Chore Time in the Castle that Never Was

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Kingdom_Kid, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    After a little while, Zeixon stumbled across a website saying -

    "For a study in depth of voodoo itself I would suggest Milo Rigaud's Secrets of De-Voodooing and Voodoo. Milo is a member of the Haitian elite. I attended a number of services with him and was awed by the extent of his knowledge. Odette Menesson-Rigaud, his wife, is an expert photographer, responsible for most of the authentic photographs of voodoo that find their way into print.

    "For the music to de-voodoo the books to go after are Haiti Singing and The Drum on the Hoe, both by Harold Courlander. Both contain music and words (English as well as Creole) to voodoo chants and spells, along with definitive lists of voodoo loa and detailed descriptions of some of the services. Courlander has made some authentic recordings of voodoo music, too.''
  2. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    "Demyx....! I can't feel my toes anymore..." Axel whined, swinging too and fro by his rope. The water had risen a couple of yards by now.
    Demyx scoffed, and grumbled, "Not my problem..." and continued playing his sitar. His eyes wear closed in concentration once again.
    Axel complained. "I swear....! If I hang up-side down like this any longer, my head's gonna explode!"

    Demyx didn't say anything. Just ignore it... He'll stop soon enough...


    "Well, what the hell do ya want ME to about it, huh?!" Demyx snapped. He was starting to loose his patience.
    "Untying me would be nice..."
    "Fuhgeddaboudit," Demyx growled, starting to play his sitar once more.

    Axel was silent a few seconds, then started complaining again. "Ugh... I have to pee... How the heck do I use the bathroom hanging upside like--"
    With an angy grunt, Demyx shot him in the face with another great jet of water. "Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!! GAWD!!!!! You're worse than Zexion! And that's really saying somethin'."

    Axel started sobbing. "I'm telling Xemnas...!" he whimpered.
    "Then I guess you're never getting down from there," Demyx replied, coldly.
    Axel quickly changed his tactics. "Okay, okay... I won't tell. Just get me down, and we'll pretend like it never happened! Deal?"
    "Hell no. I'm going to teach you a little lesson about toying with people. How painful the experiance is depends on you."
    "I've learned my lesson! I'VE LEARNED MY LESSON!!!!"
    "Demyx, PLEASE!!!! I'll drown! I'm too young to die!!!! MOMMY!!!!"
    "If you don't shut up, and I mean NOW, maybe I WILL decide to drown you."
    Axel was in a total spaz attack now. "GWAAAAAH!!! Don't, Demyx, PLEASE!!! I'll pay you!!! DOOOOOON'T KIIIIIILLLLL MEEEE!!!!!!"

    Demyx blasted him yet again. "I said, 'SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!'" he roared. "ONE more word out of you, just ONE, and I'll cover that big, fat mouth of yours, and you'll never be able to talk again! GOT IT?!"

    Axel nodded, coughing and whimpering slightly. Demyx's eyes narrowed. "Good..." He started playing again.

    Axel whimpered, and looked up at the water steadily rising beneath him. Somebody... Anybody...! Please help... I... I don't think I can stall any longer...!

    ((And you guys are just gonna let poor Axel drown. >3

    Ya'll should be ashamed of yourselves.....

    HAH! Jokin'. Keep doin' what cha need ta do. =3))
  3. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix came up behind Demyx and kicked him into the rapids.
    "That is enough Number Nine," he said coldly. Looking at Axel, he smirked and shook his head. "You seem to be in a fine position, Number Eight." Turning around, he summoned the moon. Instantly, the tides changed ALL the way down at the ocean, and that affected streams and such sorts. The rapids started rising.
    OOC: Saix likes torture! NYAHAHAHA!
  4. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((Evil... Thy name is SAIX!!! XDDD))

    Axel groaned. Why me...? I said HELP, not make it WORSE!!!

    Demyx screamed as he tumbled down into the rapids.


    Nothing happened for a while, but then Demyx resurfaced. He shook the water out of his hair, and calmly swam to the opposite bank Saix was on. He scrambled up the side, then sat on the edge, ringing out his cloak.

    "Ya know..." he started, "I coulda let you have a turn if you woulda asked nicely, Saix..."

    Axel's blood froze. Oh, God, no.... Don't let them form an agreement... I do NOT need this...!
  5. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    "Off with you Number Nine," Saix said, somewhat lazily. "I have an Axel to torture and I don't need you to interrupt." He grabbed a sharp rock and threw it at Axel's rope. It hit its target.
    Axel tumbled into the water, hands till tied behind his back, and feet still tied. Saix leaned back and watched the rapids, waiting until Axel resurfaced.
  6. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!

    NONE of these words could accurately discribed the complete TERROR Axel felt when the rope snapped. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--" His scream was cut short as he hit the water.

    Underwater, Axel's fear hit its breaking point. He tried screaming more, but, of course, he was underwater, so it came out more like a muffled gargling sound. Panicked, he pulled at the ropes tying his wrists together, but it was no use.

    I'M DONE FOR!!!!! he screamed in his mind. Desperate, he tried making some kind of wiggling motion to try to get to the surface, but it was a fruitless effort. His failure caused him to panick even more, his panick caused him to tense up even more, his tenstion caused him to be more dense, and him being more dense = Axel sinking like a rock.

    IT'S ALL OVER!!!! I'm sorry, Demyx for treating you so badly! I'm sorry, Roxas, for stealing your hairgel! I'm sorry, Xemnas for calling you "Mansex" and stealing your sake, and destroying Castle Oblivion... again. I'm sorry, Saix, for drawing pictures of you making out with Xemnas and posting them on DeviantART...! But, uh... You don't know about that yet...

    Demyx stared at Axel struggling underwater. Eh... He'll be fine. He turned his gaze back to Saix. "Hey... No fair! I was torturing him first!" he protested. "I didn't want YOU butting in, Sailor Moon!"
  7. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix's eyes flashed with anger.
    "You are in no position to anger me, Number Nine," he hissed angrily, standing up. His claymore appeared in his hand. "Afterall, I control the tides." The emphasis his point, he lifted his hand, and Demyx floated up by several feet. High Tide.
    He dropped his hand. Demyx slammed down into the earth and sunk several feet. Low Tide.
    He raise his hand a little and Demyx was brought back up to the surface of the earth.
    He smirked and said, "I have power over you."
    OOC: Sorry, I have been thinking about this a lot. I was thinking "Does that mean that Saix can influence Demyx?"
  8. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Demyx blinked, dazed by Saix's power over him. He blinked, stared at Saix, then huffed, "Fine... It was fun while it lasted..." He looked back down at the water. "Hm.... Axel hasn't come up yet... Should I go check on him? Mansex would kill us if we lost his fire element... He'd the only one, ya know."
  9. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix sighed.
    "You should," he said resentfully. He leaned against a tree and watched Demyx.
    "But I get to torture him after he recovers," he said. Already, his mind was thinking on what he would do to Axel's voodoo doll.
  10. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Zeixon got his coat, and began to put the organization voodoo dolls in one by one carefully into his bag, and soon enough, he began to walk towards the exit to the castle... He did not forget to leave Sai'x's favourite food filled with maggots, after all that swelling up... Now he has to go around in a mask to not show his facial destruction...

    The swelling was beginning to go down, so before he left, he left a note for Xaldin, which said, 'Off to the shops to de-voodoo the dolls and then getting taco's... Sai'x's food is filled with maggots so stay clear from the kitchen, or he'll assume it was you...'
  11. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "Oh Deeeeeemyyyyx...."Said a voice. Beside the riverbed Larxene faded in, holding Demyx's rubber ducky in one hand and a sharp thick needle in the other. She still had her evil grin on her face. "I got your duckyyy..." She cooed evily.
  12. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Demyx glared at Saix. ... Hell NO! He's mine! I brought him here so that I could torture him. Not you. Get your own turn, Sailor Moon! But he didn't say this out loud - he didn't want to have to face-plant into the ground more than he had to.

    "Oh Deeeeeemyyyyx.... I got your duckyyy..." Demyx blinked, and frozed. DAMNIT! I knew I shoulda moved that thing somewhere safe before someone found it! He glanced around quickly a few ties, then shouted, "Uh.. WHAT'S THAT, LARXENE?! CAN'T HEAR YA!!!!" and dove into the water.
  13. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Larxene pushed the needle gently against the duck threatengly. "Ill pop it...." She cooed, cackling evily before looking at Saix. She thought of a way she could drive him away so she wouldn't get slammed into a wall again... Then remembered his "problem" with rhetorical questions. "Hey Saix" She cooed. "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could?" She said fasltley. She grin had shortend, as it was sore from smiling in the same position for a long period of time.
  14. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix rolled his eyes and said, "Not now Larxene." Turning around, he lifted his hand, and sent Demyx flying out of the water. Then, making Demyx hover a few feet over the water, he flipped Demyx around so that he could watch his duck toy being stabbed and popped.
  15. Ratchet Bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong!

    Oct 14, 2006
    Xaldin read the note then hid it away. He wanted to make sure no one else saw it. He walked into Saix and Larxene torturing Demyx.

    "Haven't you slackers got any work to do? Perhaps you would like double chores. I can arrange it with Xemnas if you like. Put Demyx down. Don't you know it's cruel to torture helpless animals."
  16. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "Go stabbity your paper, Xaldin. Im enjoying this while I can before half dieing of being annoyed of everyone except me in the organization are boys..." She hissed, crunching the duck in it's grasp. It made a squeek before the squeeker inside of it burst, making it only blow out air. She shook her head in shock, dropped the duck in the riverbed, and fled through a port hole.
  17. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Axel was still making his silent apologies under-water while Demyx's duck was getting threatened. His body was starting to automatically blast heat as a desperate attempt to dry up the water, but he knew it was completely useless. All he was really doing was making a giant jacuzzi.

    His head felt like it was going to explode - he could literally see his life - both before he was a Nobody and after - flashing before his eyes. And then... He heard something. He cracked open his eyes, and saw a blurry figure in all black coming toward him. He blinked, and then grinned, hysterical with joy. DEMYX!!!!

    Demyx blinked, annoyed, then swam over to Axel with practiced ease. He reached forward to grab Axel's arm, then froze. He gave a soundless grunt, and tried to grab him again, but nothing happened. Axel blinked, confused.

    Demyx tried to get ahold of Axel, grunting with all his might. What the...? Suddenly, he knew exactly what was happening. His eye snapped wide open. Oh.... No... He shouted, filling the water with little bubbles, and tried as hard as he could to reach Axel, but instead of going toward his friend, he started going backwards. Pretty soon, he was dragged completely out of the water... Axel-less.

    Axel blinked, a horrified look on his face.

    Demyx was dragged out of the water, coughing and sputtering. He shot Saix an acidic glare. "WHAT THE HELL, MAN?! I was just about to--" he was cut off by the pitiful squeeking of his duck. His head whipped around, wide-eyed. All he saw was his rubber-ducky crumpled into an undignified ball on the ground. Tears welled up in his eyes. "Wha'... What the... What--? N-No...!" He started hyperventilating. "B-But...! NO!!!" He started sobbing, his face in his hands. "Nooooooo....! Rubber duckyyyy....! I loveded you, Ducky! I LOVEDED YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!"

    If there was an Axel somewhere drowning, apparently, he'd just disappeared off the face of the earth.
  18. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix smirked. He flicked his fingers toward the water, and the moon affected the tides. Instantly, all the water receeded, leaving a wet Axel and crying Demyx. Without letting Demyx down, he turned to Xaldin and said, "Alright. I'll go back to fixing what is left of the castle." He opened a dark portal and stepped through it.
  19. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "He's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me..." Larxene kept repeating as she leaned against against a wall with her hand holding up her arm in which her hand was holding up her head. "Unless..... I get his duck back...." She mumbled, an Idea popping into her mind. She grinned and ran off to her room for cardboard, paint, glue, and toothpicks.

    Larxene was now in the middle of her room, painting a cardboard sitar that looked like Demyx's. She had somehow gotten another rubber ducky, and was making a Demyx version of it. Once she finished the sitar, she took thread and tied it around the duck's neck so it looked like it was holding the oversized sitar. She spread glue all over the it's head before setting a set of half-toothpicks on it. "Maybe Demyx will like this one better..." She thought to herself, kicking all the stuff she used under her bed.
  20. ukali_rules Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 8, 2006
    Somewhere in the universe
    Saix, after fixing what was left of the chandilier, walked into Larxene's room, holding a list of what looked like chores.
    "Larxene, it says here you are suppose to be cleaning the bathrooms," he said, carefully out of range from Larxene's daggers and electricity.