Ok, If anyone here played Modern Warfare 2, you should know by now that it had a multitude of problems, including that problem that made bullets pass through people, Host selection, or Deathstreaks, to name a few. Anyways, what would you like to see added or removed from CoD: Black Ops?(in terms of Multiplayer) I would LOVE to see the return of the War game mode, that was a blast to play in WaW. Also I would like to have the killstreaks to be reduced to 3 again, the multiple killstreaks in MW2 made the game un-balanced and irritating to play. Lastly, I would like there to be a playlist that removed all perks, killstreaks, gun attachments. Just you and your gun....and your team with their guns... Discuss.
I just want it to be iin Vietnam. By the look of things, it looks like it's either going to be Cold War or Vietnam war. I don't play multiplayer, hell I don't even play Call of Duty, except for the second one, but if it was in Vietnam, I would buy it no matter what.
- A game type without noobtubes/sidearms - A game type with only sniper rifles (I loved that in Socom) - Get rid of Marathon/LightWeight/Commando - Make it so when you shoot someone with a friggen .50 cal in the chest it actually kills them. - Maps that don't encourage camping - Better servers (Lets face it, the host migration sucks and only migrates 10% of the time successfully).
I would enjoy larger maps that incorporate vehicles of some sort. That way I'm not taken out easily every time I walk past a corner, and I would have a use for the damned rocket launchers. I think it's a decent series, very cinematic and all, pushing a few of the typical game barriers but nothing too revolutionary. I don't understand the hype about it.
I would rather have that CoD4 style instead of MW2 style of play. Also, it would be cool if Black Ops was located in a more tropical setting...or forest(Campaign Mode more so.)
All in bold. I would also like it that when you shoot someone in the head with a handgun they actually die. Handgun or not, if you get shot in the head, you are GOING. TO. DIE.
Hey Treyarch remember those infinite spawning enemy locations you leave in all your games that keep spawning guys until you pass a certain line? Yea get rid of those because they fucking suck and make playing on Veteran no fun. Not going to happen. Plus sidearms? You seriously get pissed at dieing to a pistol? Ok I agree with this if it's done well and doesn't revert to everyone hiding in a bush and waiting. lol what's wrong you can't shoot a guy running right at you? I used to rock this shit all the time until I found the glory of the M16. Equip Stopping Power if you want to do that. If the .50cal could kill 1shot in the chest then everyone would run around with it. Impossible to do. Yea this.
More ammo per spawn, It annoys the hell out of me how i have to get scavenger just to keep using the weapon i put alot of time in. I hate having to pull out a Usp.45 or a SPAS 12 I WANNA USE MY VECTOR!
it will be like CoD 4 because it's being made by Treyarch. anyway, -no multiplayer -Bigger maps -another great story etc.