I'm really wondering what is going on with this, as apperantly one a terrible team is working on this game (the same guys who made the trainwreck that was Playstation Move Heroes). Maybe they will surprise this time, as it's not really that difficult to make a good Call of Duty game as long as the controlls are right. But still, I'm surprised that they would let a team with such a bad trackrecord make this game.
I'm not quite as sure. Handheld CoDs are by no means a proven formula, as was witnessed with the DS version of Modern Warfare. However, this is an exclusive game for the Vita, an exclusive Call of Duty, the biggest franchise outside of Nintendo. If they got a real hit that played amazingly, they could be able to sell a ton of Vitas, but if the controlls are off or something similar, then people will tell eachother that. As Call of Duty is basically a pure word of mouth franchise. If it was some exclusive for a console, I could understand it, as it is far easier to just copy the games on consoles. But on a handheld there is no true proven formula quite yet.