I have noticed that I seem to say two things all the time so I guess that makes them my catch phrases. The things I say are "mate" and "no worries". Have any of you noticed an increase in the amount of times you say something?
Well, since the beginning of March, here are my most commonly uttered phrases: "Hello!" "Find everything you were looking for today Sir/Ma'am?" "Do you have a points card?" "Your total comes to $__.__" "Here's your reciept." "Have a good day!" I've managed to follow a script.
Let's see, do I have any catch phrases? I can't think of any now, but one thing I do is I rhyme a lot. No seriously, I rhyme all the time! Like, that was an accident. I typed it out before it registered in my mind that it was a rhyme. I know you might not believe me, but it's the truth. My family all think it's the funniest thing, I'll just be talking, and what I say comes out in a perfect rhyme. It's weird.
I don't have a catch phrase but i know a good one. Sephiroth - I bring you dis pear (Despair) Only applicable if your a pear sales man/woman unfortunately.
The only thing I've got is 'Onwards and upwards!', and yes I know I took it from Doctor Whooves Adventures, but its so good I just can't stop saying it.
I dunno, I guess I say "totes" a lot for some reason instead of "totally." I'm also fond to the phrase, "I'm f******g crazy" well . . . in real life anyway. But like, it's totes cool ^^
Not so much catchphrases but mannerisms: I find myself saying things like the Doctor or walking like him O.o "Oh yes!" "So is your face." <--- Probably the one I use the most!
There is another cathe phrase I have been planning on using more but it may sound stupid to everyone but it is "Odamental" It is the words I use for my own brand of craziness.