Canvas -Rerversed-

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by myoblivion, Jan 11, 2009.

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  1. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Yu yu rolled down the fleet of stairs, slamming the wall in an upside down posistion. Her legs flumped over, she blew a hair out of her face then looked at her wrists, "Oh....The drugs stopped kicking in..." She muttered, her miserable appearance fading in

    Niw rubbed his head, "She scares me." He said in more of a joking tone and smiled at Amayo and then froze and pointed behind Amayo, "AMAYO!"

    Charcoal appeared behind her and slashed her back with sharp claws
    Mitsru screamed and kicked Kokoa, weakly. Her eyes faded in color and her spit started to drip off the corner of her mouth

    Kokoa smirked and threw Mitsru on the ground, looking at Kii, "A friend?" He said, not really asking a question. He pulled out a shot-looking needle with a dark reddish-tinted fluid inside, he lightly took Mitsru's hand and flipped it over, pushing the shot into her wrist vein *OMG EWWW*

    Mitsru was limp for a second then she started to jerk, her scream was loud and crossed in with yelling. She stopped for a second then burst back up, not stopping

    Kokoa stroked her cheek, her going limp again, he grabbed her hand and gently pulled her up. He smirked and looked at her, "Kill him."

    Mitsru stared up at Kokoa, her pupils went small and she gasped for breath. She caught air then slowly turned to Kii with dead eyes, she lifted her hand and wiped the drool off her lips and froze for a second before dashing at amazing speed at him
  2. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo yelpped and bit her lip before growling and pushing Niw back and swinging her scythe around to try and cut his neck

    Kii started shaking and stumbled to his feet, running in the other direction

    Nova grabbed his foot and twisted it around till there was a sickening cracking sound coming from his bone and she slammed him in the tree, "it's not nice to hit a lady."
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey bit his lower lip, trying to keep his mind off the pain. He slowly stood up, using the tree for support. "And you two should learn to watch the hands." Grey held out a pistol that he had stolen just seconds earlier from Leo and fired twice at Nova's chest.
  4. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Charcoal flashed away to the stair rail which he sat on like he weighed nothing, he looked down with his miserable look and put his hand on his neck lightly, "You almost cut me deeply....How mean....*Pout*"

    Niw twitched and looked at Amayo, "Are you okay...." He asked and pulled out his gun

    Charcoal waved his hands, "Dont shoot..." He whined in a sarcastic way then pointed his finger up, "Your friend might need you, both of them.." He said and flashed away
    Mitsru tackled Kii, smashing him and herself through the floor, both of the landed feet away from Niw and Amayo

    Niw's eyes shot open

    Mitsru snarled and slashed at Kii, fortunally her nails were just clipped and filed till smooth
    Yu yu disapeared and appeared by Kokoa, "....I need more..." She stated, slumped over sadly

    Kokoa looked at her, he smiled smugly and patted her head, "You cant get addicted...."
  5. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Nova jolted when she got shot and looked down at her chest before she sniffed and clutched at the spot where he shot her, 'crying', "how could you?! If Mako were here He'd get really mad at you!!!" she shouted and pried one of the bullets from her skin

    a boy suddenly appeared beside Nova, the other bullet in his hand, "Nova, what happened?"

    "*gasp* Mako! this mean boy shot me!!!"

    Mako looked up at Grey, his eyes flashing

    Amayo gasped and pried Mitsru off Kii, "Mitsru!"

    Kii gasped for air before staring at Mitsru, then at Amayo and her scythe, then finally looked at Niw, "Niw... what's going on...?"
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Calling for backup, eh?"

    OOC: OMG. I can't think of more. ><
  7. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    OOC: What? :lolface: What is this? :lolface:

    Mitsru changed her jaw and teeth into her fox form and bit down on Amayo's arm, snarling

    Niw looked at Mitsru oddly then at Kii, he ran over and put his hands on his shoulders, "I think.....You are.....*Leads to a classroom door* DREAMING!" He yelled and pushed him in, closing the door and putting a chair over the handle

    Mitsru let go of Amayo and jumped on Niw, putting her whole jaw on his neck and biting down

    Niw eyes shot open, he reached his hand back but couldnt move it back all the way, he yelled
    Kokoa smirked, "She's doing so good.."

    Yu yu grabbed Kokoa's hands, "I-I can do better!"
  8. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo shook her head, wolf ears and tail appearing as her pupils slit, she ran at Mitsru and tackled her off of Niw, growling and lunging at her, claws and fangs appearing as she slashes at her

    Kii banged on the door to let him out, "NIW!!"

    Mako tensed up before lunging at Grey, slashing at him and giving him a deep gash

    Nova smiled with stars in her eyes
  9. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey staggered back, dropping the gun as well. He ignored the pain of the cut and rammed his shoulder into Mako's chest to force him away. He turned and jumped at Nova, throwing a punch at her face. He was about to follow it with yet another punch before Leo stepped in and grabbed him by the neck.

    "Three on one is hardly fair...don't you think?" Leo laughed coldy, yanking Grey away and tossing him onto the ground.

    OOC: *Thinks* XDX
  10. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    OOC: XD

    Niw coughed up dont blood, it splattered on the door window, he just kind of fell back

    Mitsru snarled and pulled up her knee's, kicking Amayo over her and away. She looked at Niw and change into a full fox, she jumped on Niw for a base lift and burst through the door window and onto Kii
    Kokoa swiped her hand off, "You think?" He said with a cold expression, and lifted up his hand

    Yu yu looked up then closed her eyes, ready to get a pat on the head

    Kokoa smirked, his hand turning into blades, he lifted up higher then slashed her face

    Yu yu's eyes shot open, she slowly turned her head toward him then lifted her hand up and touched her face, she sniffed and looked up at him

    Kokoa kicked her down, "Go on. Go fight."
  11. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo ran over to Niw and pulled him up, "Niw! Are you alright?"

    Nova smiled and looked over at Grey

    Mako just stared at him with a blank expression

    Kii yelped and tried to push her off,
  12. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey slowly rose to his feet and bit his lip, growing angry. "You're really getting on my nerves." He growled, clenching his hand tightly into a fist. "Okay. Let's see how you handle this..." He charged at Leo and before he could react, Leo was soon sent back several yards with a single punch. Hope the others are doing better than me. He thought to himself as he lunged right at Mako, who he thought might have been distracted. Grey swung his fist right at his face.
  13. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    OOC: some*....Dont blood...>.>

    Niw just slowly went back down, he just stared straight in front of him

    Mitsru clawed at Kii repeatidly till a shard of glass stabbed her bag leg, she yelped and ran around the classroom till the pain hit her. She whimpered and slowly layed down

    Yu yu was across from Kii in the room, she smiled semi-proudly for she was the one that threw the shard. She giggled and went over to Kii, pulling him up and close to her. She looked up at him with a pout and stroked his face, "Did that mean foxie hurt you
  14. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Amayo swallowed thickly and shook Niw slightly, "Niw... Niw!"

    Kii was shaking violently as he stared at Yu yu

    Mako grabbed his wrist and raised him high into the air before slamming him into the ground

    Nova ran over to Grey and leaned down, poking his nose, "aww... I hope he isn't dead yet..."
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey lifted his own hand up towards Nova to grab her by the wrist. "I'm not dying before you." He yanked her down closely as he drew a knife out to stab her in the chest.
  16. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Niw blinked slowly and closed his eyes, "Its dizzy." He groaned and just kept laying there
    Kokoa appeared behind Mitsru, he picked his up by the scruff and looked at Yu yu. He tossed her the same shot-looking device, "Finish him off." He ordered and disapeared, Mitsru as well

    Yu yu snatched the shot in mid-air, she ignored Kii for a second to inject the drug in her arm then looked back at him and smiled. She put her hands on his chest and moved closer to him, going up slowly on her tip toes as she spoke, "Come with me..." She said and leaned into his face, kissing him
    Niw rolled over finally, being careful of his neck, he got up very stifly and looked at Amayo with a cough
  17. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Nova's eyes widened as she stared at Grey, she swallowed thickly before the pain subsided and she looked at Grey, sniffing slightly befrore smiling, "that kind of hurt." she said before leaning into him and kissing him

    Mako growled

    Kii blushed immensely as his eyes went wide

    Amayo supported Niw and looked at him, "are you going to be.. alright?" she asked but swallowed thickly at being close to his blood
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Grey's eyes widened when Nova kissed him. What the hell!? Is this some kind of trick? His grip loosened on the knife slightly from the shock of her sudden action. He turned his head away from her to break the kiss and spat out. "Why don't you just give up?" Grey twisted the knife, hoping to get Nova off of him.
  19. myoblivion King's Apprentice

    Apr 8, 2007
    In a bucket
    Niw groaned and started to fall, "Dizzy....I feel all tinglie....." He breathed in and sighed, "Am I bleeding?"
    Yu yu pulled away and battered her eyes, "Silly, close your eyes...." She whispered and swirled her finger on his arm
    Charcoal was silently waiting behind Kii and Yu yu, sitting on a school chair. He watched them and licked his lips quietly
  20. JapAnimeFanatic Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 7, 2007
    Radiant Garden
    Nova winced slightly, "But, Grey! How could I?! It's fun fighting with you!"

    Mako hmphed and turned to look at the school

    Kii's eye twitched before he quickly shook his head and pushed her away, "N-No! Get away from me!"

    Amayo swallowed thickly and leaned her head down to Niw's shoulder, fangs appearing in her mouth, "Y-yes... You are..."
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