Childhood Phobias and Current Phobias

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Amaury, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. The Twin My, what a strange duet

    Mar 30, 2007
    The Devil's Carnival
    Hypodermic needles.

    When I was 6 years old I was attacked by a German Shepherd stray. I was taken to the hospital and had to start a rabies treatment right away. 8 shots over 5 weeks. When you're 6 years old and can't understand why Mom keeps taking you back someplace to get hurt, it sticks with you.

    I was also scared of dogs for years following that incident, but that disappeared after I got to know Boomer, a part husky part German Shepherd mix my high school boyfriend owned who just begged for cuddles.
  2. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    This pretty much. I also used to be scared of thunderstorms. Not so much that I'd get struck by lightening but the sound of thunder. Now I love storms.

    I used to have a pretty severe case of arachnophobia. To the point I couldn't even see depictions of spiders in books and on tv without feeling them crawling over me. I still have it to an extent but I've gotten better about it.

    Crowds was another one. Mostly because I thought I was going to get separated from my Mom and be lost forever. I still rather dislike crowds but for all together different reasons.
  3. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    Bees/wasps is the first thing that comes to mind. When I was around 4, I was playing in my backyard while my parents were doing yardwork, and I got a wasp caught in me hair, right by my neck somehow. I could hear it, and I ran over to my mom crying and trying to convince her that there was a wasp in my hair. It took her several minutes (or at least that's what it felt like) to actually find it. ;~; And she kept saying there wasn't one. It stung me twice before we got it out.

    So yeah, for most of my childhood and teenage years I'd immediately run away from any kind of insect with a stinger. Now I'm not nearly as bad with them. I slowly got over my fear this summer for some reason. I still don't like them though. ._. I'll let them hover around and be a bee and ****, but if they get near my face, I will still flip out.
  4. Stella Nox Fleuret Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 1, 2010
    Hm...current Phobias and fears..

    I freak out when I see blood sometimes. It's a really strange fear. I don't like it excessively, like in several video games, I only like it if it's there for a reason, not just for the hell of it. Like I said, really strange.

    I'm also afraid of Wasps. I hate them. Whenever I see one I run away. I like bees, but not Wasps. Wasps, to me, are evil insects.
  5. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    Ah, let's see . . . phobias and fears. Well . . . I can't really remember any from childhood, but there was this one, not sure if it counts. When I would sleep in my room, I would always, always, always have to face my nightlight, and I could never face the wall because I was literally terrified of tombstones popping out of my carpet. Maybe it had something to do with zombies, not really sure.

    From childhood to now, I've got two recurring ones: bees of any kind and heights.

    There's a reason I've never been stung, because I always run away, and then heights . . . I can't really stand them when I have time to think about how high I am.
  6. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Oh, where to start...


    My father once teased that I was so skinny I would be sucked down the drainage of the bathtub, and after that I not once took another bath, not for many years. Converted to showering. I was frightened to learn how to ride a bike, and at the age of eight I tried to, fell off once, never picked up the bike again until two or three years later after I had jokingly stolen a bike of my friend's. Rode it around, realized it was nothing to freak over. Slept with my parents until I was nine or ten. Wet the bed for years. Finally my parents scolded, said that I could sleep with them no longer; forced me into my own bed, and so I was forced hesitantly. Slept with a nightlight for an embarrassingly lengthy amount of time. Afraid of the dark. Afraid of insects of any sort, would not and still don't step on even tiny ants... although now it is more out of knowing my place and not fear, as the big human I am, I couldn't crush something so small without feeling some degree of guilt. As a child I would spend a painstakingly long amount of time, minutes on end, eating my Cocoa Krispies one by one, by the grain-- scared that each would contain a bug, that I would be eating an insect! Had to check each single grain manually. Speaking of food. I ceased eating for about a week after I nearly choked on a sausage. And now I am a vegetarian. Heights. I would be frightened stiff that I might lose all sense and jump it, jump to my squishy demise...

    ALSO. This video, scared the living daylights out of me. My brother and his friends would utter the word "dinosaur", and get the biggest kicks out of seeing me flee the scene screaming. I would do things in gross repetition, and this video I watched repetitively. Got me into stop-motion, I think. Then my brother just had to let out the definition of "disembowled", and that at 1:14... he was missing his organs... and every time after, the mention of dinosaurs had me think of them ripping out my intestines. Lastly, speaking of gross repetition... being punctual was my forte. I would be in a fit if woken up a few minutes later than usual, or a few minutes earlier. Had to be at precisely 7 o'clock. Had to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner in order. So if I woke up at 12 pm, god so help me, I absolutely had to eat breakfast foods, it had to be called breakfast. If I skipped lunch and ate at dinner, it had to be lunch. Else I would seethe angrily.

    Edit: More. I threatened several times to leave my home, packed bag ready and lacking ridiculously in foods, then took a long walk. Came back each and every time, bag unpacked. More of a desperate plea for attention if anything, as I was far too frightened to leave the quarters of my home. My mother threatened to leave various times, this terrified me greatly. I would scrabble about the house, blocking all the exits as she tried to find an open route. Nowadays when she does it I am unreactive, becoming immune to her pleas and her grip on me lessening. She doesn't so much anymore... well, has, but it has not been anywhere near as melodramatic as then. It does not terrify me so much now as it madden me. To think she would threaten to do such a thing... I would say, she must have enjoyed my pitiful state of being whenever she threatened, but no... I don't think so.

    That's all for now, if I had to list everything, the list would grow too long...
  7. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    Can't think of too many besides bees/wasps/hornets. I was absolutely terrified of them as a child, I once didn't go to a baseball game because of it. I'm better now, but I still keep my distance....a very far distance.
  8. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    When I was young I was afraid of the dark. My imagination would get the better of me and I would imagine the worst.
    Now, I'm not as afraid, but I still get paranoid when I'm alone in the dark.

    I was also afraid of death a few years ago. The thought of eternal nothingness ate away at me. I don't think of it as much now. Whatever happens, happens.

    My top fears now are bugs (especially roaches, yuck...) not being able to have kids, and drowning. Freaks me out. DX
  9. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    When I was a child, I was most afraid of my mom or dad or both dying. I was afraid of losing my parents.

    Now that I'm older, I'm afraid of anybody dying. Obsessively afraid. If there's a phobia for that and someone knows the name, let me know. I think about it everyday. "What if ___ died?" "What if I wake up tomorrow morning and someone has passed away or got into a terrible accident?" These thoughts are constantly, forever floating through my mind. Whether it's online or off, if I'm close to someone or starting to establish a bond of ANY kind, I think; "What if they die? Please don't let anything happen to them, please."

    I cry about it a lot. I don't really know why it's there.

    Two other, stupid-er fears are of planes and elevators. I always try to take the stairs. I've been trapped in an elevator before and I cried and collapsed and just trembled the entire time, because the phobia was already there. It was my dad's fault, too. I told him I was scared and he said, "Nothing is going to happen." and jumped up and down. ...Then the elevator stopped and I was forever traumatized. :C

    I'm afraid of planes because I feel that would be a completely awful way to die. Taking off and the plane exploding, no time to reflect or register anything. Or crashing while in air, and having the time you fall to register 'I'm about to die, I'm going to die.'

    Especially since I always fly alone. I'm always terrified and without comfort. When I was younger, the stewardess' would sit by me and distract me/make me feel better. People were nicer to me then, and I wasn't as afraid. Now that I'm older I'm expected not to cry and to act all badass and stoic and normal about the situation and no one gives a **** that I'm scared shitless.
  10. LARiA Twilight Town Denizen

    Feb 12, 2011
    The Café Musain
    Was afraid of airplanes as well, of course. Upon lift-off I tense, and during particularly rocky maneuvering, but I think I have almost conquered this fear. Before I was a nervous wreck on planes.

    I happened upon this on TVTropes, High Octane Nightmare Fuel pg. Why, why, why must I challenge myself in such a cruel manner. If you are afraid of elevators, for the love of god... don't click it.

    In 2003, a man named Hitoshi Nikaidoh walked inside an elevator and had his shoulders pinned by the elevator doors due to faulty wiring. Despite struggling to pull himself inside, the elevator kept ascending until the ceiling sliced off most of his head. His left ear, lower lip, teeth and jaw were still attached to his body, which fell to the bottom of the elevator shaft, as the elevator continued moving upward. A surgery resident, who was in the elevator at the time, witnessed the gruesome spectacle and spent more than an hour trapped in the elevator with Hitoshi's head.
  11. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I have never been very afraid, even as a kid. I remember a few times when I would either convince myself that I was seeing things in broad daylight or I had hallucinations, and my parents would come running when I yelled for help. I used to ponder about things, but I wasn't truly scared of them. When we drove over bridges, I used to imagine our car going over the edge, and I watched as we started sinking, and I started drowning. I could see it clearly. I am not sure what put that idea in my head, but it stuck with me, and was a reoccurring theme when I was around bridges in a vehicle of any kind.

    The only true fear that I had was being rejected by anyone. I was very contemplative, and I was always concerned with impressing people and being on good terms with them in equal measure. I endlessly ran through conversations or scenarios and thought about what I would do differently than what I had done; if I could have done things any better than I did. My nightmares as a child were always based around losing my family, but I was never afraid of myself dying. It did not seem like a possibility. I remember one when I was a very little kid, at or below six, in which a volcano had erupted in my hometown. I was always able to escape, but I had to go back for my parents and other family or they would die. They did not see it coming, or could not run fast enough, or any number of other things.

    That same dream is how I discovered lucid dreaming. One of my parents was too slow, and I rejected the idea that their legs were burning. I convinced myself that I must be dreaming. I closed my eyes, and concentrated on it. "It's just a dream, you can control this." And then I did. My parents were not burning, they had caught up with me. We ran to our car and drove off into the country.

    Soon after, I realized what I was doing. I was free. My parents melted away, and I found myself jumping on our trampoline, surrounded by lava. I jumped around and laughed, and threw fireballs from my hands. Somehow, in my dreaming logic, doing this kept the lava away. I laughed because I felt god-like and thought that it was ironically hilarious that I could be one at the same time. I did this for some until I found myself awake the next day.

    I have never really been scared of anything since then.
  12. Patman Bof

    Oct 19, 2010
    I didn' t have any phobia, just normal scares that I could easily deal with, however I had recursing dreams and nightmares. There was a theme there : me flying or dying. Not sure what it says about me. Anyway, dying was really painful and I grew tired of it, after having several of those nightmares I ended up seeing them for what they were, just nightmares, and learned how to willingly wake myself up. I wish I knew back then that I could have learned to take full control over my dreams instead ...

    I still have nightmares but not often and never the same, so they fool me to the end.
  13. flowergothic Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 29, 2010
    D-O-G-S. When I was younger, I was deathly afraid of large, very active, and both mixed together dogs.
    Yeah, it's wierd.
  14. Krown King's Apprentice

    Aug 28, 2011
    Candy Land
    Oh I Found out another fear I have.
    It is not being in control of myself.
    I find that if someone holds me so I can't move i start to panic because of the loss of control.
    I hate it... :(
  15. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Being upside Down, Being Buried Alive,and Clowns and Squirrels.

    Being Upside Down You know those fair rides that flip you up side down and spin you?I'm scared of those.My first time getting on one,in the middle of the ride,when we were upside down,my belt thing snapped,and being upside down 10-30 feet in the air I spent the entre ride holding down the yellow spongy thing.I still remember that everytime I ride it,I only ride is Once If I ever go,I hate that ride >>

    Buried Alive This is pretty self Explanatory.

    Clowns Have you not seen those clown movies?And they all make really bad jokes.*shiver*

    Squirrels I've seen them do everything.Jump,Burry nuts,Gather nuts,Run,Mate, Get Ran Over,and Most Importantly,Bite Someones Arm Off.The girl was only trying to pet it.Was Biting necessary?Stupid Squirrel.
  16. dabeatmaster123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    My biggest fear would have to be heights, for that is the only thing that I can think of right now... well.... there is one more thing...
    the thought of nuclear warfare getting closer and closer as the years pass by, that's really scary and one of my biggest phobias right now...
    As a child I wasn't scared of anything.... maybe the dark?
  17. MyPaopuFruit Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 7, 2008
    Well my two biggest fears to date are storms and blood.

    I honestly cannot stand blood. The sight, the smell - just ugh. I cannot. I remember a year or so ago a friend of mine cut his head open and had to go to hospital to get stitches. Who had to take him to the office because he in his state thought he was "fine"? Me. I was not happy. When his parents took him to the hospital, the woman at the front desk looked at me and said: "Cass, you look awfully pale. Are you alright?" Oh god I was not.

    My friend was proud of me for how I handled it, but I wanted to kill him. To make matters worse about my fear, when Twilight came out I had to deal with people saying to me: "You're only afraid of blood because Bella from Twilight is." I had to sit there thinking: "People think I want to marry a sparkly vampire. Awesome."

    Storms make me cry. ;-; The moment I can hear the faintest hint of thunder, I'm gone. Under a pillow, in a dark space - whatever. When I was on camp there was a storm when we were kayaking. When we were able to get off the water I ran into my cabin and did not come out, screaming at the camp coordinators and my teachers when they tried to coax me. :'D I honesty didn't care what anyone thought of me, I just wanted to be safe.

    Aside from that I'm fine. I don't fear bugs or heights or normal fears. I'm weird.
  18. Shikou Kingdom Keeper

    May 13, 2009
    Past as a child would be yes Slappy from Goosebumps *shiver* *shiver* which made me not want to see anything with dolls or toys coming to life wanting to kill people. I had a bad experince with dogs that made me scared of them.
    Now just months away from being considered as an adult, I kinda am a bit scared of Dogs but its not that much of a problem as it was before. Movies, shows, and stories with dolls coming to life killing people doesn't effect me as much as it did but I do stay away from them. I am a bit scared of going into a airplane and it would be a nightmare if I have to travel alone. Needles are the worst for me as a kid and now.

    I should have read the other half of your post before I hit spoiler..... that image had sent shivers down my spine because I was scared of that damm puppet since I was 3. Bad memories came back because of that image but dont worry I wont hold it against you they will go away in a few hours ^_^
  19. miaulement Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 8, 2011
    The Nether
    The only phobia I've had that's lasted from childhood until now (age 15) is astraphobia (fear of thunderstorms). I have no idea why I'm scared of them, I just am. I know the chance of dying in one is very small, but they still scare me very badly.

    I've developed other fears, my biggest newly developed fear is seeing certain people getting hurt one way or another. It's bound to happen sometime, I guess. It's already happened for one person. The other fear would be dying alone, which is pretty self-explanatory.
  20. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    I have phobophobia.

    (And bees, wasps, and the dark)