Chain of Memories Glitch?

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Scarred Nobody, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    Well..I'm going to assume hack. I'll get Dean on the line though and have him investigate.
  2. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    Another update

    Re: “Chain of Memories Glitch?” (Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:30 PM) (Andrew to V@nit@s)

    I’m sorry for not replying to your message last night, even though I did read it. I’ve spent a lot of my night getting through the floors of Castle Oblivion. Something is up with the playing field. First, I should tell you that the Room Cards I am given are all red. That’s what the previous owner left behind and those are all the cards I get from battle.

    The game also requires you to fight at least one battle before leaving a room. I’ve tried just going through doors, but it physically won’t let Sora go through. Some of these levels are pretty rough though; I’ve had to break out Oogie Boogie Enemy card a few times to keep from going to low on health. The only save points that I have are outside of the floors. It feels a bit empty without Donald and Goofy standing guard right there.

    I decided to go on a hunch that I got from that riddle. It told me to go where it began, right? So, I thought that maybe it wanted me to go to the Destiny Island world. Well, first off, it wouldn’t allow me to use that weird dark orb next to the save point to jump to that floor. It’s no big deal, seeing that Destiny Island is just a floor below. I explored the entire floor (except the Key of Rewards Room, but that’s because the previous owner already got a hold of it) and I couldn’t find anything to help.

    Frustrated, I went to bed. The same thing that happened yesterday happened to me today; I wasn’t able to get out of bed early. Before I could even start playing the game, I was reminded that I had to go take some books back to the library. I decided to take the bus in order to get some play time in on the way to the library.

    I did end up taking some screen shots, like you asked me to. They’re not that good though, seeing that the only way I can do that stuff is to take a picture with my phone. I sent them to your e-mail though. The first picture is of the “Sora Story V” entry while the second one is of Sora with his eyes darkened. Again, I apologize for the low quality.

    My instinct has told me to just go through the floors in the descending order. With my time playing today, I’ve already gone through a majority of them. The oddest one was the Hundred Acre Wood. It was completely empty. I had to put the game down for a minute, to get a sip of the soda I was drinking at the time, and I could have sworn that I saw Sora crying. It was probably the light though.

    Currently, no clues have appeared for me. I’m still trying to figure out what that riddle in the Journal was. Also, the Deck titles are bothering me for some reason. “NOT. GOD. NO.” I feel like I’m missing the most obvious thing in the world. I’m going to keep going and try to report to you soon.

    One last thing: Tell the group I say “thank you”. It really means a lot to me that there are so many people out there who care about me.


    Re: “Chain of Memories Glitch?” (Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:37 PM) (V@nit@s to Andrew)

    Okay, Andrew. I’ll be sure that they know that. I’m going to check my inbox right now for the pictures. I’m going to upload them to KHV once I get them so other people could be filled in. Thanks for the update.


    I’m going to check my e-mail now guys.

    Well, guys, I think things may have gotten a little bit interesting. He did send me the two pictures that he stated in the message. However, there is something obviously wrong with them. You just have to look for yourself.


    sora.jpg both pictures, the DS is obviously on...