So I want to start writing a story but I'm bad at making characters in bulk. Therefor I'm going to cop out and ask you guys to do it for me. The story is a fairly generic fantasy so think Lord of Rings and the like. The more detail the better but anything helps. I might alter or discard your character to fit the story, but I'll try to include as many of them as I can and keep them intact. Cool? EDIT: If it helps I made a character sheet. Feel free to do a partial one, go beyond it, whatever Spoiler Name: Age: Race: {Describe if non-generic} Appearance: Personality: Combat Style: {May help even if character seems unlikely to fight} Bio:
Name: Adriana Heart Age:16 Race: {Describe if non-generic}Human-Witch Appearance: Personality: Sweet kind Combat Style: {May help even if character seems unlikely to fight} Uses magic- mostly water and fire Bio: You can decide so i have no idea what ur story's about xD
Well, how I have it now, life for most people isn't greatly effected by the main events until the story starts going. The only thing is that it helps to have some dark moment in the character's past, but that can easily be fabricated in as I go. And thanks for the help
Name: Algon Age: 25 Race:up to you Appearance: White, wavy hair with a stub-beard. Tall, about 6'4" muscular, has great upper and lower body strength. Personality: Most often the lone fighter. Doesn't like to associate with many due to his undying will to protect them. This causes him to keep mostly with himself, and rarely open up to others. Combat: Fights with a boomerang that has been added magic so that whatever the boomerang hits will cause it to multiply. Allowing him to take down armies. Bio: Born in an unknown village and was left in a forest to die. He was found by wolfs and was raised by them. He later met a wizard that gave him the knowledge to talk, read, and gave him the enchanted boomerang.
Name: Ellis Fenra Age: 17 Race: Werewolf. Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes. Her skin is tanned from being in the sun a lot. She normally wears a red tshirt and jeans. If this takes place in a more medieval era, she wears a red shirt, green-brown pants and leather boots. Her clothes are spelled to transform when she does: no worries about getting new clothes. Personality: Volatile. She has a sharp tongue, sharper wit and always says what's on her mind. She refuses to lie, to herself or anyone else. She has problems trusting people and only travels with them when necessary. She's lone wolf: no pack. Combat Style: She's proficient with almost any bladed weapon. She fights best in her wolf form, but often doesn't have the luxury of waiting for the transformation to take place (it take a good minute). She has very good vision and as such, very good with a bow. Bio: Her pack all died in a forest fire when she was eight. Ellis only escaped because she had been on an errand for her mother in a nearby town. Adopted by a well off but not wealthy family, she lived happily for a year and a half. When they betrayed her to the town guard for being a werewolf, she vowed never to trust anyone. She would only get hurt. From that time on, she travelled, doing odd jobs for money. She mostly bought bread and vegetables; meat only when game was scarce. Hope this helps. I think you should add Gender: to the character sheet, but it isn't really necessary I suppose.
Name: Allyanna (shortened to Ally or Al) Age: About 18 by Elf standards, 50 in reality. Race: Elf Appearance: She is extremely small for an elf, to the point she is often mistaken for a child/much younger than she actually is and if often underestimated as a result. She has long alburn hair that is naturally slightly wavy and requires little work to look good. Her hair often hides her ears meaning she could pass for human without too much trouble. She has deep brown eyes full of depth and knowledge. All her movements appear to hae a fluid grace to them. Personality: Ally is determined and hardworking. She is mature, sensible and will think carefully before speaking. She knows more than people expect and she can think clearly in stressful situations. She seldom gets angry and believes trust needs to be earnt. Once she has made friends, she will do all she can to protect them. She hates to be bossed around without reason or if that person hadn't gained her respect yet and she hates the feeling of being trapped. She also loves the chance to have fun and act childish when the pressure is off. Combat Style: She is an expert archer, her trusty bow rarely missing it's target. She also has a knife concealed on her. If forced to fight close combat, she is not physically very strong (though still stronger than a human girl), so will rely mostly on her agility and speed. Bio: Ally was always the quiet one, she didn't fit in and was often picked on. She spent much of her time alone in the forest, improving her bow skills and hunting skills. She dedicated herself to her studies and developed a knowlege of nature including berries and herbs both to eat and with medicinal propities. However, this changed when she witnessed something shocking. She knew then that she had to do something. She got hr stuff together and left her home, determined to make a difference.
Sure, I'll throw something in for you. Spoiler: Character Name: Dace Farronhide Age: 37 Race: Human Appearance: Caucasian male. Hair approximately shoulder-length, possibly shorter. Muscular, but not abnormally so. Mostly unshaven, but well-groomed. Has a few creases in his skin, signifying his age (people aged faster back then, right? If I'm wrong, increase the age slightly to make sense.) Personality: Appears somewhat harsh, but means well. Has difficulty being sincere with others. Stoic. Combat Style: Longsword and round shield, both bearing the Farronhide family crest. Bio: One of only a handfull of survivors from a battle several years ago, Dace has never really gotten over his survivor's guilt. This has subconciously driven him to fight harder than he has to, which in turn has gained him a strong reputation in combat. In truth, he was no more skilled than any other in that battle, but survived through sheer luck. Married, with children, but has not seen any of his family in years. If you need any more, I can make a couple of others, this didn't take me long.
Name: Althalos Age: 28 Race: {Describe if non-generic} Human Appearance: Tall, but not too tall, Dark hair and eyes, prefers to wear common clothes so as not to draw attention to himself. Personality: Quiet, reserved, yet with an air about him that suggests a jovial nature. Always strong and independant, he never shows any signs of weakness, instead disciplining himself to overcome all weaknesses alone. He genuinly cares for all people, and does his best to protect those he meets. Combat Style: {May help even if character seems unlikely to fight} He fights with a small dagger, but if pressed, he has been trained in all kinds of combat ranging from archery to swordplay, and even to fight while on horseback. Bio: Althalos was once a prince, either of the story's land or another, it does not matter. His father the king was overthrown and everyone in the royal family was killed except for 16 year-old Athalos, who escaped and went into hiding. The conqueror put a large reward on Althalos's head, knowing that as long as there was still a prince, there would be a chance of revolution, but after the search for the Lost Prince died down a little, Althalos began to travel as a commoner, going by the name Stephen, which means "crown". He's been wandering around for twelve years, never able to stay in one place too long for fear he will be recognized and discovered, but he harbors in his heart a drive to one day return to his place and avenge the blood of his father, and to kill the usurper who sits on his throne. How's that? I hope it helps! :)