This was mostly a photomanip, and I really manipulated the lightning more then anything else. (It's pretty large)Original pic: cnc or whatever.
The text needs sharpening, and it feels as if its seriously missing a background to create more of a version of depth, to help compliment your nice balance of brightness&contrast here. The negative space is fine, but again, I think you'll need at least some sort of canyon / rock face in the BG a bit more to help associate your approach. I'd also suggest to experiment more with font selections. It feels as if Impact wouldn't be the only good choice for that typography.
I have a very limited selection of fonts, sadly. I guess you could say I'm lazy using impact in most of my sigs. I blurred the text purposefully however because I didn't want there to be very much attention on it, I probably would have blurred it more if I'd had the chance. XD I get what you're saying about the background though. Thanks for the cnc, Madame Beaux.
Renegade, you know nothing of Gfx. Stop post whoring. Anyway, the manip aspect is good. You did good with that, but I think there is a bit to much negative space. Either crop it out or fill it with something like a mountain or cliff etc, but don't make it too visible. I also think it would look better without the text.
Yeah. There's a bit too much neg space. I know that that is what makes it unique, but still. But I like how you make him seem like he's hand-drawn.