~~Children of Fortunado~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Jun 6, 2009.

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  1. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    After a brief pause, Delos looked up and said, “The only thing I intend to accomplish is getting outta this God forsaken place and getting back to 7th Heaven for some drinks!†Clearly he had no idea he in it for the long run. Hoping to stay with this new found crew of misfitted individuals he cried out almost involuntarily, “Hey wait! I…um… Maybe I can be useful to you guys. But first, a toast. TO NEW FRIENDS…or whatever.†After taking another drink from his coat flask, he did something he had not done in a long while. He smiled.
  2. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel could hardly hear the guy. Something about....a city...and....not to die....and...accomplishing something? "What do I want to accomplish?" What kind of question is that? Angel had never really thought about it before. She had no goals in life. "I want to.....be happier here than the other place." It was strange. The 3 of them all standing before this man. One wanted wealth. One wanted to drink. One wanted happiness. "I don't drink.....but...yeah. Sure. New friends! All right! Woohoo." Angel said to the man half serious, half sarcastic.
  3. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie


    May I join? :3

    Name: Yuuku Arisu (Alice) Nai
    Job: Secret Female Ninja
    Ability: Mild strength, stealth, speed, can walk on walls, katana wielding, advanced archery, master of the way of the crane (kung fu).
    Personality: Kind, caring, slightly shy, semi-quiet, loves children, a bit of a rebel. Her father (King of the World "Mishap" ) attempts to make her more "lady-like" and tries to set her up for arranged marriages. So far, most of them get pissed off by her, but one of them wants her because she has "spunk" (ew.)

  4. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    OOC: OK. You're in. He'll add you to the list later.
  5. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    ooc: yay! xD how am i to start though? :3
  6. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Just wing it.

    BIC- Angel looked around at the three of them. The one guy was in some seriously fancy armor. He also seemed extremely casual. Too casual. Well.....I suppose he actually CAME here. Whereas I just appeared here. And I guess the other guy did too. She had heard the dragoon's reason. Greedy much? Christ. It's like he's a mercenary.....wait. Moving on. The other guy seemed far more fun and less......fun killing. Of course the only thing she had a problem with was that he drank. A little too much it seemed. Plus he was willing to be friendly. And he seemed to go with the flow. Kind of like her.
  7. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Of course you can join. However, do you mind if I drop the princess of hearts thing? Ninjas can be overpowered on thier own. I'd hate to give her supernatural prowess in addition to that. Also, there is a fixed number of Princesses of Heart, and they are all allready spoken for. If you don't mind my ammendments, feel free to start playing whenever.

    Antonio was rather dismayed at thier answers. They have all arrived in this hell hold. Yet... many of them had no idea what they were getting into. Two of them didn't even seem to be looking for a fight, but rather wanted to leave.

    He looked at the mercinary dragoon, "Is money worth the cost of life?"

    Then the thief, "Happiness is hard to come by in this world." Judging by her response. There was quite a bit of tragedy in her past. Perhaps she had undergone some sort of dismay in the past. There might be some potential in this one, Antonio thought.

    He then turned to the man in the desheveled suit. "What are you doing here again?" Completly ignoring the fact that he just toasted to new friends.
  8. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Nai looked at them all from a corner in the shadows.
    She walked forward, allowing others to see her, as she opened her eyes.

    "I'm here to hopefully help to destroy the heartless here. (And to avoid a marriage...)Nai said wistfully said, mumbling the last part.​
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: Please keep your RP character from being way overpowered... IE: Don't do any god tier Naruto Moves...

    Last thing I need is 200 Kage Bushin running around and summoning Gammabunta to while casting Rasen Shuriken and Chidori Stream for mopup.. Maybe more like a FF Ninja.

    BIC: Antonio sighed a deep sigh. It seems like they always come in sets. "Your goal might be accomplished. Its not as... complicated... as the others. You don't even need to survive to do that." He said, with the grimmest form of optimism.
  10. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    ooc: got it. i was only planning on being a yuffie-like ninja!! xD *drop-kicks a cockroach*

    Ari frowned.
    "Oh, but I do." Ari had a disturbed look on her face, which was replaced with a small smile.

    "Anyways, hello. I'm Yuuku Arisu Nai. Please call me Ari. Blah-blah-blah... No formalities, pleasure to meet you all..." Ari boredly waved her hand while saying this.​
  11. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    Having not really known his reason for being there himself, he sighed and cheerfully replied, “ Well I guess I’ll find out soon enough. And it’s very nice to meet you, Ari. The name is Delos Venal, TURK slash adventurer… well now.†Thinking it wise to be a little more on his toes in this supposed new found Hell, Delos thought it best to save the drinks for later and began to attach what appeared to be several small glowing orbs to his weapon.
  12. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    Angel couldn't help but scoff at Antonio's comment. "No kidding." It was later that she realized what she said was rather rude of her. The man already seemed depressed, he didn't need her...."sass" to add to his "misery". but she knew apologizing would be a very awkward thing to do. The longer you wait, the more awkward it's going to be. Just spit it out! "I apologize.....that was unnecessary of me." Angel didn't bother looking at her. She seemed like one of those high class snobby types. The ones that I normally steal from. Heh....well...only occasionally. Even though Angel was a thief, she didn't actually "steal" things often. Only when she was running low on munny and when she needed something. Like food. Or a sword. Or a bribery item. Well.....i hope I don't have to hang out with all these people. They're not exactly my type.....no. Stop that. You have to get over yourself and actually attempt to make friends. You might need them. Angel looked down in thought. What if I can't trust them? What if they don't trust a thief?
  13. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Antonio seemed slightly dissapointed. His new team had... interesting personalities. He said nothing at the ninja's introductions. Also, he noted that the TURK/adventurer seemed more suited for drinking than actual combat. However, he wasn't prepared to write him off completly just yet. Even though he smelled like alcohol.

    He then raised an eyebrow at the thief. "You apoligized to me?" So much for that one... he thought.

    They seemed content to just stand around there and talk. He was hoping they might be more usefull than that. "Are we done here?" he sharply stated...
  14. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    “Ever the realist, huh bro?â€, Said Delos in a flat and uncaring tone. The thought of this man leading them through this citadel of some sort seemed to be a mistake. But his gut told him otherwise. Looking at Antonio gave him the same impression that the spiky haired delivery boy his boss, Rufus, was talking to one day. Eager to gain more insight on Antonio asked him, “Where are we headed, bro? I still have almost no idea how I got here. And these heartless… Are they much of a threat?â€
  15. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Ignoring the conversation between the other members of the mix and match party members Raine finished cleaning his weapon of choice. His goal was the money earned from this place not the people. Waiting for movement was all he could do now, he wasn't bothered with if the others could fight better than him or not, half of those would be chances for cash. Money was the only thing on his one track mind.
  16. Firekeyblade Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 26, 2007
    ".....depends on you." Angel noticed he seemed a little....annoyed. I guess he doesn't really care for rudeness then. Wait....he's going to be the leader? Hmm....I guess I should've figured....him...standing up there and all of us gathered down here. Angel herself didn't really like the group, but she'll have to deal. I hope I don't die because of that upper class aristocrat. Or because the drunk became too drunk. Immediately a whole list of horrifying scenarios flowed through Angel in which she would be in need of help and everyone else just kept making her predicament worse. Well....I could possibly save myself if the mercenary decided to drop me off a cliff. Don't know about all of this. She thought to herself as she just gazed at Ari and Delos. Her potential future rescuers if she was in trouble. I'm doomed.
  17. Panda Face Gummi Ship Junkie

    Ari sat indian-style on a rock, and felt her new "groups" auras.

    'Hm... that "Angel" person has some pretty depressing waves... the drunkard doesn't seem too serious, but a little more carefree.
    Mr.Antonio simply reeks authority... good leader qualities....'

    Ari sighed. 'Just hope no-one expects me to be a brat... Damned high-society...'

    Ari took out one of her kunai and began to sharpen it, polishing it as well.

    She grabbed about 5 of them and began to juggle them, making sure each of them was balanced enough for combat.​
  18. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: Why can I picture Delos and Antonio getting along like Deidara and Tobi?

    "Quite the realist," he said to the turk. "And I ain't your bro." Then he proceeded to answer the rest of the turks questions. "Assuming that we are all done fooling around here, I have business outside the city. Our first Sortie will lead us outside the fortress of Fortunado, into the heartless territory. Although it is overrun with heartless, they are significantly weaker than the beast which lie within the labirynths of Fortunado." He took a moment to speak extra slow, and to ennucniate very clearly, in a half condisending, half forboding voice. "The heartless are a malevolent race, capable of traveling in between worlds, and exist only to consume the hearts off all that is living. They are also rumored to be capable of devouring worlds whole, unless the heart of the world is sealed away for an eternity."

    "I'm not holding us up," he said towards the thief, now walking towards a large gate, not looking up towards her. He noticed a cringe on her face, as if she just had a macab thought. He would have smiled, if the situation was different.

    Walking past the ninja, he mumbled, "Quit fooling around, its not like I never seen a juggling act before."

    Which was more attention than he gave the dragoon.
  19. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    "ALRIGHT! Enemies ahead are a joke.", Delos thought to himself as he once again withdrew the flask from his coat. He had thought about the rugged knight‘s words before replying, "Well...Here's to your realism. May it someday serve a purpose. What did you say your name was?†Even though he had a feeling the guy hated him, Delos had a taken a liking to him. There was something more to this man than appeared, and Delos was determined to figure out what that was.
  20. Fayt-Harkwind Where yo curly mustache at?

    Mar 16, 2007
    Raine followed quietly behind, he would protect himself and offer to protect others for a price if necessary. Although, the enemy is weak ahead this would mean less need for his help as they would personally be able to hold their own. The only foreseeable problem against the enemy from the description that he could see was if they swarmed. Raine's plotting mind continued to think over possibilities.
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