which do you prefer: Simple, fun games that define gaming or Hi def games ... basically, Atari, NES and Sega master or PS3, Wii and Xbox360?
I'd say Classic, someone gave me a disc with classic mege drive games on it, and being able to play old games again, is just great, like being a kid again.
Classic games are fun to play when you're in the mood to reminisce or just enjoy some oldies. But I'm definitely preferring the HD age. But let's face it, we definitely want the future to be exactly where it's been going. I enjoy the good ol' Tetris for NES every now and then, but I definitely wouldn't want it to stay there forever. I anxiously await what HD has in store for us next.
I'll give classics it's props to start the generation of gaming, but it's the modern that will totally surpass them.