I know their are other threads like this, but does anyone really want to bump threads now? no so anyway. I am watching Code Geass (you guys got me really interested in it :) ) I have to say, when people love this anime I can see why, this show kicks so much ass. My favorite character is Lalouch (of course). What's your guys favorite character? If you had the power of Geass, what would you do with it?
If I could, I'd marry Lelouch in a heartbeat. I really like how the creators made this anime. I'm the type of person who really enjoys the corruption of governments and rebellious acts because I don't know.... it's just really interesting to me. I think this storyline was amazing. If you haven't finished the series yet then I won't say anything about what happens but I thought the ending was great. <3 I really love Lelouch because of his determination and he's just hot. This show to me was a mix of Death Note and Gundam Seed. If I had the power of Geass, I would get Lelouch's power but without his limits, such as the "a person can be in control of the geass once" because in all honestly, where is the fun in that?
So I'm also gussing that if you like shows or movies with corruption in goverment, I'm gussing you also like V for Vendetta, sorry for getting off topic. Anyway I would just control people to do what I want, which kind of reminds me, if Lalouch could control people only once with Geass and he wanted to do it more, why didn't he just say to them "do whatever I say for now on" that kind of makes more scence.
I love this show. Lelouch was a genius. In fact, one of my favorite epic lines of all time from any media is the end of the first episode of the English dub. When Lelouch gets his power and uses it for the first time to kill all those soldiers and he has that horrified look on his face, and then he smiles deviously and says "Well, then." I actually got shivers from watching that. Besides, Johnny Young Bosch<33 My only problem would have to be Suzaku's athletic ability, I mean, talk about exaggerated lol. Oh, and when (DO NOT CLICK IF YOU HAVEN"T FINISHED BOTH SEASONS) Spoiler Lelouch erased Shirley's memories, I almost cried ;~; that scene was so sad. And then when she died</3 Rolo is still a beast though. I would definitely have either Lelouch's or Rolo's power. Lelouch because..seriously, think of the possibilities. Rolo's "time" geass would also be great, I would do so much. Andn the whole "power of the kings" reference that C.C. makes about the power is a nice metaphor.
Spoiler I cried more when Lelouch died D: I was crying waterfalls. I was soo depressed after the show. It made sense of why he wanted to do it which made it a great ending but I was just crying and crying LOL I think Suzaku's athletic ability was greater because Lelouch didn't run for **** xD