Carcass Carivan

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Jun 4, 2018.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] The crackling and smell of bacon stirred Tellia from her slumber as she slowly looked over to where Zelph had a fire going and cooking bacon like he promised her. Rubbing her eyes, she got up and walked over to where Zelph was and sat next to him staring intently at the bacon while holding her teddy, trying hard not to yawn too much. "You kept your promise." It wasn't that Zelph often broke his promises, he just sometimes held out with the food to make it last longer. Still tired she leaned against her brother. "Do you think mom and dad will be waiting for us when we finally get to the city? I miss them."
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] When Tellia asked about her parents, he sighed a bit. He knew he hadn't told her about them being dead, but he had not once made a promise about meeting them anywhere. He had hoped she had caught onto at least that much by now, but he felt like he was repeating this point a little bit, "They don't know we're heading to this city, they could have gone the other way. It's possible we won't see them again, Tellia." he flipped the bacon over and got started on roasting some potatoes. He looked over at Hedgrit and asked towards him, "Do you want more potatoes or more bacon, old man?"
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] Tellia couldn't even begin to grip the idea that her parents might be dead. She had been told days before she left that it was possible that they might eventually have to flee, and if that happened to go with Zelph and they would catch up later. Now Zelph was telling her that she might never see her parents again. Tellia began to sniffle. "No. We will see them again. They will come for us. Momma would never leave me for that long, she will find us." Tellia argued as tears ran down her face. "They have to find us, then we can all be a family again." Tellia never saw how not a part of the family Zelph was. He was her older brother, of course he was a part of the family.
    "I would never say no to meat." Hedgrit stated, climbing down the ladder after dropping off another load of bricks. He turned to see Tellia crying and suddenly decided that he hadn't brought up enough bricks. "But if giving it to the little one will keep her quiet, I will take more potatoes. As long as she don't keep us up all night crying."
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Zelph let out a sigh, like he couldn't win here no matter what. He finished cooking up Tellia's food first so maybe she would eat and then go to sleep afterwards and he could have some time to not think about this. As he started cooking more, he thought about cooking a little for Iridia too. Iridia didn't exactly need to sleep too long or eat too much to recharge, which is why she usually did the night watch, but he liked to cook a little for her anyway. Though he couldn't figure out how much was too much at this rate. He knew she didn't eat meat though. As he sat back to stare at the fire and looked over at Tellia to see if she had calmed down yet, but he hadn't said anything in response to what she said so he didn't know.
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Tellia shifted a bit uncomfortably as silence fell, she didn't like when Zelph avoided conversations like this. She knew it didn't mean anything good, knew that he had to be right that her parents weren't coming back, but she didn't want to believe it still. Taking the bacon she was given, Tellia ate it silently, still leaning against Zelph as she ate it. "You aren't going to leave me right?" Tellia asked as she yawned again while eating. She was terrified to lose her entire family, she wanted to at least keep her brother with her.

    Finishing her bacon and little bit of potato, Tellia moved to lay her head in Zelph's lap, quickly passing out again, in the comfort of having her brother around with her. When Tellia was asleep, Hedgrit finally sat down and took some food for himself eating it.

    "You gonna be able to carry her up there now?" He asked almost sounding like he was offering to help this time.
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "I'll carry her but she can relax here while I eat. I'm sure she doesn't mind the fire." Zelph replied as he started plating their food. Iridia slowly emerged from the bag and stretched a bit and flew over and grabbed a small potato that Zelph held out for her once he saw her up and she started nomming on it without saying anything since she was still waking up. Iridia looked over and said, "You didn't say anything to her when she asked if you wouldn't leave her."

    "I don't want to promise anything that I might not be able to keep." Zelph replied as he started eating. He chewed for a bit and said, "I don't like giving her false hope... but I don't like making her cry..."
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "So what exactly is yer story. Ya don't seem to be telling her everything." Hedgrit pointed out, ever more curious about his traveling companions. "And I don't think you'd be givin' her false hopes with the promise unless ya intend to leave, but the kid is psycho enough as it is. I don't think ya should leave 'er." Hedgrit warned as he looked over at Tellia, his face actually softening a little bit as he watched the girl sleep, like he didn't actually mind the two kids completely, and maybe his tone with them was often just an act.
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Zelph did not look comfortable with the idea of telling any more to Hedgrit than he already has. He simply said, "I don't plan on leaving her. Not willingly. But I don't want her to think I'm invisible. If I get infected, I need her to be able to leave. I don't want her to hate me for making a promise I can't keep. So until the crawlers are gone and we're safe, I won't promise her I won't leave." he started braiding his hair as he sat there and looked over towards Hedgrit and said, "I've already told you pretty much everything. We came from the elf city of Salysa. We're half siblings, and we've been on the road for a few weeks now since the outbreak just... seemed to suddenly just spark there and get worse."
  9. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "At any given time, with or without the crawlers something could happen and you could die. Doesn't mean that you should not make the promise anyways. It means that she will not think anything is certain, and hope is a powerful thing in these times." Hedgrit warned Zelph as they sat around the fire. "So which parent do you share, and where are they now. Did you run ahead or are they... you know... uh... gone?" Hedgrit asked trying to coax out the entire story from Zelph even if he didn't want to talk about it.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Zelph liked Hedgrit's reasoning. Too much in fact. He knew hope was good to have, but hope could also be a crutch when someone relies on it too much. Either way, he tried to transition the conversation to stuff closer to home, while he didn't like it at least they weren't too personal yet, "Father. We shared the same father. They... um... they didn't make it." he looked over towards the dwarf and said, "I wasn't home at the time of the outbreak, I ran in to warn them to get out and my father was already gone. Tellia's mother wasn't though, but she was pinned down and she was bit and told me to go and to run with Tellia. She was... out of it at that point. Tellia I mean. I think her little friend almost got her. But I don't really know. I just know that once she was up and around, she was asking where our parents were. But... she saw them..."
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2018
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hedgrit nodded as he listened before he finally spoke, offering up his own bit of information on his life. "I... uh... I was workin' in the mines at the time. Sometimes we stay up there for days. I was only gone for two, but when I came back down, most of my town that wasn't in the mines were crawlers... includin' my wife. I chose to put her down before she could do too much damage, but I couldn't take on the entire town so I fled." Hedgrit admitted as he pulled out a charm that he was wearing, hidden beneath his beard the entire time. "She was the most lovely thing I had ever met." After offering a little more about him however he still had another question for Zelph. Up until now he hadn't understood so he mocked it, hadn't wanted to understand. But how he described it in the story, curiosity had gotten the best of Hedgrit. "What exactly is this little friend? Is the wee one crazy, thinks she has other people in her?" He had heard of medical cases where people went insane and ended up believing they were several different people, but something told Hedgrit that it wasn't quite the same as that, not the way she seemed to fight against her own mind when things go too much.
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "I uh... don't really know. But it's not something like that... I uh... think there... might be an... entity inside her?" Zelph stared with a blank face afterwards at Hedgrit waiting for a response and only getting silence before saying, "You see... it sounds... really odd telling people this."

    Iridia nommed on her food and looked over and said,
    "Like... a spirit? A foreign thing? A demon?"
    "I don't... know?!" Zelph immediately lowered his voice and said, "I-I've never understood it myself."
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hegridt sat there seeming stunned for a moment like he had no idea how to react to it, and well that was because he didn't. "Yer tellin' me that another whole entity lives within that tiny body?" Hedgrit knew that was what he had just said and still it didn't seem to sink in. "Would it ever be dangerous to us?" He then asked. He didn't necessarily plan to send them away, but he never paid much mind when the girl started to talk to herself, now he wondered if he should be on his guard. Right now she looked like she couldn't hurt a fly, but the thing that lay beneath, it was because they didn't know what it was that scared him the most about this entire thing.
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "I don't know. But, at this stage it has never gone further than just being dangerous to Tellia." The boy looked down at his sister and started playing with her hair a bit while she was sleeping as he continued, "I know she's doing her best. I just want her to be safe. It was already a problem without all this chaos... I want her to be able to make it."
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hedgrit nodded for a moment before staring at the girl for a bit longer. "I am sure she will be fine, with a brother like you to take care of 'er." There was some sense of compassion in his voice as he watched the two of them. Hedgrit then stood up and stretched. "You get first watch, I am going to get some sleep. Are ya sure you don't want help getting her up." Hedgrit looked to the top of the ladder where he had started to set it up for them to sleep. At the very least he would let Zelph go up first and wait right at the bottom just in case. Hedgrit still worried about having Tellia with them, but he would do his best to help care for her, he wasn't quite so heartless to let them struggle on their own.
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "Yeah I'm sure." Iridia began putting out the fire and grabbed some of the stone and wrapped it up in a fire-resistant blanket and she flew it up with a bit of trouble so there was warmth up above. Zelph placed Tellia on his back and climbed up. He was struggling more now, since he tired himself out with the bricks. But he put on a face and stubbornly refused help. When they were up he put Tellia in a comfortable spot with a blanket and made sure her new teddy was with her. Zelph was ready to help anyone who needed it up. Iridia flew out to the top of the roof to check to make sure everything was clear before going back to rest a little longer before it was her shift.
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Hedgrit lingered at the bottom of the ladder, keeping his eye out as Zelph started to carry Tellia up. Zelph didn't look totally stable, and Hedgrit cringed a few times as he tried to climb, but in the end Zelph and Tellia got up fine. With confidence that he was okay, Hedgrit then climbed up himself. Tellia seemed nice and tucked in, so Hedgrit found a spot on the other side of the landing, opposite to Tellia and Zelph. He gave Zelph a small wave before curling up himself, taking off some of his armour before he fell asleep.

    (I rolled for it, the night will pass without incident.)​
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Zelph wasn't able to sleep very well, not that he felt he needed much sleep but it has been a few nights he wasn't able to sleep well and he was getting a bit worried his exhaustion would catch up with him. He maneuvered down trying not to wake up the last one sleeping and went to start up the fire again to cook breakfast. It wasn't much, but it would get the job done. As he sat by the fire he nodded off slightly with his eyes closing and him accidentally falling asleep again while tending to the fire. Iridia flew down and saw him and poked at him in the cheek going, "Zelph? Wake up sleepyhead."

    When he didn't immediately she booped him in the nose and was greeted to Zelph waking up startled and swatting her away like she was a mosquito. When she his the ground with an "omph" Zelph looked over at Iridia panicked and she giggled,
    "Yer alright, it's my fault. Sorry for startlin ya."
    "No no. I should not have hit you. Are you okay?"
    "You were sleeping. It's fine."
    "I-I wasn't sleeping..." he hoped no one else caught that he had in fact fallen asleep as he tried to hide his face behind his hair.
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] Tellia had slept for a long time, it was normal in children, even more so for her. It seemed when she didn't sleep at least ten hours, the thing inside her was more irritable than normal. When she awoke, she found herself in a strange place that she had not remembered really getting too the night before. As she woke up and looked around she found herself in a high area, laying on some hay. Getting up she looked down at her brother who was already awake. Looking down it seemed Iridia was talking to Zelph distracting him, so Tellia thought it might be fun to trick him. She didn't know what to do though. Looking around she found some straw sitting around and started to throw it up and let it rain down out him, giggling slightly.

    Come morning Hedgirt was up slightly after Zelph, but remained to watch the little one as she slept still. Hedgrit was nearly dozing off again when he heard giggling and saw Tellia throwing straw over the edge, seeming to be aiming for her brothers hair. Shaking his head he got up. "Come on lassie, lets go harass your brother into giving us food." Hedgrit went down first, watching as Tellia started to come down after him, making sure that her feet were both on the ground before looking to Zelph. "Is it ready yet." He did his best to imitate Tellia's whining voice.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    Zelph held the food towards everyone as soon as they were asking if it was ready. Because it definitely was. But the boy started falling asleep again after everyone had started eating. He was mideating when he had slouched over with his eyes closed, trying to get a bit more rest before he sneezed and it woke him up by scaring himself. He then ate a bit more and felt his head droop down again as he fell asleep once more. Iridia looked over at Zelph and said, "Is the kid alright? I haven't known 'em long but he never seems to be this tired."
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