Hmm... As the 10th Anniversary of September 11th roles around, I'm certain we will definitely be hearing more about such matters...
So we turned our Turks into SOLDIER? Actually, that joke doesn't work. Never mind. I never thought about it before, but it's true. Drone attacks now don't seem as drastic as they did years ago. I wonder how the tenth anniversary of 9/11 is going to affect everyone's thoughts on national security as a whole?
I don't know about you, but it doesn't affect me in the slightest. Still, this is an interesting article to read
Well one thing is for sure; the US goverment will be very tense during that time. I believe i heard that al-Qaeda was planning a ten year anniversary attack. But i am uncertain of that...
You probably heard what I heard (well, read in the paper) which is that the US Government, specifically airports, have been tightening security like crazy in case al-Qaeda is planning a ten year anniversary attack. I mean, on the ten year anniversary of the US's worst terrorist attack that snowballed into the current state of the war of terror, made citizens paranoid about everyone with a dark shade of skin and a beard, and the first anniversary after we killed the man who is the face of that organization? A ten year anniversary attack would be a personal blow to us, which is why the US thinks they might have something planned.
Well and it doesn't help that bin Laden is dead, (Well it is for us but not for them) it only fuels their fury. It would be plausable but im not certain if the would take the same route of hijacking airplanes and kamikaze into national monuments. I would suspect a new form of attack, which is also why they may be tightening up security in general.
Well the CIA has turned into what Al-Qeada originally envisioned. A government that easily commits murders, are heretics of their own beliefs, where the CIA was once an intelligence gathering service has turned its back to become militarised. What happened on 9/11 shouldn't have altered what the CIA stood for, as gathering intelligence and using that against enemies of the country. Like Bueno said, its like turning spies into soldiers. America's whole military investment is outrageously unsubstantiated. It rarely has had need to defend its Borders since the aftermath of WW2. America spends the most on it's military then any other country of the world, with $700 billion being invested, whilst the country with the second highest military investment, China, spends $120 billion while the UK spends $60 billion. A developed country has more threat coming from electronic or biological attacks. Half that military money could be spent on research against those problems. Outrageous that the CIA are increasing the use of military force and procedure to get their jobs done.
I'm not sure if I find this good or bad. On one hand, getting rid of potential terrorists would prevent another disaster like 9/11/2001, but, on the other hand, I don't like hearing about people getting killed.
uhhh What??? Anyway I would rather have less people dead so killing off terrorists doesn't bother me at all.