronly.

    BTW thealphamale was my old account, i could never find my pass for it again so yeah.... I made this one.