The test, I just randomly added, I never count that, but, the border.... hmm, I guess it does kill it a bit... What about the background?
Text placement and blending needs work. The tag doesn't really have any flow and needs work with contrasting. Also render placement, you should never place it squarely in the middle.
The font needs a little something. It's too plain. The border is a little blah as well. ~I agree. (: The background is pretty well. I like how it's green-themed, but Snake himself looks a little dark. I like it though. Nice Job. :noworries:
I like the color used with this. The stock is in pretty high quality too. I think the only criticism I can give you is that the border is extremely unneeded.
Make duplications of the render, or find textures/images that fit this concept and distort/smudge them and re position them/flip them to create good placement. The render needs to be blended in more. Text needs to be brought closer to the render. Needs a focal - light source - something of interest for the eye to attach itself to. Lacks direction, and the effects are just shoved in the background for the sake of. The border feels generic. It looks a mighty bit better without it. The tag needs more dimensions. Add more effects to him / and mix in new colors to give it a feel that's more original than what you've executed.