Do you think that numbers can tell the future? Inspired by such movies as the new one "Knowing" staring Nicolas Cage, and the older movie "Pi"... I want to know your thoughts on the topic...
Shouldnt be in current events imo :/ Numbers are something we invented ourselves. Why the hell would they have anything to do with the fate of the universe? lol "cosmic power"
I dont think that numbers can tell our future... If they could, how would they be able to tell the future?
we didn't create numbers, numbers have always been there but it's they way you interperate it.I think that numbers can only give you statistics of what could happen but i don't think they can tell the future.
ya it should be in the current events, did you not click on the Hyperlink at the top? It takes you right to the msnbc website and shows you the article...
I didnt say we created them, you could say the idea has always been there but we invented date and time and the figures we use to represent them, if you catch my drift.
Well actually, in a way, not trying to offend anyone, but in a way, we kinda did create numbers, but it is exactly what Obsessed said, we just came up with a way for us to understand and contemplate the numbers on a theoretical and realistic plane of understanding... sorry for that, i had a geek moment....
The natural answer is no but when I think about it, in some ways, numbers do tell the very minor ways. Like the weather for instance. Meteorologists use calculations of wind speed, temperature and other stuff to determine what kind of day it'll be before it happens. None of its major really. But if you really want to be technical, numbers can tell certain futures. Definitely not like the kind of crap in the upcoming movie "Knowing" though.
I don't believe they can. When someone notices a connection between numbers and an event, it's usually coincidence and interpretation
Numbers are a man made concept. They are an arbitrary scale created by man kind in order to make description and explanation of the world easier. Therefore any "prophecy" (lol /lies) is wrong. It cannot possibly have any "universal" meaning because it was created by man. Any connection is a mere coincidence.