Christmas time for Organization XIII

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Xaale, Dec 8, 2007.

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  1. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Okay this is a story about the Organization XIII and Xaale geting into the spirit of the holidays! Here's a little summary....

    Who: Organization XIII, Xaale
    What: The Organization preparing for the holidays
    Where: Castle Oblivion
    When: Christmas time

    First chapter coming soon!

    The rippling fields leading to the brown castle in the distance were covered in a thick layer of snow. The castle was Castle Oblivion, which was being decorated with twinkling rainbow lights by two figures.

    "So many of these lighs are dim," Xaldin barked in frustration down to Larexene. Her blonde hair normally sprouted up in two long strands resembling an insect's antenna, but today she wore a Santa hat to cover them from the biting cold.

    "The only dimbulb I see around here is you," she retorted coldly. Xaldin swore under his breath as the merry lights came undone from their posts on the castle roof. The black tatoos across his face were coated in small bits of ice, while more ice dangled from the tips of his obsidion hair.

    "Well, I don't see you helping me do this," he called down to her. She glared up at him, stating roughly, "My element is lighting. Yours is wind. You can be at higher elevations then I can."

    Xaldin growled back to her, "Lightning strikes high places. It comes from high places. So why not come to this high ploace and give me a break?"

    A crunching of boot upon snow caused the duo to turn around. In the process, Xaldin tripped and fell onto the bed of snow below him. Looking up, the wrinkled face of Vexen was grinning down at him.

    "This was amusing to see," he stated in a mocking tone. "You two remind me of a bickering couple. Then again, you don't have hearts, but still! Why do we get into the spririt of the holidays if we don't have hearts? That's the magic of it all!"

    Xaldin coughed, getting the snow out of his mouth. "Hey Vexen, why don't you do this? Your element is ice, and I'm sure the cold doesn't bite you like it does us."

    Vexen sighed, and said to him as if Xaldin knew nothing, "My dear friend, this job is only good for young bones. My old ones would crack and break. You wouldn't want thta, would you?"

    Larexene walked away, and she looked so angry that Xaldin could easily imagine steam flying from her ears. Xaldin tried to get up, too, but Vexen tutted to him, "No, no, no! You must finish your task first!"

    Watching Vexen walk away crushed Xaldin greatly. Then another figure came and he saw a beaming Xigbar.

    "Xiggy, you have to help me! I am not capable of doing this, and I know you can! Please!" xigbar grinned merrily down at him, his normal eyepatch replaced with a ball of holly. "Sure, no prob dude. I could do this in no time."

    How wrong Xigbar was.

    To be continued...
  2. Sadden Blood Warrior Lost in the mind! Help help me god!!!!! Their afte

    Jan 18, 2007
    In my own world *shifts eyes*
    sounds pretty good
  3. Love Kingdom Keeper

    Dec 14, 2006
    In a world where the sunset casts slender shadows
    Xigbar is going to do something bad , I can't wait .

    Nice story , Larxene's character is perfectly matched . :D
  4. Clawtooth Keelah se'lai!

    Mar 14, 2007
    lol Xiggy. So lets see. The christmas tree falls on Zexion. Marluxia Burns the cake, Roxas Trips on wires, Xemnas getts tied up in stiky tape, Xaldin falls off the ladder, Vexen gets knoked out by a snowball, Lexaeus gets hit in the face with a bauble and has to go to hospital with bits of glass in his face, Larxene gets electricuted by lights, Luxord falls off the 13th floor, Demyx freezes, Axel Gets frostbite, Saïx gets hit in the eye with holly and Xigbar gets his head stuck in the turkey. ahhh Christmas. That would be lol-funny.
  5. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Lol, I'll start the next chapter soon. I actualy got a funny idea for Xigbar setting up the lights from a parody called 12 things of christmas that really bother me and it shows organization members in each one. Number two is putting up the lightsand it shows Xigbar and every time he keeps saying something like, "Still putting up these lights" "what the hell is with these lights?!?!" or "I can't get these damn lights up!" Yeah...
  6. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Wow, that's good...the grammar, spelling, story...keep it up! It's awesome! XD :glomp:​
  7. coolgirl200 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    Awesome story! ^_^ I hear the 12 pains of christmas every year so that was all I was thinking when I was reading this o_o rofl "What?! We have no extention cords?!" Xaldin imagining steam coming from Larxene's ears... XD
  8. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Chapter 2 coming your way!

    Inside the castle were the other members of Organization XIII. In the top most chambers, Demyx, Axel and Roxas were chatting animatedly as they set up trees in the corners of the rooms. Axel was putting the last touches of glittering silver strands on the last pine tree of that room as a soft but sickening crash sounded behind him. Turning, his eyes were greeted by a fallen christmas tree on the young nocturne. Demyx's eyes looked pleadingly up at Axel whose lush green eyes dazzled with amusement.

    "Demyx, Demyx, Demyx," he tutted. As Axel narrowed his eyes, the dark green markings underneath them scrunched in unison, giving an intimidting look. Roxas chuckled as he helped lift the fallen tree off his friend. Reaching for Demyx's gloved hand, Roxas lifted the young musician onto his feet.

    "Thanks," Demyx muttered matter-of-factly. Roxas grinned, his face dancing in the sparkling lights on the tree next to him. Axel stood still, bored in watching hid friend embrace his enemy. The smell of pine needles wafted through the room, filling his senses and brining him comfort. He shouldn't let his anger out yet...

    Outside the howling winds grew fiercer and harsher as Xigbar tried desperatly to string the lights over the batlements. He screamed in anger, "What is with these damn lights?!?!?" Almost losing his balance, Xigbar swore under his breath. He regretted ever accepting Xaldin's offer.

    "And Xaldin must be inside, in the warmth. Enjoying a crackling fire too," Xigbar said in his surfer voice. The holly had frozen onto his scarred face and he was chilled to the bone. "What luck I have," he spat to thin air."

    It was not as empty as he thought, though. Xigbar saw a blurred figure coming in the distance. If he hadn't looked in that direction Xaldin would have never noticed the footsteps masked by the fierce and billowing gusts.

    Xigbar stated firmly, "Who are you?" but in the back of his mind he thought, "Uh....Christmas is coming early?" The figure was clearer now and he recognized his friend Xaale.

    "Just in time," shouted Xigbar with glee. Xaale grinned up at him and waved her gloved hand but did not make any move to help. The golden gates to the tyrant castle parted as Xaale stepped inside, leaving Xigbar alone once again.

    Angrily, he took out his weapon and shot a bolt at the roof. A crack sounded as a huge brown tile tumble down and struck Xigbar on the head. He moaned once and then was blacked out.
  9. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    lol, the extension cord is my favorite part.
  10. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    lol, keep 'em coming!
  11. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!



    Anyways, it's not bad - not bad at all! =D However, I suggest typing it up on word first, then copying and pasting it on the site. I caught a few typos that normally wouldn't be there if it'd been looked up wid spellcheck. XD

    But, overall, good! GANZ toll! ^-^
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