
Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Recently the words 'Charm' and 'Charisma' have entered many conversations I’ve been happening.
    Since applying for Sixth Form (which is like College but it's also a secondary school or high school) I've recently had to talk too many of the teachers so that I can apply to their particular subject. Now while I was there many times I tried to persuade these teachers to let me in to their subject by complimenting their department and saying I’ve tried so hard and soon and so forth. Now many times I was told that I was told to be very charming and charismatic by either the teacher or my friends who were waiting in a queue.
    It surprised me since it's the way I would act normally with people and wondered why it was so more 'powerful' than what they use.

    The question is, Does the ability to charm using charismatic abilities help people achieve goals?

    I mean my voice really doesn't sound like it's charming, sounds depressing actually, but people call me charming so is it the words or voice we use that makes us charming?
  2. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Yes it does because what you say for the first time gives the person an image of you before they even know you.If you charm them first time they'll take a liking to you but if your dealing with teachers, being good in class and being able to talk to them in a normal fashion helps alot more.
  3. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    And what about, What's more important, the words or the voice you use?
  4. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    This is entirely dependent on the listener. Charm and charisma are often used to describe someone who can speak without sounding stupid, condescending, or trite. I'd have to put diction over voice here, because the voice can make or break it but no matter how great a voice you use nonsense will always be nonsense, but coherent thought can be transferred no matter what the voice.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    I'm usually amiable but I am also very blunt and straight forward. Sometimes I find that being blunt and straight forward is a negative thing, but I continue to do it and say that it is in my nature to not be deceptive or throw up fake personalities and people do actually find it refreshing and at least they know I am always 'real' with them.

    However, in a world where people want 'ego boosts' and we are also taught to often pretend you are happy when sad or that you like someone when you can't stand them, etc... there are a lot of people who have come to accept people can be very fake. These people thus expect that if they hold certain positions of authority or rank, such as a person that works in the bank as a teller, a person that writes your checks, a person that watches over a line of workers etc, they know people will have issues with them and possibly even won't like them because they hold something over other people. An employer has the right to hire and fire anyone pretty much. A store manager can get you something or keep it to him/herself and give it out to preferred customers who butt kiss or he/she knows and likes more. People make connections to these people of 'power' in a position where others need things or want things despite the fact that the person may be an utter jerk.

    So you are recommended to be 'charming' and charismatic so that you can get in to the opportunities in case the person in the position of power over something you want is rotten. Some people just know people 'hate' their position and so it is also an ego boost to them when people come along pandering to them, catering, etc. It caters of course to their position and not what the person is outside of that, but since people have grown to accept that many others are fake, it tides them over unless they really are people that are sick to death of butt kissers that put on a happy face and are just there because they 'want' something. I've met plenty of people that despite how we get taught to talk people up, they can see through it easily and it annoys them even as they smile right back at you.

    To not be a total negative person on outlook though, I will say again that despite being blunt and straight forward, I am genuinely usually amiable and try to have a friendly disposition unless I do feel someone is a really rotten scumbag. Being nice certainly doesn't hurt but I do believe you can also toss masks aside and some people are really grateful when people do because they come to realize that they get what they see. Charisma is also not just well, pandering. Charm pretty much is acting. Charisma though also has to do with your actual personality but just embellishing certain qualities of yourself for the audience you are around to include even how you dress, speak, your mannerisms etc. You can be charismatic around friends on the street or in a dental office or at school or at some job interview, or at a bar etc. It's more a blending in to the scene and showing you are comfortable with it and can kick it in that environment, meaning people are more likely to perceive you positively. I can be very charismatic but charming, not so much because I am not trying to warm up people unless I think they are sad and need a boost of self-esteem or assistance in some way, or I'm hitting on girls. >.>
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You playa, Repliku! XD

    Actually now that I think aobut it I treat everyone different depending on how they 'rank' in my eyes. Like how I treat new people with a smile and try to act nice, while with a friend I would try to talk and have good time with, to someone I love who I would constantly ask how they are and if they are ok, and if I can do anything.

    Though I would ask, is natural to constantly change your personality depending on the situation?
  7. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    For some reason the voice is lost in the Charming and discussing.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    Well, we all have a lot of personality, seriously. MPD is when certain personalities get isolated, usually from a traumatic experience but it's all still the same person, just divided up. With therapy and time these personalities emerge to show that they are actually parts of the original person, just given new identities.

    We all have our good side, bad side, sad side, emo side, angry side, joyous side, reckless side, hyper side, etc. These are in each of us but we as we go through life tone some down and turn some up. At various points we adjust these sides almost as if we are using winamp and adjusting the volume and speakers etc. Some people try to deny sides of themselves instead of accepting them and molding them how they'd want them to be. But seriously, we are all multi-faceted beings that cannot be 2 dimensional except by how we display ourselves to others or close our minds on certain aspects of ourselves.

    We treat people around us based on how we choose to be in ourselves. How we judge others, empathize with others and socialize depends on how we will react to them. Probably most people won't talk to a new person they've just met the same way they'd talk to a family member or an employer or employee. Hope this makes sense because so many people try to deem 'sides' of themselves as something so weird when really it's all part of the whole person and perfectly normal. The only time it would not be normal is if a person blanks out, finds him/herself in another part of the house or something and has no memory while others say that the person was acting all strange. It's normal for us to be able to switch moods and temperaments. Just because someone else might say 'wow, you really are a different person when angry' etc doesn't mean it's true.
  9. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    Yes, it is the voice and words, not always the looks. If you are charming to most people, it is your voice.
    You voice tells a bit about you, because of your thoughts, you thoughts make you who you are. And who you are is what's judged by everyone else who knows you. If you are depressing and down and emo, not many people will adore you. If you are outgoing,funny,positive(most of the time) and helpful, people will judge you differently. Even by your voice.

    That's my opinion.
  10. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    As long as a person believes that you are nice and such, then judging by your words, it is easy to manipulate people into doing something.

    Try big words. Normally, it wouldn't matter, but big words make ya sound more mature, and their for, they will be happier to have you in their class. SImple logic really since I do it all the time ^_^