~~Children of Fortunado~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Jun 6, 2009.

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  1. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "Hm." Angel followed everyone else. Heartless.....she had heard about them a while ago. Did they cause this..? I better watch myself then. She thought as she expertly flipped out her sword from inside her cloak, twirling it between her fingers before holding onto it. Her other hand was in its pocket fiddling with her lock picks. Fortunado.....my new home. Wonderful. Angel noticed that Antonio seemed tired. Tired of telling them this information. .....has he been doing this for a while?.....how many people have been here before us?
  2. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Ari pouted.
    'I'm not playing around, I was checking my kunai's balance... it's the only way to tell without stabbing someone!'

    Ari put all of her kunai away, and put a blank face on.

    "All depends on the heartless type... damned knights are bothersome with all their dancing... "Ari mumbled, recalling her last encounter with the heartless.​
  3. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Antonio kept walking, with a tunnelvision towards the main gate. The gate stood before them heavily fortified, and was slightly worn. There was an inner gate and an outer gate, as if the designers knew the gate would be subject to frequent invasions. Standing amist the outer gate, he took a moment to look around, the hallway between the two gates was quite intimidating. It was slotted on both sides with archer holes, and above was filled with infamous murder holes, which were used during sieges, to bombard the invaders from above with rocks and stones as punishment for approaching the inner gate.

    After standing in the middle of the gate, he cast a glare back at his newfound party. "Call me Von Mortem." He growled with the closest thing he could muster to a smile abroad his face. He then signaled the gate keeper to lower the gate.
  4. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    Delos began to have second thoughts about drinking as he gazed at the huge gates. He had almost wished his former partner was there. But to do so would only bring back those memories. "Ware is dead. There's no changing that.", Me muttered to himself before putting on a false grin. "Hey Morty! You can be my test subject." Delos briefly closed his eyes as if trying to gain focus. One of the orbs he had attached to his weapon began to glow as Delos shouted, "WALL! " Nothing had happened.

    "Wait wait wait! I can be useful, I swear!", Delos exclaimed in a panic. Having felt embarrassed for failing, he reached into his coat, withdrew his coat flask, and threw it as far as he could. "Let me go back to basics for a while. It'll come back to me. I know it. K...ready....BARRIER! " Delos gave a gleeful chuckle at the successful attempt at magic. "I better conserve my energy for battle. Wouldn't want to waste all my mana before we even started fighting."
  5. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel's eyes went wide with shock. Soon after the fear set in and she instantly started looking around, her eyes searching for a way out. "Hey, wait a minute!" The door was closing. The exit was going to be cut off soon. She knew that much as she charged for the inner gate. She could make it. She will make it. And if she didn't, she could slide under. If a chunk of her cloak could go, so be it. Those holes....I better watch out for those. Oh crap...the arrows! Damn it. Damn it all! He had us fooled the entire time. But Angel had her sword out. And even though she was worried about the arrows, she also knew, deep down, that not a single arrow was going to touch her. She was Angel, the thief. Used to dodging various items as she ran away with various stolen objects. I'm not going to die today, old man.
  6. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    After the inner doors closed, the outer doors opened. As if anticipating the doors opening, a number of heartless flood in. Primarily consistant of shadows, with the occational neoshadow. Many of them began sliding underneith the door as it creeked open. The archerloops and murder holes began spouting out ammunition against the heartless.

    Antonio drew forth his sword and charged into battle.
  7. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel made it to the gates a second too late. If She had slid that she would've been crushed. Huffing and puffing as she stared at the gate she gave a cry of anguish as she turned to Antonio."No!" Her fist struck the gate and she later regretted it. "What're you planning?" Angel never liked the idea of being trapped. And as she heard the other gates opening, she turned her head and saw freedom. I'll make it this time. Definitely. But then she stopped running as soon as she saw the heartless. She realized that she was at the edge of where most of the traps were. They're...shooting at them! Not at us! Her eyes wide with realization and confusion, she turned only to see Antonio charge toward the heartless. What is this a test? Well count me out. There's gotta be a way out of here. Hmm...I don't want to risk it with those holes. For now Angel stayed at the edge, her sword still drawn looking for a way out.
  8. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Having followed Antonio into the gates he was prepared for combat the moment the heartless rushed in. With the arrows coming down from above he wasn't able to jump too high. Without his jump all he could do was rush forwards and attack on the ground. Running forwards he got closer to the enemy and began striking forwards with his spear into the fray, back out and in again striking down heartless in a few hits. As he attacked in this pattern his attacked speed gradually picked up making his hits connect much faster with the heartless.
  9. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    A cold chill ran down Delos’ spine as he saw the mass of creatures known as Heartless. His first thought was to run, but these people would surely think ill of him for retreating. Mustering the courage, he ran towards the enemy with a look of determination in his eyes. His senses were coming back to him as if the very thrill of the fight was pushing him into sobriety. “This is it!â€, he shouted as he began striking heartless. Noticing that everyone seemed to have their own plan going, he exclaimed, “Isn’t this stuff easier if we work together!? Like this. ALL BARRIER! " He continued to fight hoping that the spell would encourage his traveling companions to join in.
  10. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: The format I described between the gates is actually standard anti-siege defenses of a midieval citadel.

    As the heartless began to encircle the heroes, Antonio knew that the heartless seemed to be getting more desperate, it had been months since the last time he had went out. Could they be desperate, perhaps hungry? No, they are mindless beast, incapable of even the simplelest form of logic. I know they are incapable of all forms of emotions, it would be illogical of me to assign any form of humanity they are incapable of.

    Antonio cut through a Neo-Shadow with a swift horizontal strike, he charged deeper what appeared to blur into a wall of darkness, which seemed to portray one universal sentietism as it tried to engulf him. I could do it now, with one solid release of darkness, I could obliterate them. A move which the Dark Knights called "Unholy Sacrifice" would be used by unleashing a mass amount of darkness at once. I best not use that now, it taxes me physically. I could harm myself if I don't have the stanima to continue throughout the whole mission.

    He instead swung his blade around more frantically. He then felt the barrier refreshed around him. Perhaps they arn't as useless as I had once imagined.
  11. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Those three seemed to be handling pretty well. And Angel observed interestingly that Delos knew a little magic. Supporting spells, but magic nonetheless. not that many heartless escaped their attacks but the few that did, Angel made sure to take care of with an expert slash of her sword. She didn't feel like going on offensive, so she'll just be back up for them. Maybe when they're all gone, we can finally go inside.
  12. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    Dehydration was begining to set in on Delos, and with that fatigue. He had now wished that his flask was filled with water instead of shochu. Yet his sheer will remained unhindered. "This sucks! I'm too tired to use magic. Better start using this thing with full force.", Delos thought to him self as he gave his EM Rod an odd shake. He began striking shadows and the like trying not to get killed in the process. With each blow his weapon gave blue flash and zap noise. This seemed to humor Delos as he said, "I think I'm getting the hang of this. Their numbers are starting to deminish along with my naus...Bleeeeeeeeeeeeah*vomits*. Or not."
  13. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "....the f****?" While taking out some of the heartless that slipped by, Angel couldn't help but notice Delos vomiting. "Dude, what's wrong?" she asked as she wiped out 3 heartless with a swing. "You look kind of sick." Is it because of all the alcohol? Angel wondered as she flipped her sword stabbing a heartless about to jump on her back. "I'm not sure if I have a vulnerary....but if you can cover me, I'll check." She had a lot of pockets. And she would need time to search through them.
  14. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Raine finally noticed an opening gap between the arrows as they changed aim to hit more heartless. Finishing up the swarm before him he leapt high into the air as Dragoon's from his world do. When at a good height on the gate he pushed against it with his legs and sprung back down with his spear between his feet and his feet a third of the way down the spears pole. With one hit into the flow of heartless a higher amount of enemies was hit with them all pushing together as they rushed through the gate. Raine flipped back from where he was with his spear after touching the ground with his feet. He had no idea how many heartless where left but at this rate protecting himself would stop him from making money off any of the other party members
  15. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Antonio was grossed out over the vomit. But was happy that it seemed to repel some of the heartless. Or perhaps it was the heroes thining out thier numbers through slaughter. Regardless, Antonio opted to take advantage of the slow in the influx of heatless to bark a few orders. "We need to keep moving, we will be fighting here till sunset if we don't move." Though the sun was midday, Antonio knew that the heartless wouldn't stop coming. And the mission was a simple one, they needed to retrieve it from the other side of the hill. Only about 100 yards away. Far from the big heartless that roam the world. He began sprinting towards it, slashing at the heartless which dare stand in his way.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Hmmm.....nope.....that's not it.... Angel was pulling object after object from every single pocket she had. Hmm....I'm pretty sure I had bought a few before.....where are they? Oh wait....no I did put them in here.....somewhere....aha! "Here's a vulnerary. Tastes just like cherries." she said tossing it to Delos. Hmm....that happened to be my last one. I must've forgotten to put all those vulneraries inside my pockets before.....man.....and they were expensive too! I swear to god that merchant ripped me off. "Move where?"
  17. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    "Wow! Thanks a lot. I feel great now.", Delos said after drinking the vulnerary. His thoughts were collecting now that the effects of drunkenness were fading away. "We keep moving forward like Morty said. I can only use one more spell so I better make it a good one, right?" The red orb attached to Delos' weapon began to glow this time. The air turned cold as he shouted, "Hades! Black Cauldron!" The area grew dark as if Hell itself was sucking the light out of the air. A skeleton in red robes appeared on a raised alter bearing a steaming cauldron. The skeleton raised his hands in the air and a great plume of pinkish-red smoke spewed forth towards the remaining heartless. Delos was now completely exhausted but still managed to say with an eerie smirk, "Did I buy us enough time to press on?"
  18. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    "......I'm not giving you another one." Angel said with a sideways look to Delos. Show off. Vulneraries were the equivalent of potions in her world, giving people strength and healing their wounds they received in battle. They were an essential element in any traveler's journey. And Angel only had 2 more. Bah. At least he put it to good use....I suppose. "Where to?" she asked Antonio.
  19. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Antonio sprinted off in the direction he reffered to earlier, until he arrived at a cave, entering it, he saw a giant Fell Sword burried halfway tip first into the ground., which seemed to eminate a black aura. "Right where I left you." he exclaimed! As he approached, "I see you've been eating well DeathBringer," talking to the sword, as if it was a long lost friend. He reached for it, in an attempt to grasp it. However, just prior to grasping it, it pulsated out a release of dark energy. Which seemed to push Antonio back. "Wait, something isn't right this time..."

    The sword itself began emiting a dark cloud, which quickly filled the bottom of the cavern. Eventualy, the misty dark cloud formed around the sword, until gradually a humanlike form reached out and grasped it. It drew the Fell Sword forth from its earth sheath. And took a fighters stance against Von Mortem. As the mist faded, it reavealed a fellow Dark Knight. Only, its armor resembled more a demon than a human.

    "I suppose thiers a first for everything," he said, "Give me back my BLADE!" as Antonio mirrored the fighter stance. It was the fighter stance of a Dark Knight duel.


    The Retainer:

    Antonio leaped forward towards his opponent. With an overhead chop.

    The Retainer slid backward without moving its feet, as though it was hovering on air, and countered by releasing a blast of Darkness in the form of a purpleish dark fireball, which resembled the move of a previos keyblade wielder, Riku.

    Antonio was struck and stumbled backwards, grasping onto his chest. That didn't work. What is this thing? Is it my inner darkness? Or is it just the darkness of my Fell Sword?
  20. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    After watching the slightly gross event that lead to a large break in the heartless he began to wait for something to happen when Antonio began to move ahead. Raine dashed off after Antonio noticing the only one who knew where to go was going. He was keeping up well enough to see him in the distance, he wasn't directly behind him when he left. After a short while running he noticed Antonio enter a cave. Raine stopped to catch his breath, he had previously jumped and his armour wasn't helping when needing to run directly afterwards. Raine started slowly towards the direction Antonio went.
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