But anything is better than the Eternity Clock game which is a shame because the story was actually alright
Not when you're going for Platinum with that GODDAMN CYBERMEN LEVEL GAAAAAAAH! Apart from that though, it was easy to the point of boredom at times. Tedious even...
Eh, I'm not into achievements. It was a cheap game that entertained me while I was bored during my 5 AM lunch break at work.
I got Eternity Clock for Christmas, I think the best part is The Doctor's hats. I wish they'd also give the names of them even when he doesn't say it along with some background on them. I got the obvious ones, and the "Burn with me" mask, but eh.
If/when they make a sequel, it needs to be BETTER Also, I had absolutely no clue of when the release date was until I saw on some obscure link that it had come out a few days before ;~; BBC, y u no schedule better?