Chore Time in the Castle that Never Was

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kingdom_Kid, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: *twitch twitch* Yaoi. EWWWWWWWW! *is total yaoi hater*
    BIC: Saix snarled, still foaming. Seeing Demyx run away, he teleported and suddenly appeared in front of the poor blond.
    "Time is up mullet-boy," he snarled, dragging Demyx up by the front of his trench coat. "I will not be mocked in front of my subordinates."
    After pwnfully beating up Demyx with his claymore, Saix threw the now bruised Number Nine down and stalked away. He was going to get his revenge, and who was better to get revenge on then Axel.
    "Number Nine!" he shouted down the corridor to Axel. He charged pass Xaldin (ignoring him) and tried smashing Axel with his claymore.
    OOC: Random.
  2. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Zeixon looked at them pointlessly and whacked his palm on his forehead. You idiots! Was all he could think of.
    He then saw a foaming Sai'x and began to flee, turning into different weapons as he did so.

    He knew that Sai'x was a butt kisser when it came to Xemmy, but he just ignored it slightly, it was better to say nothing and look like a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. He then remebered, he left his diary on top of his bed and it mentions Sai'x being a butt kisser, and the diaphram of Xemnas, up to the first five members he mocked, a whole three pages each...
    he began to panic and rushed into his room..
  3. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((.... Yaoi...? O.o I said nothing about any yaoi... I thought it wasn't allowed in this RP! O.O

    Oh yeah.... and Axel is number eight. Eight! Got it memorized! >=D Demyx is number 9. ^-^))

    Huh-oh... Axel thought frantically in his mind. He didn't want to get hit, but he was NOT gonna lose the compition to a wimp like Demyx! He jumped back a little, narrowly missing the claymore that was being swung down. It ripped off the front half of his Organization Cloak. That gave him an idea.

    He jumped into a portal. "Hey, Sailer Moon! Over here!" He shouted, waving frantically behind him. Unlike Demyx, he put the whole hallway between him and the Beserker so he'd have a little running room.

    He dramatically ripped off his torn cloak and shouted, "Sooooo! Ya like MOONS do ya, Mister Seven???" He turned around, raising his arms. "Well, how about..." he pulled his pants down, with his boxers, revieling his bare bottom. He stared at him between his legs, and screamed, "A FULL MOON?!?!?!?!"

    He laughed for, about, 2 seconds, and BAM!!! He was off, faster than the speed of light, pulling his pants up at the same time.

    Even though he felt like he'd been through a paper shredder TWICE, Deymx couldn't hold in his laugh. He snorted, then said under his breath, "For that alone, Axel deserves to be King of the Morons! Forget howm much distance Sai'x chases him in Beserk Mode! The guy's got a death wish!"

    ((*innocent smile* =D))
  4. Kingdom_Kid Moogle Assistant

    Jan 19, 2007
    The Castle that Never Was
    No Yaoi in the RP, okiday?


    Luxord was behind Sai'x, hiding, or at least hoping that the Luna Diviner wouldn't notice him. When he saw Axel moon Sai'x and take off, he felt sick, and just stood there, jaw dropped and eyes wide.

    Zexion came up to him and waved his hand in front of Luxord's face. "You awake?" No response from the Gambler of Fate...
  5. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix snarled.
    "ABOMINATION! NO ONE INSULTS THE MOON AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" He teleported in front of Axel and grabbed him by his hair. Turning around, he smashed the pyromaniac into the wall, still foaming at the mouth. *snarl*
  6. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((Wha'...? But I didn't...


    Whatever. >.>))

    Axel yelped as he was smashed into the wall. Oh crap, THIS IS THE END!!!! Alright, well then, uh.... GO OUT WITH A FLARE, AXEL!!!!!

    He shot two long flames up in front of Sai'x's face to buy some time, and cartwheeled to the side. Then, he took off again, counting his steps carefully. ... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, HA!!! 23!!!! IN YO' FACE, DEMYX!!!! I AM NOW THE KING OF THE MORONS!!!!!! He grinned. He'd officially won.

    He looked behind himself to see if Sai'x was chasing him. I just hope Sai'x makes my death quick...
  7. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix flicked his burned hair. No, this had gone too far. First he was picked on by Demyx, then Axel, then the moon was made fun of, and now his hair was burned! There was only ONE person who Organization XIII would listen to.
    OOC: Okay, I'm not officially play Xemnas.
    BIC: Saix shot off, trying to find his leader who would make people stop picking on him.
    OOC: Saix sounds like a small kid.
  8. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Xaldin watched Saix race past. He seemed to be in one heck of a rush. Xaldin wondered if he'd forgotten to do one of his tasks. Xemnas would not be pleased with him, which was a change. Saix was teachers pet as far as Xemnas was concerned.

    "What's up? Someone burn the dinner?"

    He went back to making paper snowflakes.
  9. Kingdom_Kid Moogle Assistant

    Jan 19, 2007
    The Castle that Never Was
    Luxord had finally recoverd from Axel mooning Sai'x when Axel had shot the flares up in front of Sai'x's face. Now, he decided, it was time to stop spacing out and get back to work...or maybe get somebody else to do his work for him.

    "Hey Axel," he called. "I'll keep Sai'x off your back if you mop half the castle, okay?"
  10. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Zeixon stopped running and looked back to see Sai'x in full rage calling for the superior, feeling relieved that Sai'x and the others are not going to upturn his room and find the diary/hate book in which he has bottled all his feelings on, and has relied on it ever since the day he was a kid...
  11. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: You know it's reversce psychology.
    BIC: Saix ran through the entire castle, planning to find his leader. He didn't find him, so in the end he ended up in Zexion's room for some odd reason. On the bed he saw a diary. Ooooh, what was this? A secret diary? Saix picked it up and looked through it. In about five seconds a dark frown crossed his face.
  12. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    (I call dibs on Larxene!)
    Larxene had just got done vacuuming and washing the floor."I wonder how the boys are acting like Morons now."she said after hearing Saix."who cares,I finnaly got my part of the chores done."Larxene collasped on her bed.
  13. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Axel slumped down with a sigh. ".... Mop....?" he asked weakly. He started to twidle his fingers. ".... Mop with.... water....?" He shuddered. How come it was HIM who always got the "worst" jobs?!

    He looked back at Demyx, the thought. Hmmmm.... Maybe I can get him to..... He grinned sly. Standing up stright, he replied smoothly, "Ya got yourself a deal!" then began walkng over to the place wher Demyx was laying.

    "Awwwww....." he said in a fake baby voice. "Did the wittle Demmy fall down...?" He cracked up, then said triumphantly, "WELL! Not only did I get more steps than you, BUT I'm also completely unscathed! I AM THE OFFICIAL KING OF THE MORONS!!!!!" He looked back down at Demyx, grinning slyly. "You know what that means, right...?"

    Without waiting for an answer, he screamed, "EIGHT HOURS OF FREEEEE MAAAAID SERVACE!!!!!~"

    Suddenly, he was serious again. "My first order is to mop the entire castle. Chop chop, Waterboy."
  14. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Larxene went out here room to see Axel yet again tryng to get Demyx to do the 'worst' job ever,and just because he hated water."you don't really have to mop,I cleaned the floor 2 minutes ago.washing,waxing,the works."she said."Of course,you still need to do the l-"Larxen saw her underwear and bra on the floor,and looked at Demyx and Axel."Demyx,Axel."she said as a warning,looking like she was about to take out her weapon.(I can't remember the name to larxenes weapon either!)
  15. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Zeixon walked back to Axel and Demyx and feeling mopey, he said, 'Look, we can do each other a favor, I do your chores and you get to relax today but on one condition, stay away from my room...' He then snatched the mop and transformed himself into a moogle, wiping the floor directly to his room so he can hide his diary before someone literally blows their head...
  16. ...::/final_falling\::... King's Apprentice

    Oct 26, 2006
    somewhere where theres blood dripping.
    Roxas saw that everyones tasks hadnt been done."well I guess ill do them all and then go hang out with Axel.I had better be practiclly praised for this!"
  17. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Zeixon then sniffed something strange at the direction to his room. Isn't that Sai'x? he thought pointlessly before remembering that he still had to get to his room before Sai'x and all the others do...
    He then sniffed a little deeper to smell his emotions, and to his shock, it was what he would expect if Sai'x actually had that book as evidence to the superior, Anger and slyness and he slowly calmed down and began to think rationally on who he can talk to in a situation like this...

    I need to ask Marluxia for help, but he'll be too busy. Axel will just start a flaming parade, Demyx, nah. Roxas, too much like Axel and Demyx. Luxord, he'll just ask me to do his chores or play card games with him. As for Xigbar, and Larxene... They might be trustworthy, but why should I risk talking to them? (he didn't write any hate things about them) he thought worriedly and began to mop around a huge circle, feeling a little nervous... he was always the good boy, the quiet one who never picked sides and now his true self might be revealed... A silent rebel
  18. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Larxene sighed and started wondering around the castle."one problem to being the only girl here,boys are always trying to use my stuff for hijinx."she sighed again.on the other hand,thats also a reason to have some major payback.a thought raced in her head.
  19. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix teleported in front of Zexion, holding the small notebook.
    "Interesting things you have in here Number VI," he said coldly, holding the book far above Zexion. (hey, Saix is taller then him, I'm pretty sure he is) He smirked. "The superior should hear about this."
  20. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Larene walked past Zexions room to see Saix and Zexion."whats going on in here?"she said walking in.