No Thanks Code vault lost of post counts

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Jasper Cullen, Jun 23, 2009.

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  1. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    It's spam, but dead spam. It's from days of olde when literally every section was that spammy, be them having posts counting or not. By this logic we would have to disable posts counting in every section that has been around since the 2006-07 days. There's also the fact that... Who cares? Most of the members from back then are long gone anyway, to them it won't matter whether they have a high post count or not, so why even make them not count? *sits down and ignores the rest of the discussion*
  2. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Every section that allowed an abundance of spam, not just any section. If it adds to post count, and it is spam, then it is a problem... Which is the basis for this argument.
  3. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Oh no, I wasn't saying that lol

    I was referring to one liners and other examples of spam like what you were talking about.
    The actual paragraph long discussions etc should definitely count. For sure.
  4. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    I'd be for using the mod for the Code Vault as well as the RP Arena. Also...

    Maybe there could be a Code Discussion subsection added to the Code Vault? Similar to how the RP Discussion subforum is set up. Since people have expressed that they want to discuss codes, and those posts are fairly lengthy, they should count imo since it is legitimate discussion.
  5. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    But that's what every section from 06/07 has. I looked at the first thread linked and I remember seeing loads of threads that were spammier than that and I have my reasons for believing they are not gone. But yeah, why care? This was four or even five years ago, the forum was a completely different place, the members were different and the staff was different. Why would you care making posts not count that were mostly just posted by people who do not even visit anymore? Why does it matter? What do we lose and what do we gain from ignoring it? Why care?
  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    are you serious? did you make this thread because you're mad i deleted TWO your posts? because that's how it's coming off to me now. i actually suspected that right off the bat but i didn't say anything because i didn't think you would do that. your posts were deleted because they would cause the thread to veer off into something the thread wasn't about and really were not helpful to anybody. yes, sometimes posts are wrongfully deleted but i don't feel that's the case this time. sometimes there are unintentional inconsistencies when dealing with things, but i ask that you please trust my judgement.
    this too
  7. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    Eh, I do not really care. However, if the spam level in one section is worse than in others, no matter the year, then the argument is invalid, and that seems to be the case with the Code Vault.
  8. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I agree with this. The discussion section is a great idea and you're exactly right there.

    And as for using the mod. With that sort of attitude, it may as well be used in every section with posts which count. Just adjusted accordingly, but meh.
    I dunno if that'd ever happen and I doubt people would want it to.
  9. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009

    Alright nice assuming. I referenced something that happened recently because that is what you wanted right? Not three year old threads. That isn't why I made this thread btw. I am just saying seeing easy replies that don't take any effort what so ever isn't fair to the rest of the site. I was just simply saying that the definition of "spam" in the code vault is clearly different. I would be glad to post tons and tons of codes that don't work and get free posts off of it. You could cheat the system to no end doing that and just having that option available isn't right. You can't easily do that in other sections. Also why would I make a thread asking to remove posts in general if I was worried about my post count.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    it seemed to me that it was something along the lines of "what? my posts were removed?! if i can't have more post count NOBODY CAN!!!!!" the timing of this thread was also very suspicious given it was made just one night after i deleted posts. but i digress and apologize since that doesn't seem to be the case

    but the thing is, nobody actually does that. it seems from this thread that there was one person who did that but it wasn't really enough people for it to be that much of a problem. also, its' just as easy to abuse posts in other sections as well. for example someone who can make up a sob story in the "Help with Life" section and is very vague so that they can explain themselves in a few more posts. and remember that stupid "Obama is Dead" thread that everyone flocked to? should we just remove posts from Discussion because everyone who posted got 1 extra count for posting in that thread? also, somebody could simply spam the Kingdom Hearts Help section pretending to need help but actually doesn't. but anyways, it doesn't seem like this is an ACTUAL problem (it seems more like a hypothetical one) aside to this supposed ONE person which is why i'm confused as to why this is even being brought up.
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    To clarify, enabling/disabling post counts in a section is not necessarily retroactive--until we rebuild the post counters. Which I'm assuming has not been done in quiteeeeee some time, if ever, as it is a rather server intensive process, and if you're not having problems it's really not necessary to run.

    However, if posts are set to be counted in a section where they have not counted, and it is a large section, rebuilding the post counters would jack up people's post counts. Likewise, if posts are suddenly set to not count, and we rebuild the post counters, post counts would go down.

    So all this "posts that previously counted will continue too, all new posts will not" would only work until we rebuild post counters. I'm not willing to make promises on that, as they may have to be rebuilt for some reason or other, at some point.

    Moving on. From what I understand from this thread, only one person abused the system by intentionally posting faulty codes, which I assume has stopped. Should others be suspected of doing that, a member of the Coding staff should speak to them, bring it to an end, and delete posts as they see fit. That is why they are there. If anyone has issues with the moderating job they are doing, they can take it up privately either with them or another staff member.

    As for using the proposed mod for the RP section in the Code Vault, I do not support that. I have been testing it before enabling it in RP (and further testing is needed), and it does not seem to count BBCode. While I would need to test it to be certain, there is a possibility that it would not count the characters contained in the [noparse]
    [/noparse] areas. Therefore, those who are posting long (but working) codes could potentially not receive the count they deserve.

    As for old threads, it's the past. There's no reason to go digging through it years later. I would rather spend our time moderating the current threads/post than ones posted years ago. You can find examples of 'spammy' posts anywhere, if you go looking.

    A Coding Discussion subsection (or perhaps sticky at first, to gauge popularity/interest) is fine with me, if you all would like to discuss that further please start a new thread.
  12. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    To the people that work hard to make posts and attempt to hit premium having a huge "spammy" thread isn't fair. Over 20,000 posts I think it was and most of them aren't even close to being grammatically correct or even have a minor sense of logic. Having low quality posts counting just because they are from "old khv" doesn't seem fair. I talked to several people when I was a coder and not one of them thought it would be a bad idea to get rid of the thread. It isn't worth documentation as everything in there is out dated to the extreme. Well I suppose that is just my opinion and one voice (so to speak) probably won't change much.
  13. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    This section is here to hear from our members, if the one voice has a strong enough argument and gathers support it's not as if we'll ignore it.

    Anyway, as I said, that is up to the moderator(s) of the section. What you judge as a spammy post and what they judge as a spammy post may be two different things. The final decision is up to them; if you feel it needs to be brought to their attention, by all means do so, in the proper manner. But I don't believe there's much purpose in moving backwards. It's no sentimentality to "old KHV" or anything along those lines, I'd just rather Coders spend what time they have here going through new threads and responding to new posts.

    And, well, of course it's outdated... it was posted years ago.
  14. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    It isn't moving backwards. Besides I don't see much of anyone moving forwards in there anyway. People are re hacking things from a long time ago which just so happens to break the rules but that keeps on going and going. Plus that section needs to move on. PS2 is old news. It seems I was the only one to ever do anything with new games with a few exceptions to that of course. I give people tons of credit for what they do in there but at this point there isn't much else to do with those old games. Coders back in the day said KH1 and KH2 was hacked dry and that was close to 2-3 years ago. So why keep the really really old stuff that won't ever be used? If I knew it was alright to delete those threads I would have deleted them before I resigned. Plain and simple there is no need for them at all. Also coders get the same crap every day. Someone asks for something that is on the front page and we move on and nobody posts for a good hour or so. Its how it is. At least do something with the code vault as its current state well with lack of a better word, sucks.
  15. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    If working codes are posted in the thread, there's no reason to delete them. If we do that we might as well delete all of the threads that have, say, BBS theories, or -anything- outdated. It's like an archive; reading through old things like that is interesting for some, it's good to have things on record at times, and there's got to be at least someone who hasn't tried some of the KH1 & KH2 codes that would like to. The threads & codes should remain for those people, regardless of the age of the game.
    As staff members--or really members in general--it is their duty to direct people towards threads/posts (or in this case, codes) that the user may have missed, no matter how obviously placed they might be.

    If you have suggestions on how to improve the Code Vault you are welcome to post them, but just saying it "sucks" and leaving it at that really doesn't help anything.
  16. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Well this is fun.

    Anyway if you take a look at that thread most of those codes are outdated or are very sloppy in location which is why there are 3-4 newer versions of it. So if we already have threads for it why keep it here. Also I was just giving my honest opinion. I can't spend all my life trying to hack random stuff and based on the amount of time I have already spent on the code vault I have a right to voice my opinion.
  17. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    That's all well and good, but this is the 'suggestions' forum; as such, we would like to keep it to suggestions.

    As I have said, though, if you find a thread/post that is in need of moderation, bring it to the attention of the moderator of the section. A simple PM would suffice.
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    this times a million. please just do this. luxord, you have never ONCE approached me when there were problems. the first time i ever hear about these problems is when you start ranting about them in the Suggestions section. if there are problems just let one of us know, and we'll work with you to deal with it. i'd rather people do that than to backseat mod.
  19. ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ Chaser

    Jan 13, 2009
    Backseat mod are you kidding me? I was the only active and most active coder for a good amount of time. Don't even give me any of that. You have no right to tell me to approach you when I rarely see you around. The only coder I actually approach about this stuff is NarutoSuperKubii (he goes on a lot) and we talk very frequently about stuff in the code vault on msn. So in response I do approach staff about stuff like this. Just because it isn't you doesn't mean I don't do it at all.
  20. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    that's just false. i am online and check the forums everyday fyi. i don't always sign in, but i do check things out, i assure you, i am there.

    ok, but can you approach me as well? i will be willing to work with you to deal with problems if you bring them to my attention. because it's harder to see these problems after the fact.
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