Caller of the dark

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Luna561, Jan 11, 2008.

  1. Luna561 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 16, 2007
    here...there...anywhere you see me!
    Lucy blocked her attack and counter. The blade striked Alex in the back, making her bleed. "What's the matter? Don't have enough energy to fight?" Lucy laughed. "Your going to give up and kindly hand Ren to me." Alex got up. Still in pain she said "I will never give up. Even if it coust me my life." "What? You stuipd little girl you think you can defect me. You got another thing coming." Alex closed her eyes and thought only abbout Ren and Tray and how she will defect Lucy. "What ever you are doing, its not going to work." LUcy chared at her, but a sheld blocked her attack. "What is this?" "The end for you." Alex eyes opened and her sword grew and blasted an energy at her. Lucy blocked the attack. Alex atriked her and Lucy was badly hurt. "Hahahaha we will meet agian." "LUCY!!!" Alex yelled. Alex eyes slowly fell and she fanited.

    more soon.
  2. Xephos Neko, gamer, animelover, and artist :3 *purrs*

    Apr 2, 2007
    San Jose, CA
    Ouch. seems like an ending for someon to suddenly pass out then.
  3. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Its a great storyline, however, I cannot help but want to correct the spelling mistakes. I've underlined the mistakes, so that you can spot the errors, but hey...

    Everyone makes mistakes...

  4. Luna561 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 16, 2007
    here...there...anywhere you see me!
    I know but she won't die yet. The 's' key was stuck

    Ren woke up and saw Alex on the ground. "Alex!" Rengot up and ran to her. He pick her up on her on his back and walked down the stairs. "Tray, wake up."
    "Its Alex." Tray ran to him.
    " What happened to her." "I don't know. I woke up on the roof and alex was an the ground." Alexander walked out of his room. "What is going on." "Alex is hurt." Tray said. " Lay her on the couch." he said. Ren put her down and looked at her. "We must heal her wound." "How?" Ren said. "use the book." Alexander said. Ren got the book and a new spell appered. Ren spoke and the spell and healed her wound. "Wow. That was cool."