So I bought a game online from japan, google somehow translated the page without asking me(thank goodness for that). And I was able to buy the game, however I received an email 2 days later in full japanese. I didn't really know any place to put this, to me it is help with life. Because I want to make sure I bought the game, so If i didn't i can go and buy it from a different website. Also when I bought the game they site only had 2 left(and after I bought it it said 1). Also FYI its Pokemon Heartgold the game I bought. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 本メールはショップにて行ったご注文のキャンセルが楽天市場のサーバに 到達した時点で送信される、自動配信メールです。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sigars Ryan 様 この度、楽天市場内のショップ「ワールドセレクトマーケット」のご注文キャンセル手続きが 完了しましたのでご連絡させていただきます。 このキャンセル処理は、下記のような理由によりおこなっております。 ご要望にお応えできず申し訳ございませんでした。 (キャンセル理由の例) ・欠品・在庫切れにより商品が確保できなかったため ・予約商品のメーカー都合による販売中止 ※この度のキャンセルについてご不明な点がございましたら ショップまでお問い合わせください。 なお、恐縮ではございますが、楽天会員登録を利用してご注文された お客様には、今回のご注文で付与されていた楽天スーパーポイント分 は取消しさせていただきますので、ご注意ください。 ご不明な点がございましたら、ショップ「ワールドセレクトマーケット」まで お問い合わせください。 ===================================================================== ■ ショップ名 : ワールドセレクトマーケット ■ ショップURL: ■ 電話 : 06-4252-6666 ■ メールアドレス: ===================================================================== 以下のご注文のキャンセルが行われましたことご報告申し上げます。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- [受付番号] 229128-20090815-68641967 [受付日時] 2009-08-15 08:35:27 [注文者] Sigars Ryan 様 〒 000 国外United States of America2027 Fremont Street 97601 (TEL) 541-331-4927 [支払方法] クレジットカード [ポイント利用方法] なし [配送方法] 宅配便 [備考] [配送日時指定:] [【カード決済による注意事項】:] 【クレジットカード決済】をお支払い方法にご指定いただいた場合、カード認証の確認のため属性確認をさせていただいています。弊社の都合で申し訳ありませんが、カード決済確認まで数日お時間をいただきますのでご了承ください。(カード会社によっては数日かかる場合もあります。また定休日のご注文に関しては定休日明けの確認となります。) [ショップ名] ワールドセレクトマーケット ========== [送付先] Sigars Ryan 様 〒 000 国外United States of America2027 Fremont Street 97601 (TEL) 541-331-4927 [商品] 【予約販売】任天堂DSソフトポケットモンスター ハートゴールド/ポケウォーカー同梱 ポケモン歩数計/任天堂,ニンテンドー,Nintendo,DS,Lite,DSLite,DSソフト,DS用,DSLite用,ソフト,NDS,ポケットモンスター,ハートゴールド,ゴールド,金,銀,ポケウォーカー,ポケモン,歩数計 4902370517897 価格 4800(円)× 1(個)= 4800(円)税込 送料別 ******************************************************************** 税額計 0(円) 合計 -(円) ─────────────問い合わせ───────────────── 商品、決済・発送に関するお問い合わせ 楽天市場に関するご質問 楽天市場 ───────────────────────────────────
Automated Google translation: E-mail server market is optimistic that the order was canceled at the shop Sent at the time of arrival, and automatic delivery of mail. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Sigars Ryan-like This time, the Rakuten shop, "WARUDOSEREKUTOMAKETTO" Order Cancellation Procedures We will contact you bon appétit complete. This cancellation process is done by the following reasons. Sorry did not respond to the request. (Examples of the reasons for cancellation) Failing to ensure the product is temporarily out of stock shortage Discontinued by the manufacturer of the product convenient booking ※ If you have any questions about the cancellation of this Please contact the shop. In grateful that you were ordered to use the subscription Rakuten You are minutes Rakuten Super Point was granted the Order Rescission is not so bon appétit, please take note. If you have any questions, shop "WARUDOSEREKUTOMAKETTO" Please contact us. ================================================== =================== ■ Shop Name: WARUDOSEREKUTOMAKETTO ■ Shop URL: ■ Phone: 06-4252-6666 ■ E-mail address: ================================================== =================== It was my pleasure to report the cancellation of the order. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- [Registration Number] 229128-20090815-68641967 [Date Received] 2009-08-15 08:35:27 [Order] Sigars Ryan-like ZIP 000 Outside the United States of America2027 Fremont Street 97601 (TEL) 541-331-4927 [Payment] credit card [How to use point] no [Shipping] courier [Notes] Specify delivery time:] [Note: Payment by:] By credit card: If you specify your payment method, we attribute to verify that the check card authentication. Sorry, at our convenience, so please Seung Ryo bon appétit a few days time to confirm your payment card. (By the card company may take a few days. For order confirmation will be Closed Monday and Holidays.) [Shop] WARUDOSEREKUTOMAKETTO ========== [Address] Sigars Ryan-like ZIP 000 Outside the United States of America2027 Fremont Street 97601 (TEL) 541-331-4927 Products [Sale] Nintendo DS Pokemon Gold Heart Soft / pedometer included POKEUOKA Pokemon / Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo, DS, Lite, DSLite, DS software, DS-, DSLit e-software, NDS, Pokemon, Gold Heart, Gold, gold, silver, POKEUOKA, Pokemon, pedometer 4902370517897 4800 Price (yen) × 1 () = 4800 (yen) plus shipping tax included ************************************************** ****************** Tax 0 Total (JPY) Total - (Yen) ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Contact ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Products, inquiries about payment ships Questions about Rakuten Rakuten
You could use a translator. As unreliable as those are when used for accuracy, they do give a rough idea of the message.
Wait so does that mean they won't sell it to me and i'm getting my money back, or my orders on back order?
I think it means you're getting a refund and they no longer have the product, but I can't be sure. It looks like they gave you in-store credit as a refund, can you check your account?
uh no, because I bought it as a guest. Unless you mean on my credit card, because if so then it never appeared there.
I got the general impression that they're out of stock and you're getting your money back. If the money isn't returned to your credit card account within a week you should attempt to write back.