I love Batman and Robin.... all four of them! Hehe tell me what you think? This is Damien by the way.
No one can beat Tim<3 ...even if I do have a Jason avatar lol Anyway, I love it. It feels weird having his hood a lot darker than his cape, but I can't see anything wrong with it. Though the picture is backwards xD But I'm guessing that's just the way you took a photo of it?
Agreed. Another great picture. Have you ever taken art lessons, Doc, or do you just have a knack for it?
I have taken some classes but I learned coloring, shading, and body sizes on my own. I started young so it's taken me a while to get good. Thank you by the way. ^^
Aww, little Dami :33 /spazz/ Anyway, this is very good! I like how this turned out. Except only, the image does seem flipped as the R is backwards and all~ But it's over all good. I like how you've done the shading as well. What mediums did you use for this? I like mostly everything but the coloring on his top mostly is a bit liney. Um, like - you can see the lines and stuff - something like what you'd get out of colored pencils. But really, that shouldn't bug you much, cause this is good. Keep up with the art c: