Just finished Code Geass, and i have to say it's probably, if not the, most emotional right next to Gurren Lagann. And while I do say the ending wasn't as sad as some of the others, it was certainly depressing having to see that sort of thing. I think it'll be a while before I watch this anime again, just so I don't end up tearing up again so soon. Spoiler You might hate me for saying so, but I'd have to say Rolo's death scene was the saddest. It made me tear up the most and I was almost full on crying for the kid. Oh great, just thinking about it is making me upset again; here come the tears. It's definitely one of those anime you don't want to end because it's so good.
It's been five years since I finished it. It was also one of the most popular series of the years it ran so if someone hasn't seen it yet, I don't care about their feelings because they're a casual.
Spoiler I'm ok with his death, but the way Lelouch reacted to it made no sense. During the entire show he wanted Rolo dead, and when it's finally happening he's sad about it. It might be because I haven't watched it in a while, but it still doesn't make sense. =/[DOUBLEPOST=1369540540][/DOUBLEPOST] Spoiler Orange tended to his oranges. XD
Spoiler I think it might be because even though he wanted Rolo dead, and after being so upset about losing Nunnally, when he was faced with the Black Knights and was ready to die, and when Rolo came to save him, and then the epic scene in my opinion about how Rolo was doing it as a human and not as a tool like he was acting before, I think Lelouch finally understood and accepted Rolo as his little brother. That's why he made the grave for him. A lot of people can't get over the fact that he killed Shirley, but he did have a rough past being used, and he was originally an assassin just to kill, so when Shirley found out he probably just didn't want anyone getting in his way, but when he risked his life as a human instead of a tool, I think he redeemed himself largely, if not more than enough. He knew the risks, and yet he still kept going, because to him that year was the first life he had, and he was willing to fight for it. Not yet, but it's on my list of anime to watch. Is it another good one? I'm thinking of going back and finishing GUNXSWORD, but guilty crown might be next
Yeah, I think if you enjoyed Code Geass so much, you might really enjoy GC. 8) I didn't have high expectations for it myself, but it was pretty good and kind of gave me similar vibes.
Hmmm ... The main character does a lot of growing up, and though his initial intentions / goals aren't as glamorous as Lelouch's, he ends up pulled into the whole 'rebellion against the government' thing. Then you have the whole ~ mysterious girl ~ and the unusual power the main character is granted + drama and emotional scenes, and mecha fights and action lol. Not to mention the OST is incredible.
Yeah, the OST in Code Geass was great as well. And while it's not the actual OST, like normal instrumentals and stuff, I've actually gotten a good majority, maybe about 3/4 of the insert/opening/ending songs from all of the show