Can animals see what we cannot?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Hissora, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. len Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jan 29, 2008

    i agree with you ^^

    humans can sense danger ahead too ..but they don't pay much attention to it ...they do sometimes
    that ability is known to all animals ,every kind of animal is special in some way i think that dogs could see ghosts...and spirits of the dead i think but i might be wrong .
    an example :
    don't you sense that something bad is about to hapen like if you see a kid holding a glass you sense a wierd feeling that something is about to happen like the glass is about to break or something warn people or you might just ignore that feeling

    A lot of animals can hear low sound frequencies, but not as low the elephants can hear ,
    if you noticed blind humans can hear low voices and have a strong sense ...cause they pay attention to it
    if a human pay's more attention to those stuff i believe that they can master it in time like animals

    so those two abilities are shared by both humans and animal ...humans are animals by the way

    correct me if i'm wrong ...and can some of you feel those feelings

    oh yeah and quite people can sense the low sound frequencies sometimes too
  2. ZamgItsFury Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 23, 2008
    this makes me believe even more in ghosts and spirit and stuffz.
  3. Sho Minamimoto Merlin's Housekeeper

    Animals exponentialy higher senses than us.
    It is highly possible that they might be able to percieve things that we cannot.
  4. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    Well, it's very complicate to say something about the animals' minds, they act by instinct and maybe they can see things that we cannot. A perfect example is when the animals feel an earthquake in approach, they gets excited and then, here's the earthquake...
  5. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Many of the ways in which you have said that animals are better than humans are down to the fact that they have evolved to fit a particular niche of existence. Many of those things would be nice to have but just aren't necessary for our survival, so we don't have them.

    As for animals, they don't have supernatural abilities. Nothing has supernatural abilities, as supernatural means that it is outside of nature and the laws of physics and therefore is impossible.

    As to this, instinct is a major player. A dog may start barking at a wall and may not even know why. A subtle change in its external environment triggering a subconscious mechanism. It would be very hard to understand, but I'm sure with sufficient research and money poured into it it could be understood (not that many companies would be interested enough in it to try).