Can there not be a god?

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Mixt, Aug 11, 2008.

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  1. Xidon Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 28, 2008
    As hard it is to believe in God, it is equally hard to not to believe in a God, just like with space, you can't comprehend it being infinite nor can you picture it ending, because you can't image what it will be at the end.

    Some people believe that there is a divine force, an intelligent and all knowing "creature" that gave them a purpose in humanity, that gave them purpose in life, while others only choose to believe in what they know that exist and have evidence to prove it, thus denying the existence of a God.
    We all believe in something, whether that is in God, Buddha, accomplishing nirvana, Allah..etc or believing that there is nothing divine or spiritual and there is no real reason why we live.
    A depressed teenager chooses to believe in the existence of a God, so that he/she could believe that they have a reason to live, a purpose, while the other teenager will refuse to believe in God because of their current situation, because the good and loving God didn't give them a life they wanted. They had the same reason to have and not have faith. What we choose to believe depends on the person we are and all of the choices are equally hard and easy to believe to. You just have to follow your head and/or heart with this one, because there really isn't anyone that can give you this answer then you yourself.

    tl;dr summary
    Believe in what ever you want and don't worry about it too much.
  2. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Exactly how I feel. You can't help but have an occasional doubt.
  3. Asylum Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 27, 2008
    In the Head Office of my Asylum.
    I believe in God but still, I'm unsure if there is even one. I don't think about it often because I don't feel comfortable questioning my beliefs.
    If ther eis a God, then there is. But if there isn't, well I'm sure we'll discover a new beginning to the planet.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well that's okay, don't worry about it, you don't HAVE to question your beliefs if you're comfortable with them.
  5. Hubba-Bubba-Bubbles Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 18, 2007
    In a chair in front of my computer...
    I have the same thoughts I belive in God but sometimes I question if he's real.I think he is because what else was the land created by? That is what I was tought in a class that he crated pretty much everything in the world.I also belive in him because I heard a story at a place when I was with my grandma that someone had died and she said she met God and that he told her it wasn't hr time and she c ame back to life.How is that possiable other than God bringer her back to life so that is why I think he is real.​
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