Because in the classic series of Doctor Who, the second Doctor meets a fiction writer that says "Have you ever heard of the Adventures of Captain Jack Harkaway?" And we were all like "Wha-?" And then we rewound and listened to it again, and now I'm wondering... CONNECTION!?! If anyone else has noticed that so far, everything I've posted has been in some way related to Doctor Who, I can assure you, I am most definitely obsessed with the Mad man with a box. My apologies to all the non-Whovians out there who bothered to read this.
Which serial is this? Most of the episodes from the Second Doctor's era are missing so I'd like to know.
Oooh, I have only watched one Patrick Troughton episode and that was the only one I could get hold of but I think he's a fabulous doctor- I haven't seen much of it though (I've gone straight to Five at the moment xD) Maybe Moffat watched the episode at one point and thought "LOL! I KNOW HOW TO MESS WITH THEM!" Because that is what he thinks on a regular basis, I'm sure.
I'm not sure, it's the only Second Doctor thing available on Netflix. I'll see if I can find out. TO GOOGLE!! It was The Mind Robber, No. 45, in five parts.