hmmm the deceration of colors with the real person makes her stand out very well, but i think you should try covering up the guy in the backround by adding some more of the colors(sorry clueless what to call the color things). and the 'C' over the girls head, i think is to light in color and might look better colored. other than that very nice job!
It's nice, just that red splash... It's so plain. o_o Add some stuff to it. It looks like it's only there to cover something up. :x
Nay to the red thingy in the front... It's way too different compared to the rest of the signature, collides too much - everything's sharp except that red stuff. I'd remove that completly or work more on making it fit in with the sharpness of the sig. Misty's right, it covers too much of what would be a perfectly wonderful sig.