Eh, the boss fights were very creative. The second Cyclops fight is probably my Favorite, I'm pretty disappointed that there wasn't a Alien homid boss[DOUBLEPOST=1361692682][/DOUBLEPOST]
While this boss was easy, I really enjoyed the fight where the creature chases you after you hitch onto the coach, right after the battle in the video. I thought all the bosses in the Wizard's takeoff were great, my favorite is the Necromancer.
To be honest, I only played the demo. As such I'd only seen one boss fight. I just wanted to reply to your post. I'm not exactly sure why I thought a fight played by anyone would look as good as a choreographed one, but the boss fight video was cool. And about Alien Hominid I guess it would of been nice to see a reference to the first big game of Newgrounds, but it might not have fit the atmosphere of Castle Crashers.