Lol, I actually have a suggestion. And I feel like I'm unique enough to think this is the first time it's being brought up. How about having pins on display on each and everyone's post. Spoiler Like having mini pins the size of the IM handle icons but in pin form. And it'll say like "Pins" or something under "Posts".
We had that feature on a forum..., actually they still have it but anyway... Personally i think it would only increase the "i want a pin now" craziness just because well..., it's KH-vids after all... I guess aesthetically it would look nice, like a Pokemon badge case xD
Not sure if that's even an option on the particular pin mod we have installed... but it if it is I wouldn't mind.
Alright, just enabled it. There are three styles to choose from, I just stole this screen from the default thing, but let's see what you all like: It also displays a max of four pins, that can be increased/decreased. Additionally, it seems it's just showing the small icons. I suppose we'll have to make smaller versions of the pins if we want to keep this.
The style is for everyone, right? We can't change it ourselves for our own posts? In that case, I like the first one (current default).
bit of a dum q but showing of the pin wont the sort of rub it in the faces of the people that for some reson can't get the pins
We're gonna try that soon. We'd just be testing it, but if well accepted, it can stay. not exactly. That little thing there only shows 4 pins and very soon we'll add more pins, and perform new events so that everyone can at least get to show some pins off. Most of the pins are actually impossible to miss(granted you meet the requirements) most events are repeated in some manner. We'll soon be adding more pins even normal members can strive to get.