Children of Organization XIII

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Vladimir Makarov, Apr 11, 2009.

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  1. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    "What're you talking about?"
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hoshi: Just a scent you normally don't smell.. I normally don't smell this scent and i've smelled many scents in my life. *smiled* I'm Hoshi.. My identity is for me to know only..
  3. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Erix was silently staring at the necklace.
  4. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    "Nice to meet you." Riku took off his blind fold.
  5. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hoshi: *sighs* so the destiny islands fell into darkness huh? *looks down* I met a girl during that time..
  6. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    "Kairi?" Riku took off the organization coat, and his normal clothes were on.
  7. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hoshi: *nods* yes Kairi. she was slowly loosing sight of her light. I managed to talk to her for the time she was alive. she said she wish sora was with her. but he flew into a light when the islands got attacked.. I thought it was sad.
  8. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    "Yes...I'm just glad I'm still here though."

    Meanwhile, Xadow, Marluxia, Zxach, Vexen, and Larxene were talking.

    Xadow: Kid, whats wrong?
  9. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Hoshi: well.. your not the only one from the islands that survived..

    Zxach: *opened her eyes* what me? oh i just sensed that someone died.. why?
  10. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Scarlet-Ice had watched Mixya's death and now had moved over to hug Erix. *Better to have loved then lost then never loved at all.* She hugged Erix.
  11. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    ooc: sorry for such a long post..
    Zxach: *held her head in pain* what? *starts flashing memories of her and Mixya*
    Mixya: *sighs* i'll leave you 2 alone. *walks down the hallway and get pulled into another room by Zxach*
    Zxach: look i don't know who you are and what your relationship with Erix is but i'm pretty sure you have a crush on him. i wasn't taking him away from you.
    Mixya: *crosses her arms* it sure seems like that to me.
    Zxach: *laughs* i knew Roxas' kids since i was about 3 when scarlet-ice was born. I'm 17 and i do not have a crush on spiky hair there. hey can you turn around a min.
    Mixya: *turns around* why?
    Zxach: *grabs water balloon and throws it at Miyxa's head and laughs*
    Mixya: YOU JERK! *starts chasing Zxach down the hall*
    Zxach: *running* haha! *runs into scarlet-ice and falls down on the ground*

    Zxach: *stands up* relax. i don't want to go out with a kid who is 3 years younger than me. I just pulled a trick on her.
    Mixya: *grabs Zxach by the neck and slams her into a wall* Your dad Axel's got charm. If you ever do see him again tell him that he raised one hot head of a daughter!
    Zxach: *punches Mixya's face and grabs Mixya's neck starting to choke her* NOBODY! TALKS ABOUT MY FATHER THAT WAY! FRIEND OR NOT!

    Zxach: *walks over to Reiya* excuse me? who is Eva?
    Mixya: *runs down the opposite side of the hallway* Eva's a girl who runs around with Neoph.
    Zxach: *raises eyebrow* who?
    Mixya: *chuckles* wow you really haven't been here long..

    Zxach: *came into room with most people on the ground* wow.. just wow..
    Mixya: *walks over and sees blood all over the ground and thoughts from her childhood instantly rush through her head and she screams* OH MY GOD!!

    Mixya: *eyes widen largely and she grips her fist* THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING ******* OF A TRAITOR IS THE REASON MY DAD DIED! EVEN IF I HATE MY DAD OR NOT OR NOT!!!
    Zxach: *grabs Mixya's shoulders* chill.. okay! just chill *turns to Erix* you idiot! i didn't answer that question for a very good reason.

    "geez. don't call me an idiot... you could have told me not to..." Erix walked over to Mixya

    Zxach: *still holding Mixya's shoulders while she's at the boiling point* oh right you don't know my family well do you? well when we don't want to answer the question for a specific reason we don't say anything and then hopefully the other person doesn't answer the question for them.
    Mixya: *steps on Zxach's foot and gets out of her grip* don't treat me like i'm a toddler!

    "oh that's gotta hurt..." Erix mumbled

    Zxach: *grabs her foot for a sec and puts it back down and growls at Mixya*

    Mixya: *eyes widen and slams her back against a wall at the other side of the hall* okay i'm sorry about your foot! just don't hurt me!

    "seriously girls, calm down. if we're going to beat Marluxia we have to work together."

    Zxach: *walks over to Mixya and pulls her arm away from the wall causing her to go to the middle of the hall* i'm not going to hurt you now. maybe later. but not now.
    Mixya: *flinches and backs up a bit* alright i deserve it.. so what are we going to do?

    Erix sighed. "i.... don't know..."

    occ: is he still in front of Zxach?
    Zxach: *cornered against a wall glaring over at Mixya*
    Mixya: *shrugged* what? it was either your foot or your neck..
    Zxach: *sighs and shakes her head and looks up at a light in the hall* maybe my dad did the right thing by not killing Roxas.

    Xadow warped to get himself healed. He appeared to Zxach. "You two! I need your help!"

    Zxach: *stops leaning against wall* gladly. what is it?
    Mixya: *walks over* uh huh?

    Xadow smiled. "Me and Roxas are trying to stop Marluxia! Come on and help!"

    Zxach: Roxas? what happened to Erix?
    Mixya: i was going to ask the same thing.. wait. roxas faded away. we all know that.

    Xadow sighed. "Erix turned into Roxas. Now come one we don't have much time!"

    Zxach: *tries to open mouth to prove point but then just shakes her head and opens a portal* so where is he exactly?
    Mixya: *opens a portal* no clue.. why you asking me?

    Xadow opens a portal. "Get in! It should lead us to Roxas!"

    Zxach: *makes her portal disappear and runs in*
    Mixya: *does the same* i wish i knew who you were.
    Zxach: *laughs at her quote*

    Zxach: *holds her head* okay i've lost it! what's next am i gonna turn into Axel.
    Mixya: *stomps on the ground and summons her weapon that came out of the ground* i sincerely doubt that but it would be kind of cool to meet your hot head dad.
    Zxach: *summons her chakrams* are you trying to make me kill you? *spins them turning them on fire and throws them at Marluxia

    Marluxia swung his scythe at the chakrams. He summoned a wave of water at Zxach.

    Zxach: *eyes widen and she spins her arms causing a wall of fire to block the wave of water* aw man this isn't fair at all..
    Mixya: *kicks the ground and causes a boulder to head straight towards Marluxia*

    All of sudden, Larxene and Vexen appeared next to Marluxia. Marluxia laughed. "Thanks to my son, I can bring back any organization member!!!" Vexen threw an ice needle at Namine. Marluxia slahsed the boulder in half.

    Mixya: *stands straight and punches the ground causing it to break into pieces* any huh? i would love to see that.
    Zxach: *summons away the wall of fire and her chakrams* Marluxia.. i don't want to fight at the moment.. i just want to talk.

    Marluxia summons a dark hole, and thousands of heartless appear. A darkside heartless appeared from the hole. Larxene, Vexen, Xadow, and Marluxia warped away.

    Zxach: *summons back her chakrams* FORGET IT! I WAS ACTUALLY GOING TO BE ON YOUR SIDE!
    Mixya: *crosses her arms* you wouldn't even bother.
    Zxach: *smirks an Axel smirk and then talks with an echo of Axel's voice* actually. I sort of forgive him. but yet i don't. It's so sad when life gives you so many options and you have nothing to choose from. *points to her head* got it memorized?
    Mixya: *eyes widen in shock* Zxach. your voice sounds just like..

    ]Marluxia appeared next to Zxach. "Axel...I know your there. Come with me!" Marluxia held his hand out.

    Mixya: *grabs Zxach's shoulder* don't do it! it's a manipulation test.
    Zxach: *still with an echo of axel* Mixya i still honestly think he is not in me.. why would he go into his own daughters body?
    Mixya: look at the facts! your dad used to work for him if he wants the chance to talk he's gonna have that chance male or not.

    Marluxia put his hand down. "Axel...I can hear you. Take your daughter's body; and come with me."

    Zxach: *attempting to ignore but her foot steps closer to marluxia out of will and still echoing Axel's voice* Mixya! help!
    Mixya: *grabs Zxach* no matter how many fights we get in you will still be my friend!
    Zxach: *drops to the ground passed out mumbling* you and Zxach were never friends..

    Marluxia grinned. "Yes...Axel! Come with me! Take your daughter's body!

    Zxach: *attempting to stand up* you and Zxach were never friends. do friends make their feelings terrible?
    Mixya: we all have our problems..
    Zxach: *grabs mixya's neck and pushes her against a wall* HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET HER HOT HEAD DAD!!!
    Mixya: Zxach! i mean.. um Axel! PLEASE STOP!
    Zxach: *fire starts coming out of her hand and it starts swirling around her body as she starts morphing into Axel* YOUR TOO LATE MIXYA! NOW I KNOW WHY YOUR DAD HIT YOU IN THE HEAD IN RAGE!
    Mixya: *starts screaming in pain*

    ooc: if it doesn't bother you. i want to make a dramatic ending for Mixya..
    Mixya: Phenox.. don't loose your will.
    Axel: *stands up and gets out chakrams but then falls to the ground*
    Mixya: did.. i hurt you Axel?
    Axel: *Zxach's voice starting to echo his* yeah. pretty bad. but it was going to happen to me at some point.
    Mixya: oh no.. don't Axel..
    Axel: *closes his eyes and fire starts swarming around him as he turns back into Zxach*
    Mixya: Axel?
    Zxach: i'm not Axel anymore. *points chakram at Mixya's neck* so tell me why you don't want me to work with Marluxia?
    Mixya: *looks over at Phenox Striking Riku and then back to Zxach and then sighs* cause he doesn't want you. he wants Axel. plus he will just use you..
    Zxach: *strikes Mixya sending her flying to the other side of the room.*

    Zxach: *looks at Mixya at the other end of the room* Die swell Mixya! tell your dad I said Hi! *looks over at Marluxia* alright i'll come *grabs his hand*
    Mixya: *trying to stand up* Zxach! *falls to the ground*

    Zxach: *memories end but her eyes are still closed* No! your dead! get out of my head!
    Mixya: *just a voice in Zxach's head* Turn back! it's not too late! help Phenox destroy marluxia!
    Zxach: No! get out of my head you ghost!
  12. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Erix hugged back. "but i love her..."
    Phenox stood there, staring at where Mixya had layed.
    OOC: i'll be gone for a week, so, i'll give Erix and Phenox to the first person that claims them. he/she will control them until i get back
  13. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    OOC: U keep on sayin that.

    BIC: Scarlet-Ice sighed. *Well at least you managed to kiss her before it was too late.*
  14. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Erix nodded.
    "arrrrrgh!!!!" Phenox said. "would you just stop talking about it?!" he stormed off, angry
  15. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Scarlet-Ice let go off Erix and ran after Phenox. *Calm down.*
  16. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox turned around. "how can i?"
  17. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Scarlet-Ice hugged him. *Everyones hurting about her death, My brother should be acting like you right now but hes not. The least you can do is calm down.*
  18. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    Phenox took a deep breath and hugged back. "i'll be fine"
  19. xXRhian+RoxasXx Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 19, 2009
    England, Europe
    Scarlet-Ice smiled. *I'm gonna kill that b@stard for this. And it'll be painfull.**
  20. Vladimir Makarov Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 15, 2009
    "i'm afraid i can't let you do that"
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