Caylee Marie Anthony

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Sexy Sheva, Dec 24, 2008.

  1. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    I can't believe no one's made the thread about this little girl (I'm sorry if someone did, i searched her name and got nothing)

    IMO, i thought it's heartless that a mother could do that to her own child, and it makes me actually feel horrible that there are some parents out there who do this and actually get away...
    I can't help but wonder what was going through her mind while her mother did that to her =(

    May she rest in peace.. <3
  2. Desi Banned

    Mar 31, 2007
    Down on that huge island people call Australia
    I havent heard about this,thats out right terrible. Its disgusting and horrible that a parent would do that or even to a child. I hope that woman gets sentenced to jail,no one deserves to be murdered.
  3. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Did the mother even kill her?

    The kid might have died accidentally and the mother didn't want anyone to find out.

    It didn't really say anywhere in the story what the might have done. So I don't understand why you 2 are so disgusted about what she "did" to her own kid.
  4. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around

    I believe Casey Anthony killed her daughter and I believe that the grandmother knows WAY more than she is letting on. Not only is there overwhelming evidence but let's all use common sense here. If I had a two year old son, there's no way in hell that I would go WEEKS without reporting him missing. Any woman that is a mother should agree with that. How could any mother not report her child missing for so long?? It's very very suspicious.
    Also, why did she abandon her car? It was running fine, there was nothing wrong with it, so why would she just abandon it? Judging from the smell in the car and the hair, dirt and stain found in the trunk---it's a no brainer.
    If you watched the Bond Hearing on CNN you will notice something else that I find very odd. At one point, the cameraman focuses on Casey Anthony's shackled ankles and you get a really good view of her toes. She has perfectly and seemingly freshly polished purple toenails. Now you tell me what mother would even have time to care about her friggin toenails looking pretty when her 2 year old daughter is missing and could be dead?? I know that if I were in that situation the VERY LAST THING on my mind would be my dang toenails being polished. Also, I read reports that she got a tattoo in the weeks following the initial dissappearance. WTF?! Your child is gone and you care so little that you go to a tattoo parlor and get a tattoo? Plus the tattoo says something like, "Bella Vida" for her daughter. This is all just too strange.

    I have also read reports that the babysitter never existed and the apartment she claimed to have dropped Caylee off at has been vacant for 5 months. AND reports that Casey was wild and liked to go to nightclubs and party. I wonder if she just didn't like being a mom at 22 and felt her daughter held her back from dating and being wild. That coupled with the fact that her daughters father died in a car crash not too long ago. I think Casey Anthony has a whole slew of emotional/psychological issues and someone should have noticed that a long time ago. She is a pathological liar.

    All of that evidence along with how much she has lied just points to one thing.
    She has murdered her daughter and I hope she gets the Death Penalty for it. Any mother that knowingly and willfully murders their own child should get the death penalty
  5. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    All the "evidence" you've presented here only points to the fact that the mother hid the body. I see NO evidence of the mother having killed the child. The child could have died because of an accident very easily, and the mother then hid the body so no one found out.

    Unless she confesses, I think they should look more into it. Even if she didn't murder the kid, she'd be charged with irresponsible disposal of a body.

    Also, Bella Vida = Beautiful life. I don't see how that has anything to do with her daughter. =/

    Furthermore...death penalty? Yeah...because wrong + wrong = right.
  6. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Why would she not tell the police how she died? Why would she lie about her being with a nanny and the nanny took her and there never was?

    Why is she trying to hard to cover stuff up , and go out to parties while her daughter is missing?

    She was also arrested on stealing mnoney from a friend of her's during the time.

    She seem's like the type to just 'worry' about everything.. She doesn't have a conscious i believe...
  7. Shadow_Rocks Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 2, 2008
    I remember hearing about this on the news..............I still can't believe why the mother did that to her daughter
  8. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Of course she's trying to cover **** up, she has people out there, like you, who think she murdered her daughter!

    And let's get one thing straight: The mother knew the kid was dead, there's no doubt about it. So stop with all this "Why would she do this if her kid of missing?" crap, it's not a valid point now get over it.

    For that matter just stop asking Why she would do anything. Look. How about this.

    The Mother leaves the kitchen while cooking. The kid walks in. Sees a knife, accidentally kills herself. The mother walks in, "Oh ****. I have no evidence that this was an accident. People will think I killed her!". So she hides the body. Obviously not a very smart woman.

    You may think, "Wow that's ridiculous". Well, it's happened before. Am I saying that's EXACTLY what happened? Of course not. Am I saying that she DEFINITELY didn't murder her child? No.

    I'm saying don't jump to ****ing conclusions, a lot of innocent people suffer that way. Imagine this woman getting the death penalty for her kid accidentally drowning in the bath tub, or because the child was playing in traffic.

    I want a confession out of the woman, or at least some real solid evidence that she murdered her child, otherwise she's just as much a victim as her daughter.
  9. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Well, i'll keep you updated for when she confesses


  10. Desi Banned

    Mar 31, 2007
    Down on that huge island people call Australia
    You have good points here still Cin but its still somthing that disgusts me. I think this woman deserves her punishment.
  11. ♥AL90♥ Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2007
    Why is it about where I live? Where do you live?
    Well she didn't tell the police right away. So she could be facing many years in jail.

    She might have the benefit of the doubt about partying. She most likely knew her daughter was dead whether she killed her or not so she needed something to take her mind off of it.

    Poor Caylee and Casey T_T
  12. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    Its just horrible. How can a mother do this to her daughter?
  13. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Cin was right to question it. Even though it was an extremely stupid move to pretend that her daughter didn't die, whether or not she killed her, it's possible that the mother knew that she would be suspected, and tried to avoid that. But as I said, either way it's a stupid move, because it just makes you look very suspicious.

    I find that weird that they don't have some kind of clue about how she was killed. I suppose that the indicators would fade over time, but that article made it sound like they had absolutely no idea, and yet still considered it a homicide.
  14. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    the first quote was emailed to me.... the others are from websites where i looked it up <3
  15. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    After an extremely traumatic event (such as, for example, the death of one of your children), you aren't likely to be in your right mind. So (if it was accidental) there is a very good chance the mother would have hidden it. She has probably seen how the court cases go on TV and watched enough crime series to see that she would be the prime suspect. Being overcome with grief she wouldn't be capable of thinking of the consequences of her actions.

    As for there not being any of seeing if she died, the first article said that her head was skeletal. If she had no flesh left most of the evidence of her death would also be gone. The only things left would be fractures, and there are quite a few ways to kill someone without breaking any bones.

    Of course, if she is guilty I hope she is punished appropriately.