I'm not sure if it counts as an anime, but i was just wondering how many of you guys like the show. most of my frinds find it boring and tend to make fun of the character's big foreheads. Anyway, feel free to discuss here. :D
It's called "French" anime 'cause well, it was made in France. However, it's not anime because it wasn't made in Japan. Yes they do have big foreheads. And they are drawn very "liney".
It as kinda gay in the first season, until Xana started possesing humans. And the last episode was sweet where they show William in lyoko with a huge *** sword. o.o
it's a shame that William was possesed on his first mission too. I liked his sword. Yumi should have trusted him more though.
I've heard of it, and seen some of it, but What exactly is it about??? I was planning on watching it (along with teen titans) but never got to it, on either of them. :(
The first season is about this girl named Aelita who's trapped in a virtual world called Lyoko. This other kid, Jeremie, is like a genius and trying to find a way to bring her to the real word so the shut down the evil supercomputer program know as XANA. Eventually, they get Aelita in the real world, but she is infected with a virus that will kill her if XANA is shut down. In season two, Jeremie and his friends try and find an antivirus for Aelita. That when XANA starts trying to steal her memory in order to escape Lyoko. The season ends when XANA finally succeds and escapes the supercomputer. Season three revolves around the group trying to find a way into the internet and stop XANA once and for all. William also joins the group, but he gets possesed by XANA and the group has no way into Lyoko now. Now I feel like a toral geek for knowing these things, but it's actuall a great show once you get into it. Teen Titans is too.
So, Jeremie is the blonde guy with the glasses right!!! And Aelita is the pink haired girl with the Elf ears right. I hope I am right, otherwise, I would be really cunfusded. Well anyway, thanx, um, Do you know what time it's on, that and Teen Titans, that way I might start watching them. Teen Titans seems really popular, and I always go past Code: Lyoko.
Pics of season 4 Its not on in the US anymore not until season 4 comes. But there are DVD and you can find some eps on Youtube.
Dang right he does. XD Code Lyoko was awesome. I can't see it anymore for some reason. It kinda sucks.
When Code: Lyoko first came out that was all I talked about. I saw the preview/comercial for season 4 on youtube. I screamed when I saw that they gave Odd cat ears :3 He looks so much more like a cat that way. It also looks like they are making them older and taller in odd's case. I find that a good things so then I can still think Odd is adorable
I've finally found it! A discussion on Code Lyoko on KH! No wonder I couldn't find it, it was in anime... Anyway, back to subject, here's a weapon guid for those who don't know. William (???)- A large Zwieback sword Odd Della Robbia- Laser Arrows Yumi Ishyama- A Geisha fan Ulrich Stern- A solo Katana- Two Katanas Jeremie Delpois- No weapon, unless you count communication and the "Super Calculator". Aeilia Stone/Hopper- Energy balls, energy shields, creativity. Since so mnay here are fans, maybe some might be able to help with the wikia on the subject? PM me for the link.
I've kinda watched it a bit. It's pretty fun actually, but I think it can be a tad boring aswell since from the episodes I've seen it's only these tiny small monsters running after them :3