Carcass Carivan

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Aelin, Jun 4, 2018.

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  1. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Sickness ravages the land, driving people mad, to breaking point. It is slow at first, effecting the body first showing signs of flu and illness. Then the magic if you are blessed to have it flowing through your veins. Once it devours your magic then it moves to your brain, taking the life out of you in some ways. It destroys your brain but leaves you functioning, a shell that relies on the basic instincts of eating and fighting. Anything that they can find is food, although generally for most races meat it the preferred meal. Thick hides of animals and brute strength generally make them hard to kill when you don't have mind enough to pick up weapons. However humanoids, they can be easy targets, especially those of a smaller race than you. An incurable illness that drives people to cannibalism, that is what these people we now refer to as zombies have. They were once our friends, neighbours... even parents, but once the illness takes hold there is no going back. You are better to die before it takes you fully.

    Over the past year the illness has spread rapidly. All it takes is it getting into your blood system, one scratch from one of the creatures could cause you to fall ill, but for those who are hardy, it sometimes takes more. There is only a few safe havens left now, only so many places people can flee to, and even then they are picky about who they will take. The elves are seen as a superior race, they are almost always guaranteed refuge in one of these havens if they can make it. However if you are not one of them, you might be out of luck, left to fend for yourself in a world that is trying to kill you. Every city that falls leave refugees fighting for their lives, trying to find their way to a new town that will accept you before the disease could spread to you. The world is a hard place, food becoming more and more scarce, but there are people still wandering around, fighting, surviving, in search of a new home.

    "No! You can't come out and play now. We don't want to draw more attention to ourselves. Hadgrit said he saw some of those creatures up ahead. We need to sneak around them. No! We don't need to kill them, we just have to get around them. Go away. No!" Standing behind Hadgrit, but in front of Zelph, Tellia was arguing with herself or so it seemed. By the end she was holding her head, struggling a bit, seeming to fight whatever was within herself as she walked.

    "Are ya sure she ain't sick. It would be a mercy to kill her now laddy. Why do you let her suffer like that? She is clearly losing her mind." Hadgrit had only found the pair traveling a couple days ago, he himself had been displaced from the dwarven mining town of Freymead, now traveling looking for safety. Having two kids with him, especially elvish children, was not ideal but at least it was another set of eyes to keep watch while he rested.
  2. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "She's not sick." the black haired elf replied bluntly as he calmly looked forward at the view to make sure there weren't any creatures trying to sneak their way over while they were defenseless. Zelph placed his hands gently on Tellia's shoulders and said softy, "You need to be quiet. So does your friend." the elf took strands of Tellia's hair and loosely braided them as he whispered, "Or he won't get bacon later. And we have bacon."

    "Should I fly ahead and scout?" a small voice managed out before she flew out of a bag Hadgrit was holding and hovered just above his shoulder, "I think the kid's gotta watch the baby so we can't have him scouting the place."
    "Hey, who are you calling a k-"

    "It could have just been injured travelers. And I'd rather not be on high alert if it's not a crawler after us." the fairy flew slightly higher as dust trailed behind her, making the dwarf's shoulder sparkle like it was covered in one of those types of glitter that just never quite washed out.
  3. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada

    "I'm trying. He won't listen to me."
    Tellia whined softly as she let the feeling of Zelph braiding her hair calm her slightly. Sometimes her friend could be hard to deal with and while she was mostly able to keep him at bay, when he decided to act up it could be difficult. "Can I have bacon later? I want bacon." It seemed like a luxury to have it. They had been rationing most of their food and the good stuff was eaten on rare occasions so they had more for later.

    As she talked with her brother starting to calm down, another voice popped up as a small fairy creature popped up.
    "I am not a baby!" Tellia retorted a little louder than she meant. She soon found herself clamping her hands over her mouth. "Sorry Zelph." She mumbled quietly.

    "If you want to fly ahead go right ahead. I'll watch the kiddies for ya." Hadgrit agreed. It made sense to scout ahead but he didn't really trust the little ones, so he decided it was better to stay behind with them. Iridia decided it was a good idea to sprinkle him with dust and he frowned trying to rub the glitter off, only to get it all on his hand instead. "Stop it. Stop it I said. Don't make me swat ya!" He threatened the fairy creature waving his ax around for emphasis.
  4. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    "Maybe. Oooor, you could save it for a day you feel really sad or really scared." Zelph suggested, "Isn't it nice to have treats on days you feel a little bad?" he kept braiding her hair and tried to sit down and get her to sit on his lap so they could keep low. As he did, Iridia flew on forward to go and check out the area. She found herself a spot in the trees and tried to hide more in the leaves. Her body camouflaging slightly to the color. While some trees retained normal health, a lot of the exotic trees in the area were dying due to lack of care from those who used to treat them. It pained the little fairy to feel how they were dying or getting sick, but she had to be more worried for herself and her group for now.

    Zelph kept his eyes out looking behind him, ready in case they were flanked somehow. He kept himself in a good position to restrain Tellia if she got out of hand, but hoped for the best there.
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] "But I want it today." Tellia complained. He brought up the bacon and now he was trying to deny her the bacon, that was unfair. "If mom was here, she would let me have the bacon. I miss mommy. When is she meeting up with us?" The last thing that Tellia remembered of her mother was telling them that they had to go, and she would catch up further down the road. It had been nearly a month and they still hadn't seen any sign of either of their parents.

    Sitting in her brothers lap she let him continue braiding her hair as she grabbed a bit of her hair in the front and braided it as well. As she calmed down the demon inside also calmed slightly with her. It was a blessing that it calmed down and let her rest for a moment, cuddling with her brother, her main source of comfort.

    "Being lazy now are ya. You should be keepin an eye out laddy. The lass can take care of her self." Hedrgrit tried to tell the Zelph in order to get him to do something, and by that he meant just not sitting on his *ss. Slinging his axe over his shoulder Hedgrit started to pace looking from the ground while Iridia kept an eye from on top. Rubbing his hand on his pants, Hedgrit only spread the glitter more and frowned up at Iridia. "Stupid fairy and her sparkly *ss dust. That stuff belong in the mines not in the *ss of some pixie." He grumbled as he paced around.
    From her vantage point Iridia was able to see a couple of what might have seemed to be crawlers. They were in the distance still, not seeming to have noticed the group. They were heading towards a near by house, seeming to be in search of their next meal.
  6. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Iridia got a look at the creatures and clicked her tongue slightly in annoyance before she flew back towards the group and confirmed, "Yeah, there's a couple. But they haven't caught our scent yet and seem to be invested in a house nearby." she looked nervous and rubbed her hands together, "Maybe we should try and get to the house first and let those inside know? We could offer help fortifying their place and have somewhere to stay the night. It's been a while since we had a bed."

    [​IMG]"No way. We are underarmed as it is. We should be using their house distraction to our advantage and trying to keep heading west. It is probably just a human home anyway. They would not have any offered magic." Zelph rolled his eyes.
    "Aren't you a half-elf?"
    "I'm just saying, humans make a lot of noise. We could use them basically as the bait and head on out. I am not going to risk my life for more strangers. Not after what happened last time..."

    There was a pause of silence as Iridia chimed in,
    "Last time... you saved me."
    "And I am grateful for the help and advantage you have been able to give us. But I almost lost Tellia and nearly got eaten. I say we move west."

    Iridia crossed her arms visibly upset and said, "I'm not saying we take them with us, I'm saying we help them out and have a place of refuge for the night."
    "I'd feel much safer further away from the undead. Thank you."
  7. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] "I say we eat them first." A dark voice that was not quite Tellia's slipped from the small girls mouth, leaving her to quickly cover her mouth. It wasn't uncommon that he slipped out, but ever since she was able to speak she had always been warned to keep it suppressed and that she shouldn't let him control her like that. Whenever it happened it freaked Tellia out because she thought she might make someone mad. "Lets keep going." Tellia asked pulling on her brother. She agreed with him, she didn't want to get to close, not while the thing inside her was clearly awake.

    "I agree with the laddy. It is stupid to go marchin in there. I am always up for a fight but I would like to live another day thank ye very much." Hedgrit nodded at Zelph, agreeing for once. But then as he heard Tellia he shook his head. "Or we could send the lassie in to distract them while we get the people to safety." No matter how many times he was told Hedgrit didn't understand the "power" that Tellia had and just thought the desease was taking longer than normal to eat at her brain. He wouldn't force her away completely though, not when in some ways the dwarf pitied Zelph for what he must have been going through. "Or you could go yer self. Yer the tiniest of us. You might be able to warn em without drawing much attention."
  8. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "Now now. Let's not eat the souls of the damned today." Zelph replied mostly to the demon while patting Tellia on the shoulder, "Keep fighting him though, I know it's hard. But he can't come out and play."

    [​IMG] "Ignoring whateverthehell is going on with them, I'll go in and warn then."
    "No. Don't. We need to go." Zelph replied as he began standing up. Iridia's skin and hair started turning bright red and said, "I want to help them!"
    "NO." Iridia screamed as she began darting off.

    "Can we just leave her to die? I say we leave her to die." Zelph huffed as he unhooked a dagger from his belt and it flipped slightly as he grabbed it to ready it.
  9. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "It don't look like you plan on letting 'er die Lad." Hedgrit spun his hammer around in his hand. "I guess I could use with letting off some steam and smashin' some crawler heads in." Hedgrit rested the hammer on his shoulder and start to march ahead. "The little one is annoying but we can't leave 'er to die." Hedgrit pointed out, especially since she was one of the more competent ones on this journey. If she died and he was stuck with the children alone, just the thought was scary.
    [​IMG] "I won't let him." Tellia whispered in response as she put a lot of her focus on keeping him at bay, though looking towards the way that Iridia had flown off in. "We are going to help her right? Like Hedgrit said, we can't let her die. She is my friend." That may or may not have been true, but Tellia liked to believe it, especially since she never had many friends and the closest one she had often tried to take control of her. "I will stay back this time and hide. I promise. Just don't let her get hurt." She begged of her brother, without the help of her friend she wasn't much help in combat, but she knew that she wasn't allowed to let her friend play, meaning the only good thing that she could do was to sit back and hide, keep herself out of trouble.

    Meanwhile the crawlers had reached the house, tearing through the gardens at the moment and looking around. These ones seemed to be a mammoth of a man, perhaps a Goliath, but he was accompanied by a smaller figure, what appeared to be a human child. The child was eating whatever she could muster in the garden, but the goliath like man had his eyes still set on the house ahead, slowly making his way towards it.
  10. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] The size of the crawlers was more than a little concerning to the fairy, and she really didn't know how to approach the situation otherwise. She decided to try and camouflage herself and get closer to the house to see if there was a window she could sneak in to try and find anyone who may be hiding in the house. She tapped very lightly at first, as if trying to politely knock.

    [​IMG] Zelph sighed defeatedly and said, "I just... really don't want to lose someone else. So I guess I'm not." he looked over at Tellia and simply gave her a reassuring smile and said, "We'll go for her." and he went on ahead just in case. Stealthing quickly through some of the brush. When he got a good look at the Goliath size of the crawler he bit his lip and turned towards Hedgrit and said, "So Gruff. Have you had the pleasure of taking down a Goliath before? Other than say in a drinking contest?"
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    [​IMG] Tellia tried to follow behind her brother, but she was not nearly as stealthy or as fast as he was. After a short distance Tellia gave up and just slipped behind a tree, watching from a distance. If danger came she knew that her friend would get excited and that could lead to bad things happening. If she kept them away from that danger she could keep him in check, but at the same time she wouldn't be able to help her brother if he got in trouble. Deciding that she didn't even want to watch, Tellia turned around and rested her back against the tree, looking away from the crawlers, trying to hide from them instead as she worked on soothing the demon once more until he slumbered deep within her.

    "Ah Laddie so you have heard of the reputation of Hedgrit the Mighty. I can take anyone down in a drinking contest, even those big lugs. They are weak. Nothing compared to me, nothing!" Hedgrit boasted before realizing that he got very off track of the real question. "Besides that well... No. But nothing can defeat Hedgrit the great. I will take down this foe with my hands tied behind my back if I had to." Hedgrit continued to boast rather loudly before he heard rumbling footsteps. "Shit. shitshitshitshit. Time to fight laddie."
    Knocking on the window there was no response from inside. As Iridia peered inside she could perhaps gain what was a body of a child, torn into. There was no sign of the parents, and the blood seemed long dried. The house was quiet it seems that help had come perhaps a week too late for the child who never made it from her own house.
  12. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "Shit. Well. Guess it is." The boy quickly tied his hair back and grabbed his blade and sliced is across his palm as a bit of blood dripped from it and he dropped it towards the ground whispering, "Tadael os si madyrn, shaelysti ti ail os jhylol aestali. Koli ti si mael sai vyraes syri Ai taesor. Shyr thys si byr. Byr thys si shyr." as soon as he finished the prayed, the blood on the ground seemed to vanish first and slowly but surely Zelph began to disappear as well.

    It took a couple of seconds but soon there was a screech heard from the human child zombie in the back as it was cut to the ground seemingly out of nowhere. Then a dagger appeared in the crawler's head as the creature went still. The blood filled the dagger and slowly worked it's way up to form a crimson shape, that of Zelph, who looked up to make sure the Goliath did not decide to turn it's attention towards him yet. Just in case, the half-elf flung a second dagger at where it's back presumably would be.

    [​IMG] The fairy covered her mouth in horror at the sight inside the house, she shifted her weight to break a small piece of the window and slip through, going slowly closer towards the child's corpse. She hoped it was too far gone for it to become a crawler, but it also pained her inside to see a child in this state. She summoned out a staff, which to the unstrained eye could probably look like a toothpick or a small bit of tinder from how small it was. And she attempted a purifying ritual prayer for the child. Hoping to help it's soul move on, but kept her awareness up in case it jumped at her.

    "Maiden of the shadows, welcome me into your embrace. Allow me the power to protect those I cherish. Blood for the void. Void for my blood."
  13. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Shut ye geggie!" Hedgrit yelled at Zelph shortly before he disappeared. He then shook his head and looked towards the goliath that loomed ahead of him. "Come at me ya Howlin Hackit Bampot!" Hegrit charged forward ax in hand to face the goliath, nimbly able to knock the hand swiping for him aside in order to get in a hit of his own on the creature. "Is that all ya got my ma could fight betta." Hedgrit continued to insult the thing a wicked smile on his face as he swung for the arm and cut it off completely before being forced on the defense for a moment.
    [​IMG] Tellia kept her head down and her ears covered as she heard Hedgrit yelling followed by the screech of what she assumed was a crawler. She had to keep calm. She had to make sure her friend kept calm. She could hear the near sleeping demon talking to her but she did her best to ignore it, silently begging it to go away.

    The child seemed unresponsive to the prayer, and didn't seem to be moving at all.

    **Shut ye geggie- Shut your mouth
    Howlin - Smelly
    Hackit - Ugly
    Bampot- Idiot.
  14. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] Zelph kept looking around to make sure a crawler didn't appear behind him before he started shouting, "The head, shortstack. Aim for the head! What's the arm worth?!"

    [​IMG] The child's body began to glow as it's soul seemed to float out and upwards and Iridia finished the prayer. She then flew past the child and looked around, knowing she would have to come back there later to get those taller to move the body or bury it. Iridia opened the window wider and looked out a let out a whistling song, hoping maybe the others would hear it. More specifically Tellia since she could hear the fighting outside.
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Oh aim for the head. Aim for the head he says. That thing is like Eight heads higher than me and he wants me to aim for the bloody head. What does he think I am one of those fancy pants elvish snobs?" Spitting on the ground as he spoke those last words, Hedgrit wound up for another hit and it the goliath at about head height for him, right in the knee. He watched the goliath stumble a bit and took another swing for the knee trying to drop the damn thing down to his level while being careful to avoid getting scratched by the damn thing. The goliath let out a mightly cry as he hit it again, finally dropping it to it's knees where Hedgrit proceeded to take a swipe at the other arm, cutting it off before finally taking off it's head once it was safe enough to climb up a little bit on him. "there happy knife ears?"
    [​IMG] As the fighting started to fade, Tellia heard the sound of Iridia's whistling and she got up, following the sound, but making sure to take a wide loop around where there had been combat moments before. She didn't know what was happening with that and didn't want to know. She just wanted to hear Zelph being back safe, until then she would see what Iridia was up to. Slowly she approached where she spotted the small fairy and just stood there, waiting to see what was happening. She wasn't even sure if she should have followed the whistling so she didn't want to cross any boundaries.
  16. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "Very." Zelph replied with a bit of a smirk, "You see if you put your mind to it, even a dwarf can cut off someone's head." just as he was saying that, a crawler started sneaking up behind him and went to go in for a bite, but Zelph caught it just in time and managed to stab it in the head and it's arms could only weakly lay over his shoulders. The half-elf looked clearly a little wigged out that it was so close and he withdrew the knife and kicked what looked like a smaller Goliath, perhaps a child, drop to the ground. He took a few deep breaths to compose himself and looked over at Hedgrit and moved a strand of his hair that escaped during the fighting back behind his ear and he lied, "I meant to do that. Lull the crawler into a false sense of security." his eyes looked around for Tellia and when he couldn't find her, the boy looked nervous, but didn't immediately start screaming for her as he scanned the area. Just so he didn't draw attention.

    [​IMG] "Tellia, can you let your brother and Hedgrit know that the house has supplies, but it might not be clear?" The fairy tried to shift herself so Tellia couldn't see the child's body on the ground.
  17. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "And you said to skip the arms. I would have never done it without taken them out unless you want me to become one of em." Hedgrit pointed out just as Zelph was nearly eaten himself and Hedgrit rolled his eyes at the pointy eared elf. "Sure ya did. just don't go leavin' me with the little one." The both knew that that would not go over well, not when Hedgrit wasn't sure what Tellia was, much less what to do with her.
    [​IMG] "But there was fighting over there. What if there are still enemies around? I don't want him to wake up again." Tellia expressed her concerns. "Can I wait here while you get them? It might be better that way?" She tried to suggest. She didn't know how much Iridia understood about... well her in general, but she hoped she understood enough to go along with it.
  18. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "I don't plan to. You don't seem to do well with children." Zelph answered as he continued walking around to look for Tellia out of concern more than anything. As he did, the fairy quickly flew up and made Zelph jump out of reaction and hold up the dagger as Iridia reasoned,
    "Easy. Easy kid! There ain't no fairy crawlers." Iridia's wings sparked briefly as she crossed her arms and looked towards the dwarf and the elf, "Everyone in the house is already lost. But, I don't know if there are any inside the house. There's also dead youngin in the kitchen that needs burying."

    "Did you see Tellia when you flew in?"

    "Yeah I called her over towards the window at the side of the house."

    "Okay." Zelph immediately looked a lot more composed as he walked backwards until he walked just past the side enough to see Tellia there and wave. Iridia looked at the Golliath's state and looked at Hedgrit, "What... couldn't get it's head so you went for the arm?" she hoped he got she was teasing but she wasn't quite sure.
  19. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Ah so you noticed. No little ones for me. My lovely lassie wanted one but I put it off, now with all this it isn't possible. And yet still I got stuck with children." Hedgrit flailed his arms like it was a big deal traveling with them, and yet he didn't really want to leave. He then laughed as Iridia flew up and Zelph freaked out for a moment. "Someone is rather jumpy for being so confident with his last kill." He taunted Zelph a little bit before Iridia addressed the goliath on the ground. "HEY! You shut your gabber. I didn't see you takin anything out! I removed it's head too. Just think of it as safety measures to keep the kid safe while I got a good shot on it. Couldn't trust it not to turn around and attack Zelph now could I?" Hedgrit tried desperately to defend himself.
  20. cstar stay away from my waifu

    Dec 19, 2008
    [​IMG] "Ah yes. Me taking swings. Can you imagine? The giant wouldn't be able to handle any of this." Iridia replied as she flexed her tiny muscles trying to look intimidating and completely failing. She then looked towards the creatures and started another purification ceremony with her head lowered a bit out of respect but also trying to hide how sad she found this whole thing.

    Zelph walked up towards the door of the house and did a quick check to see if it would easily open or if it was boarded up. If it was boarded up, he got himself ready to body check the door, though he probably wouldn't do amazingly well considering he wasn't amazingly strong and didn't have a lot of muscle.
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