Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Marluxia912, Jan 26, 2012.

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  1. Marluxia912 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 7, 2008
    Cybertron, Vos
    ♫The Twisted Minded Ringmaster, Amaya Tsukiko♫

    Amaya was the one to end the show and dismiss the audience, asking them to drop by Dark Woods Circus for another show. She highly doubt it, but some members of the crowd looked like they enjoyed themselves. All and was a good first show. Sure, they lost a few people in the audience, all thanks to the fear implanted into them from the earlier performances. But, it went well nonetheless. Backstage, every thing was much more calm than it was earlier. Their performers looked like they just wanted to drop dead. Probably from how nervous they all were. All of them except Flandre of course. She seemed to be the only one still excited, even after the show was over and her turn had gone by.

    Amaya sighed quietly as she crossed her arms. "Flandre, we're going to have another talk about you and your destructive ways. I know the tent wouldn't have...collapsed after you broke that beam, but repairs are not cheap" she told the girl. Not only was she about to lecture Flandre about her act, she was trying to stop her from annoying Victor. Her fellow Ringmaster was an...unpredictable man. At least, that's how Amaya viewed him. She never knew what was on his mind, or what he would do next. Most of the performers would stray away from him, while their Scarlet Devil...well, she was a totally different story.
  2. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    "Flandre, we're going to have another talk about you and your destructive ways. I know the tent wouldn't have...collapsed after you broke that beam, but repairs are not cheap." Oh come on. Petals can make the wooden stands regrow the holes and Stitchy can sew up the tent." Flandre said innocently. As for the pole, I can go slice down one of the trees in the forest and shape it just like the other one!
  3. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Ella had been laying on her front on her flower watching the rest of the show from backstage. She enjoyed doing that, the pressure was off her so she could simply watch the other acts and relax. She tried not too show it but it took a lot of effort to do what she did in the performance and she needed a bit of time afterwards to recover. This gave her the perfect excuse to be quiet and relax without anyone noticing. As the show ended, she rolled over onto her back and sat up. She watched Fladre answer to Amaya, she wasn't too pleased about being suggested to do work to clean up their mess but she did say anything about it. Instead she simply asked the two ringmasters, "So how'd we do?", with the smile never leaving her face. She thought it had gone alright, there had been mixed reactions from the audience but nothing unexpected. However, what really mattered was what the ringmasters thought and she couldn't help feeling a little nervous when she asked them, even if it didn't show.

    The flower she was on slowly tipped forward, allowing her to get off it easier, though she did not move for the moment as she waited for a response. She paused, "Oh and I hope you don't mind but I'm going to leave this flower here for our next performance. Its out of the way so shouldn't cause any problems. It just takes me a lot of energy to grow such a big plant from scratch, this will save me a lot of work. I hope that's okay" She added on, hoping that would be fine. She really did not want to get rid of it, just to have to grow it again not long after. She actually didn't like the fact she had to get rid of all her plants after she'd made the effort to grow them though she understood the reason why. It would be a little silly if she left the stage full of plants when people had to perform after her, especially fire boy.
  4. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Mai was hanging around at the treeline at a small fire she had started using her elements when she noticed a long-black haired girl wandering around. Hmm. Something tells me she isn't just here for the show, since she isn't leaving with the rest of the crowd. She looks cold too. Mai decided to try and talk to her. "Hey there! You look a little chilled. Why don't you come and join me here?"
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    As soon as the show was over, Sammy left along with the rest of the audience. It was now nighttime and it was completely dark. Being in the middle of the woods didn't help with the already present fear in her heart. She felt bad for the kids that attended the show. No doubt they would have nightmares for days to come. She wasn't sure if the circus had already provided lighting the way out, though the pyrokinetic probably could do it easily. If they didn't, she assumed it was to add to the fear inspiring atmosphere. To leave through the dark of the woods and to try not to get lost. Screw that. thought Sammy as she pulled out her flashlight. It was quite bright and many people were thankful for it. Thankfully, Sammy remembered that it was a straight trek through the woods. Thinking back on it, she wasn't sure how it was such a clear path, but she assumed that the circus did it. Magic did it. Anything that can't be explained? Magic. Impossible happenings? Magic. Miraculous conclusions? Magic. It was all magic. The easiest way to explain the impossible. Soon they were just about out of the woods, though Sammy had caught sight of a somewhat bright light up ahead. It seemed to sort of sway and bend. A fire? This close to the woods? What, are you trying to start a forest fire? Freaking idiot... thought Sammy annoyed at the negligence of others. When she got closer, she could see that it was a lone girl that was at the fire. She had even offered her to join her. Assuming that she, herself, was cold. The jacket Sammy wore was quite warm, and it wasn't that cold of a night. "No, thank you," replied Sammy briskly. She had to go back to the place she was staying at and do some things.
  6. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Unlike last time when they were waiting for the show to start, Sky had decided not to sit by himself just so he could clearly hear how everyone did. He didn't care that much on how he did, but he was interested on what the ringmasters had to say about the others. "So, was our acts a suscess or what?" He asked as he waited for an answer.


    While the rest of the crowd left the circus, Gray had decided to wander around someplace where he wouldn't get in trouble to think about what he had saw. That performer with the white hair, it couldn't of been him. Yet they looks so much alike. He couldn't get the possiblity that he might of saw his brother there out of his head. Why would he even be here in the first place? Either way there was nothing he could do about it now. As he looked around to see how dark it was outside, he found that he had no clue which direction lead back to the city. Great, now what I'm I suppose to do.
  7. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    I came to see the Dark Woods Circus
    The performance by the one they called "Petal" was one of the nicest smelling experiences that Cal had ever gone through in his life. To be honest, she seemed like she was the most normal performer he had seen so far, but all of them were wonderful. He wondered to himself if they liked doing what they did.

    After Petal's act, came a fire-base performer, one called Flare, did an awesome, but kinda hot, performance. He had summoned a phoenix, which was one of Cal's favorite animals, and then a dragon appeared, and oh man . . . it was just awesome. Cal loved this circus, and he was glad that he had come with Sammy.

    The next performer was one that was called "Stitches", and Cal could tell that she was the most odd-looking one out of all of the performers, no matter who came next. Still, he didn't think any less of her, he thought she was rather amazing and contemplated his own life for a little while during her performance of literally pulling herself together. He had to admit, regardless of all her stitching everywhere, she was quite pretty, but he wondered if she had been born like that or if she had somehow gotten like that.

    And then it was the final act - a performer named Night Cross. As the final act, Cal was quite interested in the person who would close the show, so he was on the edge of his seat, watching for this Night Cross intently. The lights had all turned off and there were murmurs from the crowd. Cal strained his eyes, letting them adjust for a little bit, but then the lights came back on after a few moments and his pupils dilated to become smaller. Cal spotted, center stage, a figure kneeling down in front of their shadow. He quickly found that it was a girl, and she reached down to pick something up, but then her hand sunk and Cal's eyes widened - she dragged her own shadow out of the ground. It did everything she did, and Night ripped the shadow's arm off, then turning it into mush in her hand.

    With a flick of her wrist, the shadows of the people in the front row stretched enough to reach the stage, and Cal almost wished he was sitting up there. The stretched shadows stood, taking human form and he saw Night smirk, and the shadows distorted and started breaking. He could hear shudders and cringes all around him, but he was mystified by it. With her hand over it, the glob animated, taking over her arm, and then having eyes and a mouth - it looked angry . . . She threw it and Cal stood unconsciously to watch it. It went through the bodies of the audience, but it seemed to notice him and came through him as well. He was left with a cold, shivery sensation that was very unpleasant, but not at the same time. He watched in amazement as his own shadow lifted, only to be eaten by the glob and once it was done, it went back to Night in a flash. Then . . . she ate it. Cal wondered to himself how it tasted.

    After eating it, her body became encased in the darkness, and the only thing he could see of her were her white eyes, nearly glossy orbs. She closed her act the same way she opened it - in darkness.

    He was interested in her, he knew that much. And no, not in that way, but in the way that he actually found something interesting about her. He wanted to meet her - but he wondered if they would notice him staying behind. Would he get in trouble? Maybe.

    The rest of the crowd was shrinking, all heading home, undoubtedly. Perhaps he should go home too, but . . . his mom. Well, she was probably in too much of a drunken haze to even notice anything anyway. Still . . . there was a reason he wore the eye patch.

    Giving one last look at the place where the performers kept to, Cal decided to leave. Hopefully, there would be another show.
  8. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Mai Tokiha, the Flames of Salvation

    An hour later, after the sun had gone beyond the horizon, Mai stood. She had waited long enough. Summoning her elements, she held her right arm toward the flame and made a sweeping motion, arcing her hand outwards extinguishing the fire. Alright then. Time to see if I can find that doll. Under the cover of darkness she flew over the tent towards the rear. She reached the center, where that insane crystal-winged girl had made cinders out of the main hole. "This is probably my best bet of getting in without being noticed." Mai whispered to herself. She went inside, sticking to the shadows, and began her search for the one they called Stitches.
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Ringmaster Dragos

    Victor snapped his fingers. With that, Flandre's powers were suddenly stripped from her. "Let this serve a lesson for you on respecting the tent." Victor spoke lowly towards the performer. Flandre was the one they had the least control over and the one he would often reprimand. He turned his back on her without saying another word. He passed by Ella and gave her a short glance. "Keep the flowers around. I rather enjoy seeing some greenery around here anyways." Victor directed towards Ella before continuing forth. "It was a good performance you all gave aside from the mishap from Flandre and...some unnecessary display of emotion." The last comment was directed towards Stiches. Victor had little else to say as he left the others, being more quiet than usual. He had other things on his mind.


    "Wonder what's up with him." Holden muttered, watching as Victor left the tent. He pulled the fedora off his head and tossed it off to the side, watching as it vanished before ever hitting the ground. The performance hadn't bothered him in the slightest. It was just his memories that still pained him. Holden took in a deep breath and crossed his arms, shaking his head slowly. 'I'm really messed up.' He looked at the others that were still around. "Gonna get a bit of fresh air. Maybe go for a walk. Anyone's welcome to join." Holden tugged at the suit he wore, unbuttoning it and throwing it off as he walked--of course the suit vanished as well. Underneath the suit was just a plain white hoodie that he had barely managed to tuck in under his "show-suit".
  10. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Flandre fell to the floor, as her powers had been removed and her wings obviously wouldn't help her stay airborne. "OW!" She yelped as she landed hard on her pride. She sent a deadly glare in the direction of the retreating ringmaster. "I'll get you one day...Just you wait!" She then stomped off to her private section of the tent.
  11. Marluxia912 Destiny Islands Resident

    May 7, 2008
    Cybertron, Vos
    ♫The Twisted Minded Ringmaster, Amaya Tsukiko♫

    Amaya sighed quietly as she watched Victor leave the tent. Oh, well. At least he complimented their his own special way of course. She then turned her attention to the others while crossing her arms "Besides the damage that was done, it was a good first performance. Considering this was our first time acting in front of the public. Everyone did well" she reassured then before turning her gaze towards Flandre, who's powers were temporarly 'shut down' thanks to Victor "As for you, Flandre...just because you suggested that the others fix the tent up, it was still your fault for destroying it in the first place. You're going to have to ask them and see what they think first before calling out their names. Ether way, you are helping if they do agree." Amaya added.
    With that being said, she turned away from the performers "You six are dismissed. You may do what you want, but do not stray far. We all know what'll happen then" she told them in a slightly darker tone. Although, she knew they couldn't wander far from the tent. It was impossible for them to escape. They were lucky that she and Victor had even considered letting them walk about instead of keeping them inside cages like the...'monsters' they really were.

    ♪The Shadow of the Circus, Night Cross♪

    Night watched as their ringmasters left the backstage to let them do what they wished. She was glad to hear that they approved of their performances...she was worried that they might've done something wrong. Seeing as how they lost some members of the audience. But maybe they saw that as a good thing. Brushing her dark lavander colored hair out of her eyes, she over-heared Flandre's words towards their more strict ringmaster and couldn't help but laugh just a little as she stormed out the tent. Night then noticed that Holden was heading out to get some air. That sounded good right now instead of being stuck in their 'rooming' tents. Basically, it was just the tents that they slept in after the shows were over.

    Getting up from where she was seated, she made her way over to Holden "I will join you. If...that is okay...with you" she said, while waving her hand slightly, causing her shadow to cover her upper body as it changed shape to cover her like a leather jacket. Most would think that the shadows and darkness was cold and unforgiving, but since she was the one to control the element, the cold actually warmed her up just a little
  12. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Sure, I'll go too." Sky said. If wasn't like he had anything to do here anyway. Reaching over his shoulder, he pressed the button the allowed his suit to come off without any trouble and leaving him in a blue hoodie and pants. Since he didn't have the convience to make his attire vanish like Holden, he had to make due with it bring able to stand on it's own. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't go all out with my display today. He thought as he pulled his hood over his head.
  13. Mnyuu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 16, 2012
    Aki watched as the final act engulfed the floor in darkness and before she knew it the show was over. Her heart pained slightly as she watched people stand up and made their ways towards the exit, their voices filled with awe and some disappointment that the show was over. She too stood up and followed the wave of the crowd taking one last glance at the interior of the circus tent then finally stepping out in the chilly air. She shivered and hid her face within the comfort of her sweater, absorbing as much heat as possible.
    Alright...if I was a circus ringleader, where would I hide my crew?

    She scanned the area to see if anything seemed out of place as the are slowly started to become more barren. Soon there was only about two families left in the area. She then decided to sneak a peak behind the tent.
    I wonder if I can get their autographs.

    She giggled with excitement as she wormed her way through the thicket of the trees and to the backstage area of the tents. Adrenaline pumped to her head and her breathing heavy.
    It's been a long time since I've done something this exciting.

    She paused. Voices from the outside caught her attention and she quickly burried herself underneath a bush. She peaked through the brush to see three people. Her eyes squinted to get a closer look.
    Hey, it's some of those circus performers!
    She squealed inwardly. Just my luck!
    Her eyes darted from each face to match their performance names, but the shadows of the night shrouded them in mystery making it hard to distinguish.
    Damnitt... I can't get enough light source to see their face. Not only that, but now I'm stuck here...
    She took a step back in order to get comfortable, but a twig snapped in the process.
  14. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    Stitches avoided looking at Victor as he walked passed them, her lips pressed together nervously as she rocked back onto her heels, with eyes glaring down at her dirty shoes. She heard Holden mention taking a walk and was tempted to join... that is, until she heard a couple of performers chime in before she could get a word out. She wasn't usually so anti-social. Tonight had just left her in a mellow mood. She had more on her mind than usual and she just wanted some peace and quiet. She couldn't wait to sleep, wake up, and forget about the sadness that had suddenly come over her.

    Instead of tagging along with the crowd, she shied away, taking a step backward. After a moment, she turned and began to walk in the opposite direction, deciding not to say anything about it. She didn't really want to be bothered with company. ​
  15. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Mai and the Doll

    Mai Tokiha, the Flames of Salvation

    Mai had been watching this whole incident unfold from above in very dark corner of the room. Finally! I can meet her! After making sure no one would take note of her, she flew after Stitches. Once they were out of sight of the others, Mai landed softly behind her. Dismissing her elements, she spoke to the doll. "Hello, I'm Mai! I saw your performance today and gotta say you were great..." Mai stops a few feet from where Stitches had stopped. "But I could tell you weren't feeling that way. I could see the sadness, the loneliness in your eyes. I want to know...If you don't like it here, why don't you lea-. Suddenly she remember the Ringmaster Victor's power he demonstrated with that girl they called Flandre. "...Or, can you leave?
  16. Midnight Star Master of Physics

    Jun 7, 2009
    Petal's face lit up as Victor said he liked the greenery and a couple of flowers appeared around her feet, she was also quite happy about the feedback about the show. She'd been fearing much worse. Anyway she watched as the two ring masters left them to their own devices, she liked the limited freedom they got but there was never anything to do and it just reminded her of how trapped they were. However as Holden left and invited them to come, she leapt at the chance. She jumped off her flower to follow him, "Count me in too" As she walked over to him, the plants that she was wearing as clothes grew thicker to cover more of her body in order to counter against the cold outside.

    She smiled slightly as she came outside, feeling the fresh air and the cool breeze against her skin. She liked being outside, she felt more free and in touch with nature with she had such a connection with. She took a deep breath, the dark did not scare her, not with all these trees around her. She was quieter than usual, even shutting her eyes to take in the sounds and smells of the area around her better. Doing this she noticed all the more when suddenly a branch snapped close by. Her eyes snapped open and she was looking round immediatly. "Is someone there?" She asked and put her arm towards where the sound had come from. She carefully yet quickly moved the plants and trees around the source of the sound, in doing so removing any cover for anyone hiding there.
  17. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Sammy wanted to go back to the bed n breakfast where she had rented a room in town, and take a shower, plan a course of action, and sleep. However, for whatever reason, she got the feeling that something stupid was going to happen regarding the circus and she had the choice of possibly preventing it, or not. She took a look back at the distant woods that she had left. The weird girl by the fire was gone, and so was the fire itself. The feeling persisted but, Man, they can just handle the consequences. Turning back again, she continued walking to the bed n breakfast. She was probably going to be doing something very stupid soon as well, but she'd rather it be a planned course of stupidity.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    "Don't worry, you're always welcome." Holden directed towards Night. He had sometimes worried that being the oldest of the performers, Flandre didn't exactly count, that he might have been intimidating. Sometimes he actually was since he had very little to say but when he did speak, it was normally something blunt. Holden opened his mouth to speak when the sound caught his attention. It was barely audible. He turned towards the direction of the sound and raised an eyebrow, knowing that it couldn't have been another performer or one of the Ringmasters. He was about to just leave it be when Ella used her power to move a bush out of the way, revealing a girl behind it.

    "It's a little late to be out. Show's over. Are you lost?" He asked, stepping in front of the other three towards the girl. "Though sneaking about like that, well..." Holden vanished from sight. "...It's pretty suspicious." Holden finished his sentence, now standing directly behind Aki. He folded his arms and shook his head slowly down at the girl.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    At first, the voice startled her. She wasn't exactly doing anything wrong, but she still felt bad from separating from the rest of them. She tensed up and opened her mouth to defend herself, until she realized the voice wasn't lecturing her. Her eyes locked on to a girl around her age with bright orange hair. She was asking about the performance. Stitches brought a hand up to move some loose strange from her face, her sewn up arm clear in view.

    "Um," She paused. Interaction from someone outside of the circus was making her nervous. She felt a bit overwhelmed, but at the same time, her eyes light up. She was nervously shifting around where she stood, eyes darting back and forth as thoughts raced through her head. She should ignore her? Who was this girl? Was she being serious, or did she just come to tease? What should she respond? What would Victor think? What about the Amaya?

    "Thank you for coming to the circus!" She chirped with a smile. It was genuine, for the time being. The stranger didn't radiate much hostility. The next part wasn't
    5100true, but she didn't think it would do much good to suddenly vent anything. "I'm afraid you've got it wrong, though. I'm perfectly fine! Just had a bit of an off day..."​
  20. Cloudrunner62 Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 6, 2011
    I live in Austin, TX
    Mai Tokiha, the Flames of Salvation

    "Mai was almost positive that wasn't the case. Her eyes were darting around more than Mikoto when she had eaten that spicy meal and couldn't find water. But, Mai decided, she'd play along. I don't want her to fall to pieces on me, literally or otherwise. "Oh okay, I can understand that. My name is Mai Tokiha. What happened and is there anything that I can do to help?" I hope she sees that I'm really and truly offering my help.
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