Traditional Art Cabin drawings =D

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Peyton, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Well not really, any of you remember when I was gone and said I was going to a cabin?. Well I drawed a lot there and here is some of them, I havn't fixed on any of them they are completely raw I have just edited the text on the two last ones of several reasons :

    Big head, big brain xD? :
    The title is so weird because her head is way to big. And I don't like her hand either.

    Bra guy :


    It's originally named bra guy because he was going to have a bra, but I forgot it xD. He'll get it later. I know it's very plain.

    I <3 Music :


    The title speaks for itself =P
    I am pretty happy with this one, I know big head. And I had an obsession for curly heads xD.

    Fly >_>:


    I hate this >_> she looks like a fly her eyes is way to big. And she is ugly.

    My little snake comic :


    Yeah, I was bored and wanted away from there :3 I think it's rather funny if you get the point xD.



    *Text edited*, It's someone I know and it's not quite finished and it's a little unpropotional. Lawl hands xD.

    Last but not least cross-dressing :3 :


    I think it looks a little like Roxas :3 I don't know. And yes he is supposed to wear the Alice in wonderland dress xD; don't know how well that went.

    All of these are work in progress and they are not done. I would appriciate MUCH CnC it can be harsh to. I really want to improve and get better. So GO AHEAD speak your mind or just leave a little nice note. Everything is appriciated :3

    I am sorry if some of the content isn't appropriate~~
  2. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    Hey, you followed up. ;)

    These ain't bad Elfy - some of them are actually quite cute, but I feel like you forgot all about the measurement rules I first gave you, in the the tut. :x WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE KNOWLEEEEDGE!? DX

    I'll tell you right now though, at the stage you are on, the real and MAIN advise I can give you is to learn how to draw forms from still-life. While you were at the camp you should've done loads of that!

    SoOoOOoOo...I'mma do it like this: First, I'll explain the general problems in the drawings. Next, I'll scrutinize every drawing individually with crits as deep as possible. Ready?


    FIRST RULE'S FIRST : Do NOT draw on BLOODY LINED PAPER! D: D: D: DX DO NOT. Just...just DON'T. It's ugly and it by default sh!ts on the drawing, so avoid doing it at all costs! I bloody mean it Elfy!

    Now on with the actual crits. The heads are way too big D: This could be a style, but the problem is you can feel the lack of experience in your drawings. Your eyes as well are disproportioned out. There's no real structure to your drawings, which make them look rather flat and vacant of volume.

    Nice BOOBIES 8D

    Alright, like I had mentioned - the face is too big. But this goes for her eyes as well. At that, there isn't enough space inbetween them. To help be sure about the measurement, the space inbetween the eyes is the same size as the eye itself. (; Her torso and abdomen look incredibly long also, while the curve of her legs seem to be indicating they're small.

    ...LOL, bra XD Gwaaah you silly, why did you forgetz~~

    Anyhow, here the boy lacks a lot of volume, at least a whole lot more than the previous one. >_> I know in general boys don't have a very curvacious form like women do, but they DO have a back line and it isn't a straight line! There is no form of muscle or whatever here. And again, the eye's too big.

    The head is drawn in a form of a circle - and here the guy's head is anything but. Continuing on with the head, to get a rough measurement of the face and where to place it's features such as the nose and mouth, the size of the foreheard (vertically, as in right inbetween the eyes) is the same size as from the middle of the eyes till under your noes. And from there, to the chin. It's divided into three parts.

    Dude, did that make sense?

    This is my personal favorite one XD I think it's very cute, albeit the flaws. To refrain myself from excessive repetition, I'll highlight the main problems in the first pic - they refer to here as well. Ah, and - try doing different poses lol D:

    Yup yup. Eyes too big. And here in particularly, her head is excessively big lol XD You also have a problem with rendering clothes, and making them look like what they are. Try adding more folds next time, and making it look like they're gripping to her thigh.

    D: Naaaw~~ c'mon, it couldn't have been THAT bad! To get a Snake to bite you. Lol girl. <_<

    Um, I'm not very sure what you're supposed to be sitting on, in that picture. Is it a stone? Anyway the grass could've been done with more care I feel, and the perspective here doesn't work. Every element here is positioned on it's own in a frontal manner, which of course breaks the perspective rules.

    LOL XD Reminds me a little of sumfin....:3

    This one too is pretty cute, I LOVE HER HAT! Even though it looks like it's kinda tumbling off. <_>;

    Feet and hands are pretty small, and while the attempt at giving the skirt folds isn't bad, it's not really consistent. Work on it a little more.

    8D 8D 8D 8DDDD FISHNETS. I LOVE THE FISHNETS. And I *love* how more people are slowly drawing boys in drag. IT'S GREAT! <3

    The hair doesn't resemble that much to Roxas, it's more scattered and curly to my consent. But it's not bad~

    The real problem here is the rendering of dress, it doesn't really look poofy. It's taht same problem, trying to make it look like what it is. The tie around his waist doesn't look like it's particularly tied for the dress lacks wrinkles around that area. At that, Roxas seems to have quite the lady-looking hips.

    Nice try Elfy, I hope to see some improvement~<3

  3. Eclipse Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    umm...ill just go with what SA said lol.
  4. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    ^Lawlz Sir.White, that was fast. Did you even read what I said? XD
  5. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Gawd that was long xD I appriciate it all and will try to improve. I need to start drawing more. And Fine I'll stop drawing in beloved notebook xD.
    Oh, and sorry I forgot the tut completely since I let my imagination run, I wont forget next time :3

    The girl :

    Yeah I know about the head I stated it earlier and I'll try fixing on the other stuff :3.

    The boy : Well I forgot it because hmm I just forgot xD. I'll add it later.
    I'll try on the crit.
    Nup Fairy the rest didn't make so much sence D:

    I <3 music : I am glad you actually liked it :3. Fine I'll make up a new pose =D

    The fly: As I said I really hate it and didn't even try making an effort when I made it xD Yeah if I care to do something with it I will follow your tips. (=

    Comic: I did this for my own lolz xD. She's not sitting on something shes walking down the path but the grass is covering one of her feet :3. Oh I didn't know about the perspective you have to teach me, please ? :3

    The dancer : I hopw it does and that you can fighure that it is a certain someone ? :3

    About the hat, when I forst got the idea I was like *with a fruit hat! :D* and when I drawed I forgot it so I just added it at last so yes it's very clumsy put on xD I'll work on the rest you said =D.

    *rawr* you may eat him now =D and I couldn't resist to try draw cross-dressing x3.
    No it wasn't supposed to be Roxas either it just sort of reminded me of him I said =P.
    Can you teach me how to make it poofy ?
    Oh crap xD I forgot the hips lawl xD sorry I though man when I started and woman when I ended I just realized xD I'll fix that xDDD.

    I'll try and I would appriciate it if you could teach me some stuff and follow up with those tuts you gave me. You havn't given me any homework in a while n_n.
  6. Eclipse Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    i read most of it lol....until i fell asleep.
  7. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Lawl maybe you would learn a thing or two to if you read the whole thing it's really helpful :3.
  8. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    DXXX I know! And I did it JUST for you. <3

    *hyperventilats* TEACH PERSPECTIVE??? Honestly I *hate* it - it's such a horror to control. Teaching perspective, oh my gawd I don't know. I could give you the basics however and explain it a little to you, but don't expect any elaborate details or shyt. Lol.


    Haha xD I could try and give you tips on how to make it poofy = REFERENCE. :D Photo reference is your best friend for this. Also think of maybe doing the skirt in layers, that'll probably help.

    Hey, I'm just glad to help a sexy girl out. ;D No prOoOoOoOoOoOoblem~~

    Aww...I bore you Whitey? ):
  9. Eclipse Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 30, 2006
    nah you dont bore me,just that i havent been getting any sleep this few weeks.cant sleep with all this heat.
  10. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Thanks and again I REALLY appriciate it :3<3

    Yes I am sure you have something to teach me from your experience =D.

    How did you guess ? :3 I have the original with your name on it but on the one here on the forum it's edited I can pm the original to you if you want =D <3.

    Yes, anything helps :glomp:

    Lawl ^_^; Thanks My Godess :3 <33

    I bet anything but pr0n bore him xD.
  11. ducky Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 30, 2006
    Calm down people, it's a drawing. It's not supposed to be realistic. And it's on line paper because maybe he/she didn't have non-line paper, alright? Nothing's perfect, so just leave him/her alone. It's good.
  12. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    They ain't mad :3 I wanted heavy critisism.
    And yes I didn't have non-stripy papers but I usually draw on stripy even when I have non stripy.
    Thanks anyway ~~