Chore Time in the Castle that Never Was

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kingdom_Kid, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Flowers-For-You Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 12, 2007
    Hugging on Mari's leg
    Marluxia had finally finished trimming his plants. Gathering up the cut vines, twigs, and leaves, he headed towards the kitchen to discard them.

    He stopped when he saw Xaldin in the corner playing with paper. Such intricate designs and lovely patterns caught the Graceful Assassin's eye. "Why, Xaldin... Those are lovely." Marluxia complimented with a smile, thought for a moment, then added. "Could you possibly make flower for me out of that paper?" He asked and batted his eyelashes sweetly.
  2. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((Okay, back. XD I'm used to playing Xig, though, so, sorry if I'm a little outta character. XD))

    Axel opened his eyes slightly, then snapped them back shut, groaning. Morning already! he complained in his mind. Did night just go through liposuction?! He layed motionless on his bed for a while, then chucked his pillow at the window. “Alright, alright! I get it, ya stupid sun!†he yelled. He dragged himself from the bed and started to get dressed, grumbling to himself.
  3. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    ( Normally I rp as Lux so Dem might act a bit different. But since Demyx's hobbies are being lazy and playing video games, he'll probably be just like me P: )

    Demyx was used to being lazy and staying in his bed for most of the morning, but seeing that Axel was still sleeping when he was up was a bit odd. He knocked on the door and whispered, "Axel?" wondering if he was awake. He'd leave it at that and open his door a bit, peeking in to see if he was, and he was. That was a good thing. "Good. Your up. Now pick up your clothes and help me do the laundry," he said with a bit of a bored tone. He didn't want to do the laundry, but was it like he had a choice?
  4. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Axel slipped on his thin black tee and groaned. "Laundry...!" he complained. He HATED doing laundry. But that wasn't saying much seeing that he hated all of the chores... Except cooking. He LOVED cooking. Even though no one else liked it when he cooked. He burned everything - EVERYTHING. INCLUDING water. That was fine with him - he liked his food well done. And no one else had the courage to say his cooking was bad. Ever wondered why Xigbar had his eye-patch and scar...? That was what happened to bad food critics.

    Axel quickly got in his full Organization suit and looked around for his i-Pod. "Okay... I'm ready." he grumbled putting the item in his pocket. "Let's go... I guess...." he grumbled to Demyx.
  5. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Xaldin sat on the floor surrounded by paper which had been cut out of his creations. Every surface was covered with intricately cut paper artworks. No one had bothered him in the kitchen and there was plenty of paper left. It was such a shame that the entrance to the laundry was through the kitchen He knew his peace wouldn't last forever. He would enjoy himself while he could.
  6. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    OOC: Sorry guys, I haven't been paying attention much to this chat.
    BIC: Saix found himself changing lightbulbs inside the castle. Standing on the edge of a dangerously teetering ladder, he was unscrewing a lightbulb on a chandilier (I don't play KH2 so I don't know how the castle looks like) so that he could replace a new one. He found himself thinking that Xigbar would be suited to this job better, afterall, he could hang upside-down. Taking one more lightbulb out, he thought, No one, absolutely no one, should crash into the ladder at this exact second.
  7. Kingdom_Kid Moogle Assistant

    Jan 19, 2007
    The Castle that Never Was
    Okay, so what's next? so thought Luxord after putting a few bandages on his fingers. He looked at the list of chores. "Hmm, change the lightbulbs in the chandalier (sorry, can't spell :D ) Yeah, I could do that." He took out a pen and scribbled his name next to the chore. But he didn't see that Saix had already signed up for that.

    Luxord was walking down the hallway toward the chandalier. He saw a big ladder right below the lightbulbs. How thoughtful of Xemnas to START the job but not FINISH it. he thought. He started to climb the ladder, rung by rung.

    Suddenly, he missed a step and tripped, bringing the ladder down. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" yelled Saix from above. When they finally landed, Luxord sat up, rubbing his head from where he smacked it on the hard tile floor. "Sorry Saix," he said meekly. There was no reply. Then a bar flashed over Saix's head. "Oh, no." Luxord got up and started running.

    The bar filled up all the way to the top and Saix drew his claymore and ran after the Gambler of Fate. Saix's eyes were red as blood as he chased the pale-faced Luxord through the halls. They ran past Xaldin, still cutting the papers. They ran past Axel and Demyx, who had heard the crash and started laughing. "Berserker mode, huh" Axel said between laughs. "What'd you do, Luxord, hit him with his own claymore?" They started laughing again.

    Luxord ran into his room and slammed the door shut before Saix could rip him apart. Unfortunately, he slammed it so hard, and then Saix slammed into it, that all of Luxord's cards, which he had set on shelves close to the doorway, scatterd again. "What goes around comes around, I guess," he grumbled angrily as he began to pick up the cards one at a time.
  8. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Xaldin barely noticed Luxord and Saix running past. What really upset him was the fact that the draught they caused blew all his paper around. Now I have to tidy them so they don't get damaged. Perhaps I should stick them to the windows so they will make pretty light patterns. Marluxia will love the one that looks like flowers. I'll go and show him. Xaldin picked up his creations, leaving the rest of the paper strewn around the kitchen. He wandered to Marluxia's room and knocked on the door.
  9. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Zeixon got annoyed from Luxord making the slam's impact worse by the shaking walls, and slamming through the walls, he yelled, 'Keep the bloody noise down, geez...'
    Picking up a plushie moogle from his collection, he cuddled it softly, went to bed and took a long nap.
  10. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    (( *sigh* Kingdom Kid... Could ya please not control Axel for me? Sorry, it's just one of those pet peaves I have... It would really be appreciated.

    THANK YOU!!!! ^-^))

    Axel shook his head, grinning. He glanced at Demyx, then narrowed his eyes. "Hey!" He clonked Demyx on the back of the head. "Hel-loooooo.....! Ya there, Waterboy? Let's hurry up and get this done so everyone else'll leave us alone!" He crossed his arms and waited for Demyx to reply.
  11. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix held his claymore, bellowing his rage. One thought flashed through his now insane mind. Luxord forgot that he could teleport....
    Suddenly black smoke curled in front of Luxord and an angry Saix appeared in front of him. Smirking, Saix started attacking Luxord, still in berserk mode.
  12. Kingdom_Kid Moogle Assistant

    Jan 19, 2007
    The Castle that Never Was
    Luxord managed to dodge Saix's attacks for long enough to snap his fingers and turn Saix into a card.

    KK: Ehh, can't think of anything to write...sorry :o :D
  13. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    "Ow!" Demyx said after being clonked on the back of the head. "The heck was that for?" he said with a bit of a pouty lip. He held his own share of the laundry, which means that he had to collest the rest of the clothes and that included...larxene's room... The most likely purple thongfilled room...he shuddered at the thought and continued to walk towards the rest of the organization's room to get the stockpile of clothing only for him to faceplant into it later.
  14. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Axel rolled his eyes. "Jeez... You're hopeless without me," he sighed. "H-O-P-E-L-E-S-S. Got it memorized?" he added. ((HA! XD I couldn't resist! XDDD)) He grabbed a huge armful of clothes, sorted them out, and then tossed the dark load into the washing machine. He measured the detergent, threw it in, also, and started the machine. He leaned on it, sighing. "Maaaan... This is gonna be a loooong day..."

    That's when he caught sight of Larxene's underwear. He blinked, then grinned deviously. "Are you thinkin'... What I'm thinkin', Demmy...?" He said, giggling to himself.

    ((GRAWR!!!! Bus! TT^TT Celeste, hurry up and post so I can get this done! XDDD))
  15. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    Demyx dropped the clothes and snatched the underwear that Axel was playing with. He decided to be an idiot and put them across his eye. "Look! I'm Xigbar! Arrr~" he said jokingly, acting like the freeshooter as well as a pirate. "Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate. YAR YAR FIBITY GEE, DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE!~" he started to sing before dancing around like a ******.
  16. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Axel cracked up just looking at him. "HA HA HA!!! YEAH! Hey, look!" He grabbed one of Larxene's bras snapped it so that one of the cups was covering his left eye. He cleared his throat, then said in a surfer dude voice, "Hey! Like, WASSUP, dude! Surf's up!!!"

    Laughed, then said in his normal voice, "No, no... wait... I got it...." He giggled a little more, then took a deep breath. Then, he bent down, like an old man, put his hand on his back, and said in a gratey (SP?), feeble old voice, "I was born in a log cabin 130 years ago..." Then added, cracking up, "AND I GOT THE HAIR TO PROOVE IT!!!!"

    He fell on his back, holding his stomach, kicking his feet, and laughing outrageously. He was laughing so hard, tears started to run down his cheeks.

    (( *devious look* X3))
  17. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    Demyx snorted and collapsed on the floor, holding his gut while sitting on his knees. "You're making me bust a gut!" he said with a voice that was laughing so hard he started to go really high pitched and practically squeaked. He fell over on his side, groaning from the pain but continued to laugh.

    ( I have actually laughed like this before. XDDD )
  18. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((So have I!! XDDD))

    Axel rolled over on his side, trembling from laughing so hard. Still giggling, he stood up, and said, "Okay... Okay... NOW, I'm gonna do Xemnas." He pumped his fist in the air rapidly, "It's gonna be, like, the most realistic imitation of him EVAR!!!"

    He cleared his throat, took a deep breath, and said in low, deep voice, "Mansex," His face was completely serious as he said it (and that was saying a lot considering he had a bra snapped around his head) and it sounded so much like Xemnas, that he ended up cracking up again, and, pretty soon, rolling all over the floor laughing again.
  19. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    Demyx snorted again and continued to roll on the floor. "Here, let's try Zexion..." he said softly before taking deep breaths as well as standing up. He calmed down and did the emo pose, using Larxene's underwear as the emo part of his hair. "I'm NOT emo, I'm just depressed. I'm trapped in puberty at the age of 16. You get to grow up. I don't." His voice was just as good as Zexion's, which made him fall on the floor from the rediculous cosplaying Axel and Dem did.
  20. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Axel started punding the floor with his fist and laughing himself into tears. He stood up, even more wobblely than before. "M'kay..." he said... "Let's try The Dreadlocks And Sideburns Of DEWM!" he said, meaning Xaldin.

    He threw his hands in the air, and shouted as loud as he could, "R-R-R-R-ROSTA, MON!!!!" in a Jamacan accent. "I like stabbin' people, mon!"

    He cracked up again, slumping over the washing machine to hold himself up. He felt like he could hardly breathe!