If you're wondering, yeah. That's a pretty huge deal when it comes to medicine.
This is pretty amazing. I heard that this can help to cure some pretty serious illnesses. If this is improved upon, it really will change medicine for the better.
This is pretty amazing. I wonder what the Church will say about this, especially with all the baggage they have about Stem-Cell research.
Exciting. Very exciting. But knowing what I know, and just going off this quote from the article: "In so doing, they have managed a feat that has at times been thought impossible, then inevitable, then completed, then incomplete and unfeasible"--I have to take this with a grain of salt. Scientists in the field do tend to flip-flop with regards to their overall progress.
And we move further down the line where we should not cross... As long as it's for stem cells okay, but I'm not cozy if they to artificially grow a human being.
I believe it can be used to cure many deseases, also possibly grow limbs that have been amputated, if I'm not too wrong.
They haven't made fake human clones, they have made an embryo which creates stem cells. It shouldn't grow to be human.
ohhh, so cloning cells for like new organs and recovery right, phft, ive know about this for a long time... and why do they not make new humans?
Because why. We've got plenty of perfectly good humans already. And when I say "plenty," I mean "overpopulation levels" (in some areas).
Knowing this it kind of scares me.... If they are able to create full human beings this way the military might start using it to their advantage I think... Even though it would be really good and helpful when it comes to medicine I think it will be used for wrongful purposes... I'm also kind of glad because that means that we are closer to helping people who are handicapped be able to walk again and even be able to artificially make organs so that others could live such as livers, hearts, etc... That would be cool but just the thought of it scares me because it would still be a living person that is being used for others gain...
The technology is magnificent, and the fact that they've reached it this quickly is absolutely amazing. Less then a half century ago, something like this was a sci-fi fantasy, and now we have it in our grasp. I don't think that it's a good thing though. The technology itself is fantastic, but considering the times as of late, as well as a lot of mishandling of things, I have a lot of trouble seeing too much positive coming from this when it's in the hands of the current people that are in charge. I think that in the long run, it'll open the gate to certain things that people won't be able to resist, and instead of it being used for the right kind of purpose, it'll only end up causing more problems. Hell, now that the research is complete, I can only wonder just who will actually be able to have access to the kind of treatments that are said to stem out from this.