No Thanks Change it

Discussion in 'Feedback & Assistance' started by Deathsight44, Aug 13, 2008.

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  1. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Just recently, the fantasy rp section was change to the fantasy/sci-fi roleplay section. I honostly disagree with your decision, and I believe it was useless.

    there is the roleplay arena for the kingdom hearts threads, fantasy rp area for fantasy threads that aren't rp, you've got real life section, extended roleplay section, crossover roleplay section, and anime/media section.

    I think what you did was a mistake. Putting in 'fantasy/sci-fi' is a bad name in my oppinion, and really seems to kill the mood of roleplaying. Not only that, but putting down sci-fi really is unnescesary, because people won't really use it for anything else.

    In my oppinion, you should get rid of the extended roleplay section, because of how ridiculous the thought of it is. I mean, all roleplays are long to begin with, so what is the difference between an extended roleplay, and a normal roleplay thread? Is there any proof that those roleplays even turn out to be longer then the normal ones?

    Meanwhile, if you were to add in a seperate, sci-fi section, then it might change the mood a little, and people might begin making science fiction threads. In the fantasy section though, only thing your little add on is is an eye soar.

    If possible, I would like feedback from fellow rpers on this thread that I have made, to see whether you disagree, or agree, because even though it is not a big deal to most, in my oppinion, I believe that it might make things a little more comforatable.
  2. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    time to argue.

    i want to know how broadening the name of a sub section of a forum is 'killing the mood of roleplaying'? If anything it is going to bring more to that subsection and will eliviate RPG's being strune across the section that otherwise would have been slotted in that section.

    Question: Have you even looked in a extended rpg thread? There are a number of differences between a regular rpg and an extended rpg. First off the context and storyline are more detailed, posts are mandatorially longer and challenge you to actually create a living, breathing story instead of one or two lined he said this or she ate that. The reason that regular rpg's seem longer is because either they are flooded with one or two lined posts or are full of spam which throws up the post count making it seem longer.

    Then why don't we had the organization rpg thread, or a sports rpg thread, or western rpg thread? The staff and mods are trying to simplify the forum for members and i completely agree with combining fantasy and sci-fi into one section. Let's face it, fantasy is about things that are fantastic, while sci-fi is our fantasy of what the future could hold.

    I know i'm not the biggest rpger on this forum, but if it simplifies things by combining two like subjects together, then i'm all for it.

    Keep it the way it is.
  3. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    1. To me, it kills the mood then. I felt that it might be the same with others. Wasn't sure

    2. Not every single thread is made up of 2 liners and spam ya know. I know for a dam fact that unless the situation does not call for a long post, I will post a detailed post. ANd to answer the question, I never really did take the time to read

    3. There is a difference to it though. The reason though don't make some silly cowboy section is because no one is making any threads about cowboys, or whatever other examples you used. I understand that they are trying to simplify it, but, I feel as if they just mashed 2 different subjects together. Fantasy rp mostly consists of threads which take place in a different kind of world, or in the past. WHenever you compare those threads with sciene fiction threads, then it is fairly easy to see where the large gaps are. Its like taking banana's and brocoly and smashing it into the same dish. They are indeed both good for you, but they belong to 2 different food groups.

    4. If anything, I wish that there was a different way to simplify it. In all truth, it might be a good idea to get rid of the crossover section (not for nothing, but "ben 10 meets kingdom hearts", "pokemon kingdom hearts", "invader zim kingdom hearts", they look more like spam threads to me then actual threads.........(but that is just my oppinion)


    I change what I said in oppinion number 4, since it appears that they have taken some threads and placed them into the crossover section (even though I believe that a couple of them don't belong there....)
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Changing the Fantasy RP to Sci-fi/Fantasy is fine by me as there were already sci-fi RPs in that section any way and it just gives them a place to belong. I fail to see how it in any way 'kills the rp mood' at all. It also lets for RPs like steampunk to be placed easier as they can go in Sci-Fi or Fantasy, depending on the creator's mood and storyline.

    Extended RP is different and if you'd but browse and read the rules for the area and check the RPs out you'd see why it's in its own section. People commit a lot of time to doing story RPs with focus to plot and moving them along in a different manor than other RPs. It's like free-form table top RPs and takes a lot of creative writing to do that is not found elsewhere and can be of any genre. It is there to help find the RPs because otherwise they get lost all of the time with how rapid other RPs move because people do post shorter posts elsewhere and there is no requirement elsewhere to do otherwise. Those of us who like the area may be a small number of members but it helps us to keep things organized too and have our section.

    In the end that's why all the sections exist, whether some areas have a lot of 'spam' or not. People can choose the type of RP they want to run and gain members for and have the freedom to do as they please. Classing the RPs means that members can browse around at leisure and find what they want easier. Some people love crossover RPGs and others don't. They'd be harder to find if just left in the regular Kingdom Hearts RP area and also some crossover RPs don't deal with KH at all. The organization is rough as the area gets cleaned up but in the end players can ask for RPs to be moved to other areas they find more appropriate and members can look through and see what they like. Maybe the place needs some more TLC to organizing it, but I don't find the divisions themselves to be a problem. If anything it's helped so that many RPs aren't lost behind ones that move more quickly and it saves time finding RPs by genre so it's actually less of a hassle than going through every single RP and finding one you want.
  5. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Killing the mood? If expanding a sub-section is "killing the mood" then you obviously have a personal grudge against sci-fi? Seriously, I don't understand your point.
  6. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    ^ Amen to that.

    It just makes it more easy for people to find where to post.

    simple as that ^_^
  7. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    I'm going to go right out n' say that I'm the one that suggested this be changed.

    Why? There were several RP's that were of the science fiction genre in the General RP section, and I felt like it was a significant enough amount to change the title of the section. The RP section is really sloppy right now and by suggesting that I was simply trying to make it a wee bit more organized and easier to navigate.

    I don't see how RP's on a slightly different subject being in the same section as an RP you're participating in would affect the mood of your RPing in any way.

    Fact is this is a KH site so there's mostly KH RP's. There's simply not enough Sci-fi and Fantasy RP's for them to have separate sections. If your only reason is 'it kills the mood' then I see no reason why it should be changed back based on one person's personal opinion :/

    Besides, the name of the section doesn't affect the RP's themselves in anyway. It just makes things easier to find like Rosey said.

    As far as the Extended RP section goes, I agree with what those above me said.

  8. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    This man speaks epic truths of common sense. I agree 100% with him.
  9. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary

    And you ever go into a bookstore or a video rental store? Sci-fi and Fantasy are often lumped together in the same area. Why shouldn't here be any different?

    And like Orange said, there isn't enough threads to warrant their own section.

    I say keep it the way it is.
  10. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    simple. now that we have a mod in that section, she can look at any rp thread that has over X amount of pages, and move them into the 'extended' section, keeping the main page of the rp section cleaner looking, and the whole thing organized.
  11. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    ....Neku extended RP doesn't mean that the RP itself is long xDD It means the posts have to be more detailed and include a lot more thought and usually have a more complex story to begin with than normal RPs.
  12. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    I don't go there, I was going by what that post I quoted was saying _-_ so yeah, if the TC doesnt even know what he's talking about, I dont think they should be complaining about something.... -_-
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