Chain of Memories Chain of Memories Question..?

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX' started by Haiena.Koinu, Aug 11, 2009.


Re: CoM on PS2 or CoM on Gameboy?

  1. Re: CoM! (PS2)

  2. CoM! (Gameboy)

  3. I hate CoM! >_<

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  1. Axxel8 Moogle Assistant

    i really like reCoM but i also like CoM because axel was more of a badboy and way better graphics.
  2. Zyborggian Destiny Islands Resident

    I like the 3d one SO much more. It feels more normal controlling Sora in the ps2 version overall. Kingdom Hearts should stay 3d. (and yes I know that Coded is already released... >__>)
    But I honestly hated the game. The story was pretty good, but the gameplay is bad overall because of the card system. The most annoying parts are having to get used to using cards to ATTACK and then you have to wait 10 FRICKING SECONDS to reload them before you can attack again. The fact that its not rpg styled makes it not feel much like a kh game.
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