This is a challenge for anyone. TRY and find a better Kingdom Hearts AMV than this. It is so sweet. (i didn't make this, i found it)
That really isn't very impressive at all. Hell, even I make better amv's than that, and I am pretty suckish. No offense if you made it, but it uses very limited scenes, has next to no effects, the song isn't that great, there is no timing, and overall I'd give it one star if I was being generous. There are plenty better than it. That video is the smexx <3 It's awesome. Whoever made it rocks and I want to be as good as them :3
Sorry, but that video didn't really interest me much fireflame. However, the one that Vertigo showed was pretty awesome!
i'm not dissin it. But the video that i found in my opinion, the music flows VERY well, and it had some sweet scenes. And btw, i found it, i didn't make it.
I've seen that one before. ...yeah, sorry. Not impressed. Vertigo's video is better. But for me, personally, Hazzlie's videos ftw people.</EMBED>
hmm okay, i was under the impression that my video was sweet. Anyway i'm in the process of making my own video.