Childhood Phobias and Current Phobias

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Amaury, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. Cuttlefish Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 23, 2012
    when I was a kid I never really had a fear of anything, that was until I free fell out of my nieghbor's tree. I never really knew how high I climbed but now I have a fear of falling or free falling. But I''ll still climb trees, even higher now, but I guess When your someone who challenges yourself I guess phobias don't really take part. :)
  2. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I have a phobia to needles (specifically injections etc...) - I don't know what the phobia is called, and I don't particularly care.

    Had it since I was a kid, and I still do.
    I freeze up, panic... and well... I can go crazy. I know deep down that if I need something done like a blood test, I'll go through with it, because it could save my life in the future. But... I just... *shudders*
    I feel sick just thinking about it.

    In terms of fears... Since I don't think it counts as a phobia. My biggest fear is losing those I care about.
    I know where it stems from too, and it probably won't ever vanish, but I guess everyone is scared of losing loved ones anyway.
  3. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    I used to be very, very homophobic in my early teens. Due to my lovely old church. After I moved away, it wasn't long till I was able to see how naive my phobia was.
    My current phobia is, well, this is really embarrassing for me. I have a have a fear of marriage (AKA Gamophobia).
    It's not that I'm afraid of committing to one person for my whole life, but rather a fear that someone will only marry me because of my finances, and then divorce me when I'm washed up.
    Maybe I've just seen to many divorce court shows.
  4. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    SNAKES!!!! I freaking hate snakes with the utmost passion. I was at camp one time, and they had this snake right here scared the ever living tar out of me when I was little. It was a small baby that they had, but it had got out of the handlers had and he was done towards me at the other end of the picnic table in no time flat. And ever since then, I have feared and hate snakes. I don't like them near me. I can't go into a pet store if they have snakes in it. I hate going to the reptile exhibit at zoos. Just can't do snakes.
  5. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    I don't have any phobias. Maybe of the unknown, but only after I watch a horror movie or something. I think my fears are pretty rational. I'm afraid of dying. Accepting of it, but still afraid.
    When i was younger, I was really afraid of heights, but that's gone now. Just discomfort, depending on the situation. I did jump off a telephone pole once, it was a lot of fun. but, yeah...
  6. adamboy7 Traverse Town Homebody

    Apr 3, 2010
    New Jersey
    Well, as a child I had a fear of spiders. And bees. Insects in general, but spider was the worst and bee was a close second. Oh god, the memories XD This one kid in my class a few years ago brought a dead Amazonian spider in a glass case and was talking about how it ate birds. My god, I was having a bit of a panic attack in the corner lol. If I could have climbed the wall to be even a few inches farther, I would have lol. However after that incident I seemed to have been cured of my fear lol. And Bees I just grew out of. For the most part, I am fine now.... Just don't touch me.... XD

    As for now, nothing I am deathly afraid of, except heights. Not all that comfortable high up lol. Then again, I guess its not being high up that bothers me, its more of the fact you fall you will probably die XD (and how funny, I have laughed at the thought of fear 7 times by this pint XD Aren't I arrogant? lol)
  7. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    Well, I used to have a huge fear over dinosaurs, and pretty much anything ravenous and giant. Strange as they may sound, I used to be friends with some people who were obsessed with dinosaurs, and I used to have a book about them. Used to scare the living daylights out of me. I also used to have stage fright, until I actually tried it and enjoyed entertaining people, so since then I pretty much love to be on stage to entertain people. Another was heights, which I've gotten over thanks to swimming (I looove jumping from high boards). However, one phobia that I used to and still have is bees, hornets, and wasps. ugghhhhh. I'm not nearly as scared as I used to be, but I'm still freaked out to be near one.
  8. Going Down In Flames2001 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 16, 2009
    Liverpool, England
    SPIDERS!!!! are my BIGGEST fear. It's just cause there big, hairy, have too many legss/eyes (8 legs/6 eyes) and tend to run at you when they've spotted you.
    Also Daddy long legs!! as when they spot you, the fly at you and chase you with the legs pointing forward/out streched. (A huge one once chase me when i was in the shower washing my hair =S )
  9. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Well, I have little clue what I feared as a child. I think I feared rejections. Currently though, I fear insects of all sorts and that includes spiders. The only thing from that category that I don't fear are taranchulas. I believe this fear has to come from a Cockroach we had as a pet. It was called a Hissing African Cockroach and would always hiss at me whenever I was near it. The other fear is of needles. No idea why.
  10. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 5, 2009
    Nowhere and everywhere
    Well, that I know of, I used to have Apiphobia (fear of bees) because I was stung by a bunch of wasps when I was younger. But I have gotten over than and actually care about bees in a way.

    Now, my fears lean to Bathophobia (fear of falling) and well an obvious one, Thanatophobia. I think my fear of falling leads to my fear of death. Even just the thought of death makes me cry at time if I really get to thinking about it.
    But other than that, I am alright when it comes to phobia.
  11. ExTeRi0R HD Moogle Assistant

    May 22, 2012
    I had a few really weird ones as a kid.

    One was power outlets. For some reason, they looked like a menacing face which was going to kill me in my sleep. Another one was prairie dogs. I was bitten by one and I've been scarred with that for a year.

    I was a weird kid.. :/
  12. dannierose Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 24, 2012
    Castle of Dreams
    This is probably gonna sound really strange but my biggest phobia then and now is buttons. Yes, I know, it's weird but it's true and it has a name "koumpounophobia" :P Buttons are just really, really gross to me and I seriously get nauseous anytime I'm around them. It's mainly the shirt buttons/buttons with holes, I'm completely fine with pants buttons and little button/pin things. How this phobia came about was when I was 3 I was running around my grandma's house barefoot and I accidentally knocked over a jar of buttons and then I walked on them and they felt really strange and a phobia was born lol Ever since then I absolutely refused to wear buttons. Although I have gotten better over the years and I've worn a few buttons on occasion, but if I can avoid wearing them I will lol

    I also have two slightly more normal phobias which are birds and dead things, and dead birds especially freak me out :P My fear of birds comes from when I was 5 and I moved to my new house, I ran outside to explore the yard and the first thing I saw was a squashed baby bird and I screamed and bolted towards the house. Also throughout the years I've gone to pet stores and birds have tried to attack me and at one pet store I looked in a cage and there was a dead cockatiel. Not to mention I have mutant bird nightmares :P And yeah I just don't like dead things, they creep me out.
  13. OblivionKeeper4 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2012
    Mildura, NSW Australia
    when i was little i was terrified of those little fluffy things that are on your toes when you take your socks off, i hated them haha
  14. FallenHeartless Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2012
    Organisation XII
    i used to be an i am still afraid of spiders!! what are they even meant to be??? hahah they are just a ball with legs and 842439284 eyes!! its creepy